Breast Implant Illness Tests
There is no conclusive test to determine if implants are the cause of illnesses. The body’s manifestation of symptoms is the best indication of a reaction. However, the following list of tests have been used to look into some of the symptoms that come after breast implants and may demonstrate abnormal results. Please be aware that most lab work is found to be relatively normal, even for patients who are symptomatic.
Lab Work:
- Female Comprehensive Hormone Panel:
- CMP (Checks glucose, electrolytes, kidney and liver function)
- CBC + Lipids (Checks red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets for anemia, infection, bruising, and weakness)
- TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, TPO Ab and TG Ab (Thyroid)
- Cortisol (Adrenals)
- Hormones: DHEA-S, Estradiol, Estrogen, Progesterone, Pregnenolone, Testosterone Free and Total, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). It is best to get these checked between days 15-20 of your cycle. Day one of your cycle is the first day your bleeding begins.
- ANA (autoimmune marker)
- CRP, ESR (inflammation)
- Vitamin D, 25 hydroxy (Vitamin D Deficiency)
- Homocysteine, B-12 and folate
- Iron and ferritin
- NK Cells and CD57 (immunodeficiency)
- APA Assay (abnormal immune system response with fibromyalgia)
- Check for viruses and co-infections (viral and bacterial load):
- Epstein Bar Virus (EBV), Mycoplasma, H. pylori, Coxsackie A, Coxsackie B, HSV-I, HSV-II, HHV 6, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Varicella Zoster, and lyme.
- Any virus has the capacity to remain in the body in the latent form throughout our lives and may reactivate when the body is stressed or immune function is compromised. Breast implants serve as a trigger for dormant viruses, reactivating chronic viral infections.
- Candida, IgM and IgG (yeast/fungi)
- Ig = immunoglobulin or antibody. IgM indicates a current and active infection; IgG shows a past infection.
- Parasites, leaky gut, and dysbiosis
- Temperature for thyroid/adrenals:
- Check your body temperature 3 hours, 6 hours and 9 hours under the tongue after waking and get the average of the three temperatures. A healthy body has an average daily temperature of 37° C (98.6° F). Low and fluctuating levels may indicate thyroid/adrenal problems. See body temperature and metabolism and the metabolic temperature graph for more info.
- Liver function tests
- Ultrasound or MRI (recommended to be done without contrast to avoid gadolinium toxicity) – beware of false reads, many times they do not show gel bleed or rupture when there actually is. Dr. Pierre Blais, chemist and implant analysis expert, writes on gadolinium contraindication for implant users.
- Please note, mammography can contribute to ruptures and breast swelling. It is no longer advised for usage with breast implants in the breast implant awareness groups. See here for a study by FDA scientists indicating that silicone or saline implants sometimes rupture when women undergo mammograms. There have also been cases reported in the BIA-ALCL FB Support Group where mammograms have triggered breast swelling and led to BIA-ALCL diagnoses
Toxicity Testing:
Discuss being treated for silicone toxicity, heavy metal toxicity, chemical toxicity, and biotoxicity. See notes below for additional details on some of the labs listed.
Breast implants experience wear, tear, and degradation. Chemist, Dr. Pierre Blais, states, “the devices act as time release systems for pharmacologically active compounds.” Natural shell degradation through oxidation, enzymatic degradation, physical degradation, diffusion of gel bleed, absorption of proteins, pH and acidity, biofilm formation, etc. affect the stability and integrity of the polymeric implant surfaces. They are in the body at 98.6℉, which may increase with exercise, use of saunas, etc. Below are some texts to investigate the toxicity aspect.
- Silicone Toxicity Tests
- Silicone Hypersensitivity Panel (, done through see catalog)
- Silicon Serum/Plasma (NMS Labs – measures the presence of silicon, not silicone or silica)
- Schirmer’s eye test (dryness – sign of silicone toxicity).
- Rheumatologist and silicone toxicity expert, Dr. Arthur Brawer, states: “As an example, at least 75% of symptomatic silicone recipients have markedly dry eyes and dry mouth, and Schirmer tests are quite abnormal in these patients. However, their biopsies of salivary tissues are completely normal, because this ailment is likely due to dysfunction of the receptor for acetylcholine (which normally stimulates these glands).”
- Case Study: Can breast implants be responsible for dry eye? (2014)
- Heavy Metals
- Hair, sweat, nails, saliva, blood, urine, or capsule tissue.
- Due to toxins often being deposited in tissue, blood test levels may be best for acute, relatively high dose exposure, but are usually not so appropriate when exposure is chronic and low level.
- Hair trace mineral analysis (HTMA) is a popular test for showing mineral deficiencies and heavy metal levels from chronic toxic exposure.
- List of Heavy Metals used in manufacturing breast implants
- Biotoxin/Mold
- Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) Test – free online (
- Lab Work: Alpha MSH, C4a, VEGF, ADH/Osmolality, TGF Beta-1, MMP-9, ACTH/Cortisol, Leptin, VIP, and optionally you can test for specific HLA Drs to check for genetic susceptibility to mold sensitivity. For more information on these tests, see here and here. If you are having gut issues you can do the Candida IgM/IgG test. Additionally, mold can also affect the sinus cavities and you can ask to be tested for MARCONS/staph in the nares.
- MRI+NeuroQuant test has shown mold toxicity in a lady in the breast implant illness groups. This test can show changes in the brain caused by toxins or PTSD and is excellent for showing inflammation in the brain from mold. To read more about the NeuroQuant test in relation to mold, see here.
- Other tests: Urine Mycotoxin Tests (mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi, such as mold – see here for a study on mycotoxins), Comprehensive Stool Test, and a Mold Sensitivity Panel (Elisa/ACT).
- If you do test positive for mold, find a naturopathic doctor or functional medicine doctor that specializes in the mold/Dr. Shoemaker protocol. See here for a list of websites that have mold doctor lists. Resources for recovery from mold:,, Dr. Shoemaker 11 Step Treatment Protocol, and
- Chemicals
- Environmental chemicals sensitivity test (ELISA/ACT)
- Toxic Effect chemical quantity tests (Genova)
- Xylene and Toluene urine tests.
- Genova Triad Blood and Urine Profile found xylene in the lab results of a woman with breast implants. Xylene is listed as an ingredient in the FDA SSEDs for breast implants.
- Previous research from Dr. William J. Rhea and his book Chemical Sensitivity: Clinical Manifestations, Volume 3 found that in “some cases, biopsy of the breast adjacent to the capsule revealed elevated levels of benzene, toluene, styrene, xylene, etc” (pg. 1273).
- Genetics
- 23 and Me – DNA genetic testing and analysis, checks for MTHFR and much more. Afterwards you can upload the data to other websites, such as,, and to see how you can support your particular genetic variants with food and supplements. There is also where you can explore specific gene variants connected with certain diseases. 23 and Me comes highly recommended. A majority of the women in the breast implant illness groups test positive for MTHFR and this affects the body’s abilities to detox.
- HLA-B27, HLA-DR52, HLA-DR53 (Red Cross)
- Other
- Metabolic analysis profile (Genova)
- Poryphyrins urine test (Genova)
Dr. Arthur Brawer is a rheumatologist and silicone toxicity expert who has done over two decades of research on breast implant recipients and states: “once silicone recipients became ill from their implants, they became intolerant to small amounts of toxicity coming from elsewhere, the latter of which did not cause any problems prior to implantation (room freshness, hairsprays, perfumes, deodorants, cleansers, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, certain foods, etc.). As you are already aware these phenomena include headaches, nausea, dizziness, etc. whenever ailing recipients came in contact with these items.”
1. If you have implants and develop unilateral swelling, seroma, breast mass, or even capsular contracture, you should push for CD30 ALCL testing. This is especially important with textured implants. See the BIA-ALCL page for more information including the section on documents to share with doctors to help educate them.
2. If you have saline implants, Mycometrics and Real Time can test saline fluid for mold and microorganisms. It costs about $180 per implant and results generally take 3-4 weeks. If you want your implants back after the testing you have to specify it with them beforehand.
3. The 23 and Me genetic testing and analysis comes highly recommended, it is especially of importance to check for MTHFR. A majority of the women in the breast implant illness groups test positive for MTHFR and this affects the body’s abilities to detox. Explant expert, Dr. Lu-Jean Feng, discusses MTHFR and breast implants.
4. The ELISA/ACT labs only test for sensitivity, not for quantity (how much of a substance is present) or antibodies. They take the white blood cells from your blood, place them in lab plate, and add the material being tested to measure lymphocyte reaction. They are not a direct access lab, you either need to go through, call ELISA/ACT to find a lab nearby, or order the test through your practitioner. They offer a variety of tests that can measure sensitivity towards silicone, foods, fungi/molds, chemicals, and more.
In particular, the Elisa/ACT silicone allergy test has grown in popularity. It is called the Silicone Hypersensitivity Panel and it measures sensitivity to: Silicone, Silicates (silicon dioxide), Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Tin/stannous chloride, Titanium dioxide, Petroleum by products, Xylene, Toluene, Benzene, Latex, Phenol, Formaldehyde, Vinyl chloride, Green #5, Blue #2, Violet #2, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Aluminum.
5. The Silicon Serum/Plasma test measures the amount of silicon in the blood, not silicone or silica. Silicone is a synthetic man-made polymer that is made from silicon (Si) that is extracted from silica/silicon dioxide (SiO2) and then is processed further.
- Research results have suggested “that elevations of serum silicon are seen in many women with silicone gel breast implants.”1
- Three studies have shown that capsules from women with silicone gel breast implants had markedly elevated silicon levels compared to serum levels and to control breast tissue.2
- The median level of silicon in 58 capsules from patients with silicone-gel breast implants was approximately 10,000x greater than that of control breast tissue.3
- Four studies have shown that capsules from saline implants had elevated levels of silicon compared with control tissue, but their silicon levels were much lower than those of gel implants.4 “Although saline breast implants have been shown to shed silicone particles from the elastomeric envelope and others have suggested that silica could be released from the elastomer, our results clearly demonstrate that silicon levels in capsules around saline implants were elevated to a much lesser degree than those of gel implants.”5
- A study on cadavers demonstrated measurable baseline silicon levels (varying from 0.2 to 45 ug/g tissue) – in fat, nipple, breast tissue, liver, spleen and axillary nodes – in 9 of 10 cadaveric patients who had not received breast implants. In contrast, 4 cadaveric patients who had received silicone breast implants had silicon levels in capsule and breast tissue, varying from 200 to 1,600 ug/g.6,7
- Silicone is also used in other medical devices (Mirena IUD, penile implants, etc) and they have also had cases of health issues and documented elevated silicon serum.8,9 See here for a story on a woman with a silicone Mirena IUD who displays her elevated silicon serum test results and then retakes the test after detoxification and shows that the silicon levels are no longer detected.
6. There used to be silicone antibody tests, but they have been discontinued. Silicone has become a politically charged and controversial subject, and this has seemingly also affected laboratories. There are no commercial tests available to show the presence of silicone in the bloodstream. However there was a research study done in 2016 on investigating a method to detect silicone in the blood of women with ruptured breast implants, see here. Keep in mind that breast implants do not need to be ruptured for silicone to permeate out as gel bleed.
7. Heavy Metal Testing: for more accurate results it is recommended to use ICP-MS lab analysis methodology. These tests can be done by contacting a toxicologist or discussing with your doctor. See the list of heavy metals used in the manufacturing process of each breast implant. You can show the list of heavy metals for your specific implant to whomever is doing your heavy metal analysis so each metal can be tested for. Additionally, The Carlson Company in Colorado is a toxicology lab that can do heavy metal and chemical testing of explanted capsule tissues.
A less expensive and more popular test is the Hair Trace Mineral Analysis (HTMA), which shows mineral deficiencies and heavy metal levels from chronic toxic exposure. This can be done by a functional medicine or naturopathic doctor. In the breast implant illness community, Pippa Galea does a lot HTMAs.
A handful of heavy metals used in the manufacturing process are coming up in high levels in ladies and among them is copper. A theory is that silicone chemicals are estrogenic in nature and can cause copper toxicity because there is a link between high copper and high estrogen, therefore copper is related to implants due to estrogen dominance. Another theory is that the copper toxicity may be due to the high level of tin in implants (see heavy metals). High tin moves zinc out of the body without allowing it to be absorbed, zinc is an antagonist to copper and is needed to keep copper levels low. Additionally, having the MTHFR gene mutation can impair detoxification, allowing heavy metals and toxins to accumulate. MTHFR has also been associated with high copper and therefore low zinc. Correcting this problem and balancing the ratio is important. High coper can be related to adrenal stress, hypothyroid (thyroid gland is very sensitive to copper), lowered immunity, fatigue, depression, hyperactivity, and more.
8. Functional medicine and naturopathic doctors are recommended to better understand these tests. Environmental doctors are also more equipped with understanding the effects of chronic illness from toxic exposure.
9. If you do not have health insurance or your doctor will not order an ultrasound, check out No doctor order is needed. The price is $195-$235 depending on the state. They move to different cities and states, it changes every month. You will need to check their link to see if and when they will be in a city near you. The price includes a bilateral breast ultrasound including axillary area, radiologist reading, mailed results, and a CD if anything abnormal is found. Mammogram is not effective at detecting breast cancer in those with dense breast tissue. Mammogram is also not very effective in detecting breast implant rupture. MRI is best but very expensive. This information is being shared via Breast Implant Victim Advocacy (BIVA).
10. Lyme and breast implants: Silicone is an immune and endocrine disruptor, breast implants as foreign bodies create an immune reaction, both can contribute to immune dysregulation. This can skew lyme tests. Anyone who was diagnosed or treating lyme prior to explant may consider redoing specific testing about 2-3 months after explant. Explant expert, Dr. Lu-Jean Feng, discusses lyme and breast implants.
11. Do you have chronic fatigue? Chronic fatigue is one of the most common symptoms. This can be from anemia, low iron, low thyroid hormone, weak adrenal function, reproductive hormone imbalances, low vitamin B12 and other nutritional deficiencies, chronic infections, impaired detoxification and an overloaded liver, heavy metal toxicity, mold exposure, allergies, intestinal dsybiosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, and excessive physical or emotional stress. Breast implants create artificial disturbance that disrupts the natural systems.
12. Micronutrient testing: vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies occur when the immune system is weakened, such as in the presence of the foreign body immune interference that occurs with breast implants. “SpectraCell’s Micronutrient tests measure the function of 35 nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within our white blood cells. Scientific evidence shows us that analyzing the white blood cells gives us the most accurate analysis of a body’s deficiencies.” Often times with breast implant illness women are frustrated that generalized lab work appears normal, therefore looking deeper at micronutrient deficiency tests, such as this one and/or the hair mineral test analysis, can help provide further insight on the imbalances that go on and how to manage nutrients and foods to support the body.
1. There is an innovative test that has the potential to identify any co-existing infections or other underlying causes, including other bacterial, viral, or fungal/mold infections. This test is called the NIIM Pathogen Blood Test. It has found silicone granulomas and chronic inflammation in a woman’s blood work.
2. The ELISA/ACT Silicone Hyperensitivity 19 Panel for lymphocyte (white blood cell) reactivity is internationally available via They work through the practitioner Dr. Ritoo Chhabra in Castle Hill, Sydney.
3. Australia launched breast implant screening at the Integrated Breast Implant Check Clinic at Macquarie University Hospital.
Breast Implant Illness: A Way Forward (2019):
“A new breast implant check clinic commenced in Australia, is now scaling to 2 states and will provide an important low cost entry point for women with breast implant-related issues to be assessed both clinically and with imaging and/or pathology. These clinics will serve to capture patient, surgical, implant, and outcome data. They will also serve to standardize work up for patients with potential BII. These will include wide ranging blood screening for autoimmune disease markers (Table 3) and also collect patient-reported outcome measure data with validated instruments such as the BREAST-Q and modified BREAST-Q, as pertaining to cosmetic surgery. These patients will need to be followed up closely and for a period of ≥2 years to track their progress following explantation.”
‘Table 3. Suggested Blood Work for BII’ can be found by clicking on the article above and are listed here:
- Full blood count
- Urea electrolytes creatinine
- Liver function tests
- Thyroid funciton
- Serum IgG, IgM
- Iron, ferritin
- Autoimmune disease markers
- Antinuclear antibody, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, anti-double strand DNA, anti-Sjogren’s syndrome A, anti-Sjogren’s syndrome B, rheumatoid factor, anti ribonucleic acid protein, Anti Sm, antiscleroderma antibodies, anti-TTG (tissue transglutaminase).
Lymphocyte Sensitivity to Silicone is a test that can done by Acumen labs. Dr. Sarah Myhill and Dr. Damien Downing believe in breast implant illness and can help with testing and detox. In Dr. Myhill’s Silicone Breast Implants and Injections, under ‘Tests for Silicone Poisoning:’
“The most sensitive test available in this country to assess the reaction of white cells to silicone in the body is a lymphocyte chemical sensitivity (silicone) test. This just involves sending a blood sample to ACUMEN. This test does not tell us about the total load of silicone but whether or not the immune system has been activated agasint silicone. My clinical impression of tests done so far is that the worst affected women have the highest levels of sensitivity.”
Acumen Labs offers a wide array of unique tests that are not offered in the US, including mitochondrial tests to assess chronic fatigue. See Chronic fatigue syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction.
In May 2020, a German woman won a two year case for disability from breast implant illness. She was initially denied disability so she started a lawsuit.
In November 2019, the court assigned a psychiatrist who told her breast implant illness did not exist and said her illness was caused by social media.
The woman did not accept this decision and applied for a second review. In February 2020, she was assigned an environmental medicine specialist, Dr. med. Martin Schata in Düsseldorf, who ran extensive blood work. In May 2020, she got her new decision:
Chronic inflammation in multiple organs, chronic fatigue as a result of immune response to silicone breast implants. Disabled 60%.
Visit the German BII website (Krank Durch BrustImplantate) and German FB group (Krank Durch Brustimplantate – Breast Implant Illness DE) for more information. The woman in the lawsuit is the founder of the first German BII FB group, linked above.
Separate from the court case but relevant to the matter, she found a German lab called CellTrend that is doing a study on the harm of breast implants to the immune system. Their test for this is called POTS Diagnostic and costs around €467.
Final Thoughts:
Symptoms are your body’s way of indicating a reaction, it is not recommended to rely on lab work for “proof,” as this will be a waste of time and an unreliable approach. Many women who are very ill get disappointed by how their lab results do not reflect their sickness. Once you realize breast implants are contributing to your symptoms, it is best to respond with explantation in a timely manner to prevent further progression of illness.
I’m asking is it possible if the implant is ruptured has insurance helped pay to have these removed, that’s all’s I need to know
Attachment SURG.00023-Breast-Procedures-including-Reconstru….pdf
Looks like some insurance are starting to cover the Elective removal of silicone implanta specific to the recalled ones. Im attaching a pdf copy its under position statement and considered medically necessary.
Has any one had an explant by Dr Gary Branfman in Victoria, Texas??? Consult tomorrow!
I had breast implants in my 20s and I am now 42. When I stumbled upon this article it all made sence. I feel so sick and it just keeps getting worse. I do not have the money to get these removed . Can someone help lead me in re right direction please.
Hi have you found the resources
Hello I live in Boulder CO, am 63 years old and have 40 year old silicone implants. Over the years I have gone to doctors with joint pain, severe dry mouth, severe dry eyes, my chest swells and hurts everyday, I can’t wear normal bras because anything tight hurts and my chest and swells. If I wear stretchy bras I still have chest pain. I have shortness of breath all the time, fatigue, brain fog, skin rash, heart arrhythmia, high cholesterol, kidney stones, etc. Every doctor says none of my symptoms are related to my implants but have not ordered any “special” test to test for Silicone. Everyone wants me to take more medicine. I truly believe all of my illnesses are directly related to my implants. I need help finding the right doctor to order the correct test and diagnose Silicone Toxicity/Poisoning and who can recommend the best surgeon in my area to remove the implants then of course follow up with me to hopefully control any long lasting complications. I hope someone out there can help me! Thank you!
Hello Robin,
I also have the same issues and I am 63 years old. I have not been able to find a doctor to complete any testing except for the normal blood tests and they come back normal. I have the same symptoms. I know it is frustrating having chronic pain and exhaustion. I am unable to find a physician to remove my breast implants that will bill the insurance company and it is over 10000 to have them removed. They have now ruptured. I have spent years trying to find a way to get help however my symptoms have just gotten worse. Good Luck.
I have you found a doctor to help you?
I did genetic testing which was very extensive through which helped me find out the best ways for my body to detox personally! Also what I had issues with detoxing already and which forms of vitamins I metabolize better, so that they don’t also store in my body.
I believe that I have breast implant illness. I have been researching scientific articles to support this (also to convince myself) and I’ve found enough information for this to make sense to me. I’ve read multiple articles on Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), the correlations between breast implants and incidence of connective tissue problems, elevated anti-collagen autoantibodies in women with implants, to name a few. However, I cannot find any scholarly articles supporting the hypothesis that MTHFR mutations inhibit detoxification pathways. While several websites state this as a fact, supporting evidence is never provided. Does anyone have a legitimate resource (scientific article) for MTHFR mutations and detoxification? I ordered a 23andMe kit and then quickly canceled the order when I realized that these claims may not be factual. I’m just really curious! Nothing will deter me from my explantation on Dec 17th, I want my life back.
I am having an explant done by Dr.Eric Wright in Arkansas Little Rock in October 28 and I CANNOT WAIT! (He was rated top 3 explant surgeons)
I have been feeling terrible and have lost SO MUCH HAIR.
Does hair growth get better after you remove them? What can I do to help that process out?
Do heart palpitations get better after removal?
Does stomach bloating get better too?
Hi Sunami! Just wondering if after your explant did your hair stop falling out and is it starting to grow back? I have lost so much and I still am! I’m afraid to brush it or even wash it I loose it by the clumps! I’m so scared! Thank-you!!! I’m pretty sure I have BII and I’m just now researching it!
The HEAL IS REAL I removed implants
I have a silicone chin implant and have been experiencing all kinds of crazy symptoms for 3 years. Would my condition be similar to those with breast implants?
I have a chin implant as well and had it implanted in 2012. A year after I got it, my hair began falling out in clumps so I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with sub-clinical hypothyroidism. The symptoms keep piling on such as sky-high Ferritin levels (Ferritin can also be a sign of inflammation besides being associated with iron). Periorbital edema, tingling in my feet, leg cramps, water retention, sinus issues and still have no feeling in my chin to this day.
is it possible that the MRI shows no rupture but the implants are leaking?
can i totally trust MRI results?
thank you
That’s what I want to know too.
Hello! How does someone get in contact with the person in control of this website? My plastic surgeon is in Kirkland, WA and he specializes in helping women who would like their implants removed/replaced/etc. – en bloc resection of capsular contracture. He personally wants to help educate women who do not have the recourses to know the details of implants and what could happen if your body rejects the ‘foreign’ body.
Thank you!
Hi Stephanie,
This website can be reached by email, [email protected].
Hey Stephanie, can you please share your doctors info? I live in WA and would love to speak to him. Thank you.
Hi, do you know where can I do all this tests here in Miami?
I have all the symptoms! I’m dying on the inside! Surgery scheduled for Feb 18, 2020 how can I wait another month?
Hi Sue, I will be having my removal on Feb.19 2020.
It is such a shame that Dr.s don’t make us more of a priority and get them out sooner. I have at least one ruptured implant (silicone) and in a lot of pain. Your not alone
I have 22 yr old saline textured under the muscle implants. I am 55 yrs old and Id like to explant. Just curious to ask how was your explant surgery? Are you feeling great?
Hi Lisa my name is Amy and I also have 21 year old saline texture under muscle implants. My explant is September 17! I’m literally falling apart waiting for this! How are you? Have you had them removed?
Heart Venn , how did your surgery go , how do you feel now? , i also have silicone leaking , and into my lymphnodes , my surgery is in 2 weeks , finally!
Hi Sue, do you feel better after surgery? Did u have saline or silicone?
I wanted to contact you because I got breast implants on June 2018 and a few months ago I’ve been experienced some simptoms specially in my skin and also on the scar and the nipple. Because of those problems I went to a reumatologist who ordered me som blood test 1 week ago, yesterday I got the result of some of them and the rest aren’t ready yet. But what I got is that the Anti dsDNA was positive (1/40) and the lupus anticoagulant was 35.3 seconds. I am stil missing the rest of the rheumatologist teats that will be ready in a few weeks. I am concerned about this because I’ve been seen by reumatologist 2 years ago and he sent me reumatologist test which were normal (I have saved those too) and now I have been a lot of problems with my skin and with the scar in my breast. I would like to know I I can be part of a research about implants diseases. And it would be a lot of help that I have reumatologist test from before I got the implants and those were normal. I am leaving in Dyer Indiana, very close to Chicago. If you know some hospital that is doing research about this please let me know.
thank you so much.
What was the issue with your scar.. and skin??
I’ve had the same…major skin issues open ulcerative sores all over my body 11 of them were invasive squamous cell and I have weird white spots all over my body That idiot doctors keep referring to as a rash but it’s not a rash it’s white spots…So many other symptoms as well
Hi, Laura. I live in Lowell, IN. Going to my rheumatologist today. All labs are way out of whack! What’s happened to you since your post?
I had a bilateral mastectomy 12/2015; and reconstruction surgery with silicone implants, the past year I have been dealing with a sickness that I can’t get over, my lymph nodes for
the past year have been sore and swollen, joint pain in my hips and knees, sick to the point that I can’t even tell you were. I recently had a CT scan and was told that my one implant is ruptured, I went back to the plastic surgeon and was given very little information other than I should see a rheumatologist. I would like to have the implants removed, I don’t want to be flat chested and was told I don’t have enough fat on me to do a flap. Do you have any suggestions or advice on this implant situation.
I have had my silicone implants for 27 yrs. I was actually on the table having the surgery when the moratorium on them was announced. Migraines were an issue before the implants but now they have become chronic. I know my adrenals are basically non-functioning from a saliva test my gynecologist recommended. Even though I’m told my thyroid blood tests are normal I have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism. They cannot get my hormones regulated. I’m 60 & post menopausal so I thought that was the cause of all my problems. I do know from blood work years ago that I have an extremely high ANA count but no one can figure out why. I’ve been tested for arthritis, sjrogens, lupus & don’t seem to have the markers for those. I have daily headaches & no energy at all & feel pretty depressed. A lowered estrogen dosage caused extreme fatigue, depression, hair loss & even though raised again I haven’t noticed any regrowth. Because they can’t get my female hormones regulated I bleed a lot. I have to take progesterone but am vary sensitive to it. My gynecologist has recommended a hysterectomy but I’m fighting it. I have to take progesterone but it can cause bleeding if I get too much & so can not having it in my system. I think that a lot of this is from non-functioning adrenals. I have felt like I’m going crazy. It’s very depressing not having any energy to live life. Like I said earlier I thought this was due to menopause but now I think differently. Especially after reading about the digestive issues. I had my gall bladder out last year but haven’t noticed any improvement. I think that my health issues developed very slowly over the years until my body finally said enough & now everything is going wrong. I have so many more symptoms that I didn’t even list but they’re on the symptom list here. I just found this website today & I’m still shaking over what I’ve read. I knew the implants were probably causing the migraines & pain in my neck & shoulders. I never connected all the other problems with them. I’m kind of relieved & scared all at the same time. I am grateful to have been made aware of BII.
Wow I felted like I was reading my story. The only thing I did have a hysterectomy after menopause (i felted cheated going through menopause then having to have hysterectomy). I’ve had no improvement in my Quality Of life. I’m having my implants removed at the end of the month. I have a silent rupture in each breast. Wish you the best. Thank you for your thoughts.
How did you find out you had a silent rupture?
Are you feeling better since removal?
Hi my name Genie. I had smooth saline implants for 15 yrs. Now that I look back my symptoms started shortly after having my implants. Nov 30th 2017 was my 1st Er visit I was already losing hair night sweats virtigo fibromayalga pain heart palpitations ect. I had all but a couple symtoms on the list. I continued going to the er and doctor trying to figure out why I was dying but blood tests showed nothing. Went to cardiologist still nothing. My daughter found a post on facebook about BII and said mom they have all the same thing you do. I then joined a breast implant illness group but really didnt want to believe it was true my doctors knew nothing about it. Finally went to an er out of town I was getting sicker by the minute.The doctor told me I think it could be your implants…. finally someone who knew. I called a surgeon the next day and scheduleded my explant. Surgery date march 9th 2018. I immediately felt and looked better and I know have hair again. I had gone almost completely bald from the implants. So glad I had them removed.Breast Implants almost killed me.
I had implants April 2015 I immediately knew my left breast was not healing properly. At 30 days post-OP I told the doc something was wrong. He was very demeaning to me and said I was fine. 30 days later I again told him something was wrong and he accused me of drug seeking! I told him if that was the case it seems I would just tell him I had pain in both breasts. He ordered an ultrasound and said it was normal and again assured me everything was fine, but he was not prescribing more pain meds. I told him I wasn’t concerned about meds I was concerned something was wrong. This scenario continued and at 10 months I was beside myself with frustration, pain, and feeling offended at how demeaning he was to me. By this time there was a physical difference in appearance between my breasts. My left nipple was pointing straight down and the pain was unbarable. He took a picture and asked me to look at it and tell him if they looked different. I was shocked he was acting like he couldn’t see it. I said yes my left nipple is pointing straight down. He said all breadts are a little are fine. One month later I went to him crying begging for help. He knew I had previously had shingles and attributed all the pain as residual pain to shingles and said to go see my PCP. One month later which was now one year after his surgery my breast was swollen I went to him and showed him the swelling and my veins were turning black. He looked at my breast and said “no no no this is not the same breast. What did you do to it?” Suggesting i purposefully did something to injure it to prove my point!@ He sent me to ultrasound and after the test the radiologist called me in to give me the results and told me they were normal. I opened my shirt and showed him the swelling and black veins and he said “well obviously something is wrong. But it is not showing up on the ultrasound you need a CT. I went home and the next morning I had a fever of 102. I called the surgeon and he said the fever had nothing to do with my breast to go see my PCP. I did and they immediately admitted me. I was hospitalized for several days on IV antibiotics and had the CT scan and was told the implant needed to come out. I begged them not to let the original surgeon touch me. But they said he was the only one that could remove it so they had to transfer me by ambulance to the hospital he did surgery and he removed it. He told me the implant was in tact. However my life has drastically changed since then.
I have never smoked. 2yrs ago my lungs were clear now they are filled with ground glass opacity and nodule. I have shortness of breath. 2yrs ago I was hiking at least twice a week with my dogs now I cannot walk to the kitchen from the bedroom without being out of breath and having pain in my chest. I have fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, I just had a mammogram and was told I have silicone in my lymph nodes. Now all these symptoms that have bombarded me in the last 2 years make sense I am vitamin d deficient, extreme dry eye and mouth and have been having trouble keeping food down. But when I vomit I nearly strangle because there is no moisture or fluid. Chronic fatigue, chronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic hydronephrosis, joint and muscle pain, odd rashes and bruising, severe brain fog, dizziness and falling and passing out. Etc
I still have the right implant, because he would charge me to take it out because there is nothing wrong with it!
I need to know where I can get help. I would like to have some part of my life back.
I lived in Cincinnati ohio when I had the surgery, but am now living in Texas
I am hoping for some testing to tell me how far this has spread in my body and what chance I have of recovering from it.
Hi. I have had saline implants for 9 years and was diagnosed with sjogrens, an autoimmune disease 17 years ago. I was recently told I was misdiagnosed and now have Lupus. Diagnosis for that was April 2018. My kidneys are affected and getting worse by the day. My question is since I already had an autoimmune disease, would the implants have contributed to my kidney issues (Lupus Nephritis)? Also, my tests for lupus including a biopsy of my kidneys indicated lupus. Do the implants only cause symptoms of autoimmune disease or can they actually cause the disease and your kidneys to fail? Thanks!
I think that if you were to remove them your body would begin to heal itself
Best wishes
Hi Julie,
There is no test that will unequivocally prove if your implants are causing sickness. If you are having symptoms that is likely an indication of a reaction. You can read news stories and articles under Resources and see if you identify yourself with them. For example, “My Breast Implants Slowly Poisoned Me” and “Breast Implant Illness by Maya.” There is also an increasing amount of YouTube videos of women explanting and sharing their stories.
I removed my breast implant 2 weeks ago after having them for 10 years (200 textured silicone ) ,
During my surgery they found that one of them is raptured , in the photos i took when i went to se them in the pathology it seems that it was raptured for few years ,
My doctor promised me he did not left anything bad in my body & he removed the entire capsule ,
My question is how I can make sure the whole capsule is out & i don’t have any silicone traces in my body , can MRI confirm that ?
Thank you
I’ve had saline implants for 25 – 28 years. In a short period of time, I’ve gained almost 15 lbs. I have severe back aches and horrible cramps. I should mention that I’m 74 years old. The inside of both breasts have been scrapped out because I was constantly getting cysts removed. My dr put in silicone implants which after 10 years ruptured. The dr replaced the implants with saline. So now if I have them extracted I will not have anything. My nipples were also removed because the dr said that is where the cystic problem stemmed from. If I have an extraction done, what are my options (if any). I would not have anything and would be totally flat.
You can get fat transfer
What if you are a tall slender woman, like myself, and don’t have ant fat to be transferred?
Our situations are identical. I am 78. I’d love to share more with you. I’m wondering if we can email each other?
Does insurance cover explant surgery?
And/or replacement or reconstruction due to extensive tissue damage?
Also, why are we so far behind in testing when it seems like Australia may have a test and probably if i research further, that other European countries will be more advanced..?
Hi Kim,
It varies by insurance, some have covered explants. It usually requires perseverance and a medical necessity letter. Start by getting copy of your health insurance and review it to see if there is a section on explant. Generally, the insurance criteria focus on capsular contractures, ruptures, and pain. Dr. Diana Zuckerman has been lobbying for insurance coverage of explants. The organizations she works with help assist women in getting explant insurance coverage: National Center for Health ([email protected]) and Breast Implant Information Organization ([email protected] or take their survey).
The US does seem to be behind in testing in comparison to Europe, specifically Germany is a pioneering leader in lab work. There used to be a wide array of immunological tests available in the US for silicone toxicity. Unfortunately, silicone is a politically charged topic around the world that deters professionals from legal and political involvement, especially in regards to breast implants.
Hi, does anyone have a good doctor in New York ? Thank you
I am the caregiver for my dementia stricken wife 65. She has an implant on left side believed to be saline from 1994 following reconstructive surgery from stage 3 breast cancer. Went to plastic surgeon yesterday to consult about explant. Risks for her in her 78 lb body and dementia state are scary even with twilight sedation. I made the decision to hold off on surgery based on fears of complications and am having 2nd thoughts on my decision. The imbalance of a large implant on one side and virtually no breast on the other makes me wonder if there is discomfort that she can’t tell me about because she is nonverbal. She has had many symptoms through the years and her TSH levels have wildly gyrated from 20 to .0004 and we can’t seem to stabilize them. The responsibility of making a decision of serious magnitude that may turn out badly weighs heavily on me.
Any input would be appreciated.
Hi Steve, this might help you help your wife heal. I have seen so many healing stories from ppl following Anthony’s recommendations. I’ve been following him for 8 months & I am healing. Listen to Breast Implant Illness by Medical Medium #np on #SoundCloud Listen to Unknown Cause of Alzheimer’s by Medical Medium #np on #SoundCloud
Those who have breast implant illness, do they usually have one or two mutations in MTRF gene?
Hi Mia,
In a poll done in one of the BII FB groups over half the respondents reported they had MTHFR. Having two copies can leave one more susceptible to toxicity and detox issues, however more research would need to be done to determine if there’s a leniency towards one or two mutations.
Ive have saline implantes 14yrs. i am just now aware that they should have been removed by after an amount of time.
Over the past few yrs I have been getting issues headaches..dizziness..muscle spasums..chest pains..tightness..tired all the platlets and co2 and setiments all came back High.
What test should I ask my doctor to order to confirm its the implants.
I guess to relieve symptoms and deterioration the implants must come out. And just be flat and marred after Bilateral mastectomies for stage 1 cancer.
Hello Julie 🙂 There are options….I am currently researching…DIEP flap, SGAP, and LSGAP. All involve using a patients own tissue to rebuild breasts. Any surgery of this type should be done by a microsurgeon. Check out Johns Hopkins, Dr. Ariel Rad, and the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery in New Orleans for starters. I am in the process of consulting with all three and still researching the surgery itself, outcomes, other surgeons who offer and ALL options.
I’ve had saline implants for 12 years but in the last 3 years have developed Rhumathoid and Osteo I have vast inflammation and am on lots of drugs with little relief. I am afraid to have explain in case it isn t the source and the cost will cripple me too . Would have to get a loan also can’t find anyone in UK to do explant. Any advise please
I had explant in UK in March 2017 by Mr Banwell in Surrey. Amazing surgeon. BII was 100% the cause of all my 52 symptoms.
Hi Joy,
I live in California and have 13 year old mentor smooth saline implants. I began having BII symptoms about 6 years ago? Pain in My shoulder neck and arm, Fatigue, Swollen eyes, dry eyes, pain in my feet, hands and joints. Increasingly became worse. Doctors had no explanation! Finally after sobbing in the doctors office and telling her SOMETHING is very wrong with me she ordered LAB work and Boom it showed inflammation was thru the roof and I was diagnosed with Auto Immune disease RA rheumatoid Arthritis. I am on Biologic injections every week but they don’t seem to be working AND I take Methotrexate. I believe ALL of this is due to my decision at the age of 43 to do what I had dreamed of since age 18. Big mistake! I’m now almost 58. I need to EXPLANT but need a doctor in Northern California Thankful I found this website
I live in No Calif too and it sounds exactly like me, did you find a good explant Dr?
Check out Dr Bednar in Charlotte, you won’t be disappointed!!
Hi, they’re asking about Northern California. Any recommendations anyone for a good explanation surgeon in Sacramento area?
Hi, I am trying to find out more info on my breast implants. If there was ever a recall on them. They are mcghan style 76 double lumen put in in 1991. Are they textered. I know they are silicone. Does anyone else have them?
Hi Tammy,
You may be interested in joining the FB McGhan Breast Implant Stories support group. I checked the FDA Medical Device Recalls, entered McGhan, and four recalls came up – three out of the four were for saline textured and one was for smooth silicone. I did not see any for silicone textured, however textured implants are some of the most abrasive and problematic to the body. McGhan Medical Corporation has a long and deep troubled legal history and its founder Donald McGhan is serving a 10 year sentence in Texas federal prison, you can read more about it here.
I have McGhan double lumen put in in 1990. I have had many diagnosis of autoimmune diseases ever since. Mine are style 178. I requested the textured ones but my PS put these in without any prior discussion. In addition to my RA, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, asthma, Lyme’s, memory and speech issues I have been dealing with ductal non-malignant tumors discovered by nipple discharge. I have a new discharge in the same breast that is almost black. I am shocked that something that has made you so sick is not covered by insurance. I would be delighted to return to my state of flatchestedness. I haven’t read where anyone else has experienced nipple discharge.
Ive had my implants since 1995,
Saline Mentor 480cc. Not what I wanted but he made them bigger.
Iver past 10 years I have been sick with 49 of 50 symptoms and more. Only diagnosis they can come up with is Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Finromyalgia. EBV antibidies, vision blurred ringing ears hair falling out weight loss impossible gained 40 lbs, headaces, major major joint pain. Had dexa and they say innine year Ive gone from normal bones to osteopenia Over past 5 years Ive had increase in all the symptoms, short breath cant take deep breath major joint pain stiffness in every joint!! But ALL my labs are perfect except my TPO for Hashimotos. Chokesterol has been on rise and Vit D defficiency with High Calcium.
The fatigue and feeling like 90’years old is the worse part! Ive been told if you have an auto immune fisease that the aurgery for explant is very hard and they re recommend against it! If the implants are the cause how can you get better without explant.
Also is there a list of Drs in Florida area that will do all this testing? I have a few consultations with Drs for explant. I do hope and pray this is my answer to feeling better!
Hi Suzie,
Explant will give your body an opportunity to strengthen its immune system. Foreign interference disrupts the normal functions of the body (immune, endocrine, neurological, digestive, metabolic, etc). Some symptoms such as shortness of breath should resolve shortly after explant and others may take longer. In some cases women diagnosed with autoimmune diseases such as Hashimotos, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus have had their autoantibodies reverse after explant (myself included). These types of tests can usually be done through functional, integrative, or naturopathic doctors. For explant surgeons, there are a number of good ones in Florida. In particular Dr. Barnett in Sarasota, FL comes highly recommended by women.
Hi there I have every single one of your symptoms and my insurance turned me down for surgery. My tests of course come normal and my doctors think I’m nuts so frustrating. Hope you get the surgery and help you need! Praying for you
Hi, My story is too long to tell accurately, but I had problems from day 1 and recently learned of this illness, and I know I have it! The timing is spot-on, and I have so much damage to my body right now, that I will probably die if I don’t have an explant asap! It’s been 14 years of living hell and a decline in my health, brain, and social life. I’m extremely depressed and need them out ASAP! My tests recently show all kinds of problems that I have fixed over and over, but I need a recommendation of a good doctor who will do a great job and hopefully, reconstruct a bit with my tissue. I’ve had 3 operations so far this year, but all have been laparoscopic, and I’m still full of toxins, allergies, and I’m sure a lot of the damage, such as narcolepsy to my brain will not be reversed, however I have no chance of stopping this progression without an explant soon! Please advise! I live north of Detroit. Thank you! If you need me to spread the word or tell my story in depth, I would be happy to! I want people you know what these doctors already knew before they put my implants in, especially with the problems I had soon after which they said were all normal! I’m screaming mad! Thank you, Kathy
Hi Kathy I live in the Detroit area and I’m also experiencing issues. I noticed that you posted this back in 2017. How are you now, did you have surgery?
Hello I had saline implant texture for 6 years just removed them 10 days ago, before removal I had pain in lungs like inflammation symptom in chest sore and a cough went to emergency had x-ray shows normal this chest cough and pain has been going on two months I’m not sure what could be the case I do notice after I cleaned my house and used bleach in bathroom I was in so much pain in chest ever since I been the same could it be mold ? My implant removal showed cleaned and no fluids leaking they looked pretty clean I need advice what test should I take or do is it inflammation in my chest?
Hi Yvonne,
Textured implants are some of the worst and your symptoms align with them. With implants you may have felt worse after cleaning because of the multiple chemical sensitivities that develop. Textured implants have aggressive chemicals in them and women can develop sensitivity to chemicals, such as bleach and cleaning agents. I recommend reading above under Dr. Claudia Miller and Dr. Arthur Brawer on chemical and silicone sensitivities.
10 days post explant you are still in a state of inflammation and going through a lot of changes. Take the first month very lightly and do not worry about tests until at least a few months to six months post explant. Give your body time to heal, especially in the first few months after explant.
I have saline implants but I keep reading that it’s only silicone you have to worry about. Is that true?
Hi Alma,
Saline and silicone breast implants both can cause profound sickness in ladies. Saline implants are encased in silicone shells and contain heavy metals (such as tin, platinum, arsenic, lead, etc). Many have faulty valves that sometimes can allow body fluid/tissue in and allow colonization of fungal microorganisms inside the implant.
Breast implants serve as interference to the immune system. They are large foreign bodies placed over vital organs and cause a foreign body reaction that overtime weakens the immune system and creates a state of chronic inflammation. A weakened immune system means reduced immunity, one is more susceptible to infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitical). Inflammation causes a myriad of symptoms throughout the body and it decreases detoxification. Altogether, various factors involving implants contribute to a vicious cycle of vulnerability
alma.. all implants are made from silicone, the difference is what is inside the implant (i.e. saline, silicone) implants can’t just be made from saline, you need the implant shell too, which is silicone
I have had my breast implants for 10 years . I have been struggling with illness for about same time not making the connection. I have Epstein-Barr mycoplasma hhv-6 Lyme cytomegvirus and 2 variants of the MTHFR. And chronic fatigue and hearing loss and eye soght loss and hair loss just to mame a few.Not sure if its my silicone implants or not
Hi Connie,
High viral titers and various infections thrive with breast implants. The key is the interference with the immune system that can no longer regulate them.
Breast implants are interference to the immune system, causing an inflammatory foreign body reaction where your immune system is chronically trying to fight the implants until eventually it is overwhelmed and impaired. A weakened immune system develops. This allows for opportunistic pathogens (bacteria, fungi, parasites) to gain a foothold and grow rampant, and for dormant viruses to reactivate (ex. EBV, cytomegalovirus, etc.). Additionally, silicone breast implants release microscopic amounts of gel bleed (silicone, heavy metals, and chemicals) and these add to the toxic overload and create detoxification problems, especially if you have two variants of MTHFR. Biofilm is another problem, it is known to commonly coat the surfaces of implants. This causes low lying chronic infections, capsular contracture, and is a place for lyme to hide. All of this adds up to a slowly developing chronic debilitating illness affecting many organ systems of the body.
Ultimately, reducing toxic interference in all forms is the basis for healing. By reducing toxic exposure and implementing natural support, the body becomes able to function again and move away from its disrupted and influenced state.
My doctor says that a breast ultrasound will not be covered by my insurance however he did give me a script. I also have a script for a mammogram. Which should I do? My doctor says the mammogram will be more acute in finding abnormalities and cancer, but the ultrasound is only useful once an issue is detected; then they can zero in on what looks abnormal. What if I get the mammogram and my saline implant ruptures? I am scheduled to get them out 9/22/17 but doctor prefers the mammogram first.
Hi Tammi,
My honest opinion is that the breast ultrasound is the preferred option. There’s been too many ladies in the breast implant illness groups who have had their symptoms worsen after mammograms. There is also the possibility of rupture.
The mammogram experience with breast implants is different than normal. From the Mayo Clinic: “Breast implants, either saline or silicone, can obscure mammogram images, decreasing the ability of mammograms to reveal breast cancer.” Mammogram is not effective at detecting breast cancer in those with dense breast tissue. Mammogram is also not very effective in detecting breast implant rupture. These factors can also affect ultrasounds, but the ultrasound at least is safer in the sense that it won’t compress the breast implants and does not use radiation.
The most important thing is to get explanted – if the surgeon sees anything suspicious he will send it to pathology and the capsules (scar tissue) should be sent to pathology too, to be checked for bacteria, fungi, atypical cells, inflammation, and foreign material.
should I get tested before or after my implants are out?
Hi! If we remove the implants, do we start feeling better or is the “damage done”?
Hi Chantal,
Women start feeling better after removing their implants. Lessening the toxic load on the body is a positive change. The body will overall experience a relief from the stressors that have been triggering a foreign body reaction (inflammation), leaking toxins (silicone, heavy metals, chemicals), increasing oxidative stress, increasing vulnerability to infections, and causing an artificial disturbance in the body.
Length of recovery can depend on how long you have had the implants in, if the capsules were fully removed, if you have MTHFR and/or other genetic variants that affect detoxification, the progression of the illness, types of implant (such as if you had silicone and they ruptured or if you had saline implants and they developed mold), etc.
Some symptoms may clear immediately and others may take longer. Autoimmune antibodies that developed with implants may or may not reverse. I’ve seen many ladies in the breast implant illness groups reverse their Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s, and other autoimmune conditions after explant, but this is not guaranteed. Many women develop damage to their guts (leaky gut, IBS, candida, etc) and that is fixable after explant with proper diet and treatment. Other common areas that may require healing after explant include addressing the immune, endocrine, liver, and other systems. Without explant any treatment will only act as a temporary bandaid.
The less time one has had them in, the faster is the consensus for recovery. It can take one to two years after implant and full capsule removal to fully recover but others can take longer. There are some women who unfortunately never fully recover their health or quality of life due to the severity of the damage and toxicity of the breast implants.
After explant, give your body time to heal and assist it with a detoxification phase. The body is capable of great regenerative and healing potentials when treated properly. The heal is real!
I had silicone implants but in 12 yrs,ago this past yr I have been sick with varies things . My daughter brought it to my attention that her girlfriend became sick . She has her implants removed . Has become so much healthier. My dilemma is this the only ins I have is Medicaid. If I need them removed how do i find a,Dr to do the removal with no money to go to a plastic Surgion again . Please,I need some help . I am 62 yrs old I want to feel healthy again what,do I do.
Thank you
Hi Patricia,
If you need help financially, some options are:
1. Contact the Explant Financial Assistance Program.
2. If you have capsular contracture and health insurance, try to file a claim with your insurance to see if they will cover it.
3. GoFundMe or YouCaring
Hey I’ve had my implants 1year 5months they have never felt right. Numb and tender! I’m constantly poorly and tired! How do I get tested! Thanks Kate!
Hi Katie, there is no definitive test for breast implant illness however the above list of tests have been useful as indicators of a systemic response. Ultimately, it is really important to listen to your body.