About Breast Implant Illness
Breast implant illness is characterized by chronic negative health effects resulting from implantation of silicone or saline breast implants. Symptoms of breast implant illness vary from person to person due to genetics (MTHFR, HLA-B27, HLA-DR52, and HLA-DR53), pre-existing autoimmune disease, type of implants, progression of illness, use of mammograms, and trauma. First signs of illness tend to include the following common symptoms: fatigue, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, memory loss), muscle aches, joint pain, hair loss, dryness throughout the body, recurring infections, gastrointestinal and digestive issues, rashes, food and chemical sensitivities, anxiety, and problems with thyroid and adrenals. Essentially what is occurring is artificial disturbance and interference within the body, starting with the immune system, then consequently affecting other systems and eventually creating a cascade of systemic dysregulation. It is a very multifaceted illness. Symptoms are widespread and can be related to the chronic foreign body response and inflammation, oxidative stress, biofilm, and toxicity (silicone, heavy metal, chemical, biotoxin).
Signs & Symptoms:
Fatigue or chronic fatigue
Cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, difficulty concentrating, word retrieval, memory loss)
Muscle aches, pain, and weakness
Joint pain and soreness
Hair loss
Dry skin, eyes, mouth, hair
Weight gain or weight loss
Easy bruising and slow healing of wounds
Temperature intolerance
Low libido
Ringing in the ears
Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath
Metallic taste in the mouth
Oral thrush (white tongue)
Night sweats
Skin rashes
Estrogen/progesterone imbalance, diminishing hormones, or early menopause
Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the breast area, underarms, throat, neck, or groin
Tingling or numbness in the arms and legs
Burning pain around the chest wall or breasts
Cold and discolored hands and feet
Foul body odor
Muscle twitching
Frequent urination
Chronic neck and back pain
Nail changes (cracking, splitting, slow growth, etc.)
Skin freckling, pigmentation changes (darkening or white spots), or an increase in papules (flesh colored raised bumps)
Edema (swelling) around eyes
Premature aging
Decline in vision or vision disturbances
Slow muscle recovery after activity
Liver and kidney dysfunction
Gastrointestinal and digestive issues
Sudden food intolerances and allergies
Smell or chemical sensitivities
New or persistent infections – viral, bacterial, and/or fungal (candida)
Reoccurring sinus, yeast, and UTI infections
Throat clearing, cough, difficult swallowing, choking feeling
Chronic inflammation
Feeling like you are dying
Headaches, dizziness, and migraines
Mood swings, emotional instability
Anxiety, panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts
Hypo/hyper thyroid symptoms
Hypo/hyper adrenal symptoms
Symptoms or diagnosis of fibromyalgia
Symptoms or diagnosis of lyme
Symptoms or diagnosis of EBV or other viral reactivation
Symptoms or diagnosis of dysautonomia
Symptoms or diagnosis of mast cell activation disorder (MCAS)
Common autoimmune symptoms or diagnoses: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjörgen’s syndrome, Raynaud’s syndrome, Graves disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.
Breast implants commonly affect the following systems:
- Metabolic (fatigue)
- Neurological (cognitive dysfunction)
- Endocrine (thyroid, adrenal, sex hormones, ADH)
- Immune (viral, fungal, bacterial infections, and formation autoantibodies)
- Digestive & Gastrointestinal (dysbiosis, leaky gut, malabsorption, food intolerances)
If you have symptoms of breast implant illness, please report them all to the FDA through the MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form.
Breast implants (1) stimulate a chronic foreign body inflammatory response, (2) they have a slow leakage of silicone/heavy metals/chemicals termed as “gel bleed,” (3) commonly develop biofilm/bacteria on their surfaces, and (4) as polymeric biomaterials they oxidize in the body and contribute to degradative oxidative stress. With saline there is also the added element that many of the saline valves are permeable and allow body fluid/tissue in and allow colonization of microorganisms inside the implant. These microorganisms produce metabolites which are toxic to us known as biotoxins.
Breast implants are large foreign bodies that interfere and weaken the immune system, triggering immune dysfunction and often auto-immune symptoms. The weakened immune system then allows opportunistic pathogens to take a foothold. The body is left vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and other invaders that it would normally be able to defend against, causing serious infections and reactivating dormant viruses. Additionally, the implants are made out of a concoction of neurotoxic and carcinogenic chemicals and heavy metals that slowly breakdown and accumulate in the body, causing an overload of toxicity. All implant shells are made out of silicone and are semi-permeable. Upon implantation they release heavy metals, silicone, and chemicals that can migrate and be stored throughout the body. Silicone is an adjuvant and an endocrine disruptor. It is an internal irritant that has the ability to modulate immune, endocrinological, and neurotransmitter functions. The silicone that leaks out of breast implants is in the low molecular form which is very toxic to the body. Its widespread effects induce silicone toxicity and can impair many functions. The exposure to toxic chemicals causes immune disruption (autoimmunity, allergies, recurring infections), accelerated aging, neurological symptoms, and more.
Overall, the chronic stress of the foreign body reaction, silicone toxicity, heavy metal exposure, and gel bleed result in a weakened immune system, buildup of implant toxins, free radicals inducing oxidative stress, and vulnerability to opportunistic pathogens (bacteria, fungi, parasites). Immune dysfunction allows opportunistic pathogens to grow out of control (ex. candida) and for dormant viruses to reactivate (Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, etc). A cascade of systemic dysregulation eventually develops. In addition, saline implants can have faulty valves and cultivate mold and microorganisms. Detoxification can be increasingly impaired as the liver, kidneys, and other excretory organs struggle to remove toxins. The body goes into a systemic state of chronic inflammation. All of this adds up to a slowly developing chronic debilitating illness affecting many organ systems of the body.
When do breast implants cause illness:
Breast implant illness occurs in both saline and silicone implants and is a very multifaceted illness. Breast implants are large foreign objects that overwhelm and weaken the immune system, eventually creating a cascade of dysregulation in the body that may include autoantibodies and autoimmune diseases, endocrine dysfunction, thyroid/adrenal problems, gut dysbiosis, and more. Essentially they are immune provoking foreign bodies that indwell and deteriorate in the body, therefore it is not a matter of if you will get sick, it is a matter of when you will get sick. An overburden of toxicity manifests itself in inflammation and other health issues.
Leakage, ruptures, and shell degradation can increase symptoms. Implants have 40+ toxic chemicals, various silicones of different molecular weights, and many heavy metals (such as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, platinum, and more). Intact implants have semi-permeable shells and leak gel bleed of low molecular compounds from the time they are implanted, as written in FDA documents.1 Chemist, Dr. Pierre Blais, states “the devices act as time release systems for pharmacologically active compounds.” Natural shell degradation through hydrolysis, oxidation, enzymatic degradation, physical degradation, diffusion of gel bleed, absorption of proteins, pH and acidity, biofilm formation, etc. affect the stability and integrity of the polymeric implant surfaces. The shells become weaker and more vulnerable to increased degradation and rupture as they age.
Differences in individuals and in implant quality can affect the degradation rates. However, the body will always attempt to break down anything placed in it and degradation will always be occurring, increasing with age (generally around 6-8 years it speeds up). This is why some women do not experience symptoms until years down the road, while for others it happens very quickly. It may depend on how much toxins are being released and how well your body is at excreting toxins. One study done on 415 women with breast implants found the latency period between the initial implant surgery and appearance of symptoms to be 1 to 4 years.2
The cohesive gel breast implants have particularly aggressive chemicals and heavy metals, the first symptoms seem to show up fairly early. In a manufacturer study, a cohesive gel implant was analyzed in-vitro for 120 days to inspect gel bleed and found low molecular weight siloxanes and platinum permeated out of the shell, these may contribute to symptoms early on.3 Toxins eventually accumulate and overload our detoxification pathways.
Identifying breast implant illness:
There is no single test to diagnose breast implant illness therefore symptoms can be used to recognize the pattern of characteristics prevalent with breast implants. On physical examination patients often look well while feeling terrible. It is an invisible illness that often goes undetected or misdiagnosed. Chemical poisoning, silicone toxicity, heavy metal toxicity, and biotoxicity are often underlying factors. The “classic” autoimmune symptoms generally do not apply here, autoantibodies are often detected but symptoms and tests do not generally follow classical autoimmune and rheumatological criteria. Some researchers have said that breast implants create an illness of their own.4 Unfortunately plastic surgeons will not help in identifying breast implant illness and much of the medical community will refute it. Environmental medicine, functional, and naturopathic doctors tend to have more experience in identifying the toxic effects that occur.
See Resources for current experts and studies. Click here to read a sample of some studies.
Two studies that collectively detail the clinical features and physical examinations of over 700+ women with breast implants are:
- A Case Series Survey of Silicone Breast Implant Patients
- Chronology of Systemic Disease Development in 300 Symptomatic Recipients of Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants
The article “Destiny Rides Again: the Reappearance of Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implant Toxicity” by rheumatologist and silicone toxicity expert Dr. Arthur Brawer was published in January 2017 and details the symptoms of the new generation of cohesive silicone gel-filled breast implants. See here for the full scientific article.
In July 2017, the article “Breast Implant Illness: Symptoms, Patient Concerns, and the Power of Social Media” was published by Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons). Under Article Tools click on ‘Article as PDF.’
Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld has published a series of articles on autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). These include how silicone in breast implants is an immune adjuvant. “[E]xposure to silicone adjuvants led to immunologically-mediated immune responses that manifested as arthralgia, arthritis, malaise and pyrexia, headaches, fatigue and generalized weakness.” – The Asia Syndrome: Basic Concepts.
FDA Acknowledgement of Breast Implant Illness:
1. March 2019, the FDA officially added “Systemic Symptoms (Breast Implant Illness (BII))” to their Risks of Breast Implants.
2. May 2019, the FDA issued a new safety statement in response to the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting on breast implant concerns held in March 2019.
While the FDA doesn’t have definitive evidence demonstrating breast implants cause these symptoms, the current evidence supports that some women experience systemic symptoms that may resolve when their breast implants are removed, referred to by some patients and health care professionals as breast implant illness.
We believe women considering a breast implant should be aware of these risks. As we describe below, we are taking steps to better characterize the condition and its risk factors, and are considering ways to help to ensure women have all of the information they need to make informed decisions about whether to obtain breast implants or to remove existing breast implants in an effort to reverse systemic symptoms. – FDA
3. August 2020, the FDA released Medical Device Reports for Symptoms in Women with Breast Implants.
Explant and Recovery:
“I would say that most patients recover their illness, recover their health after a proper explantation. Percentage? I would put it at over 75%.” – Dr. Lu-Jean Feng (Webinar Transcript, pg. 7)
Dr. Marissa Lawrence has conducted BII research on over 300 patients in her practice and found that 86% report partial relief of symptoms at three months post-explant and 95% at 12 months. “The symptoms most likely to improve include fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, hair loss, visual disturbances, muscle and joint pain, and anxiety/depression,” she says.
“We see it both with saline implants, silicone implants, I see it equally with ruptured implants and not ruptured implants. So the common denominator is the presence of silicone … I would say about 80 percent of my patients feel significantly better.” – Dr. Jae Chun (CBS8 news, Thousands of women claim breast implants made them sick, February 2019)
Systemic Inflammatory Disease Resolution Following Cosmetic Silicone Breast Implant Removal clinically illustrates how “silicone can induce a significant systemic inflammatory disease where implant removal is essential for disease resolution.”
Explant is the most important step, it removes the underlying triggers that have been interfering with your body. Proper explant is done through an En Bloc or Total Capsulectomy procedure, where there is full capsule removal.
I have numbing in my fingers and toes. Recently, I have even had a severe burning sensation in my right hand. It was so bad I that it had woke me up out of deep sleep to get my bottle of Tylenol since I had run out of Gabupentin (non addictive pain meds). They had already tested me for Diabetes, which came back negative.
I had recently stumbled upon information by accident. My issue may be Neuropathy, creating plaque around nerve endings caused by Toxins. Where would those Toxins be coming from? Probably from the implants.
Currently, I am unemployed due to my health issues (pain). I feel like I have the flu all of the time. Sometimes, my eyes swell out of nowhere because of an allergic reaction, so it’s hard to see. I don’t have insurance, so I have no pain meds.
I am researching natural healing modalities to try to offset the issue (toxins) causing the plaque since I cannot afford to have the implants removed at this time: Curcumin (Turmeric), Marshmellow Root, Black Seed Oil, Boron, Magnesium, Multivitamins, Collagen, etc.
I will be so happy to have my implants removed eventually. BII is not pseudo-science; it is an actual health condition.
Attachment BII-POSTER_Completed-Version-on-6th-Feb-2023.pdf
Hi! I have made BII Poster. Please use this poster to raise awareness about BII. Please edit this poster to translate into another languages.
Iv had my implants 7 years now,and i started experiencing a few of these symptoms on and off the past year,i wanted to ask since i didnt see it here one of my implants starts feeling heavy sometimes,or full like there is air in it or a random pumping pain also on and off and it feel likes someone if putting cold water inside it the breast itself isnt cold thu,i had an ultrasound done the implants are completely fine,bas its just so uncomfortable it makes me cry everytime it happens. Could it be a symptom? Did anyone experience this before? Also a year after getting implants i started having panic attacks from flying(airplanes) with literally no previous trauma or experince i use to like traveling but also thought (and drs told me) i could have just developed a phobia,however after reading this page could this also be a symptom? Thankyou in advance. I will be going to a surgeon soon iv wanted them out since all this started but im just so worried about the aftermath look however feeling good is more important.
I have been trying to figure out what’s going on with me. My symptoms could be from Covid but also my implants. A person in another group said their symptoms were aggravated by Covid and once they got their implants out their anxiety and depression went away. That’s what I am experiencing. Brain fog, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I want to have myself back. I think I have decided what I need to do. I have an explant appointment set up for April 11th. If the symptoms go away by then great but if not I think I need to proceed with the explant to save my life. I have been prescribed anti depressants but I don’t want to take them do to their own side effects. I don’t want to bandaid the issue if it is my implants. I’ve only had them for a year and I love them but I want my life back. Are there any organizations that help with funding explant? Did anyone else’s symptoms start after they had Covid? Did explant help resolve the issues? Thank you ❤️
Hello Taryn. I got very I’ll 4 years ago removed mine and got 90% better. Got Covid year 2 after removal and it seemed to all start again was diagnosed with Long Covid. Looking now into MCAS. It’s an immune system issue implants can cause and am wondering if Covid made it flare back up.
I understand from my own experience and my heart is with all you who are experiencing symptoms from implants. Our lives are valuable and precious! Dr. Lu-Jean Feng (The Lu-Feng Climic) Pepper Pike, Ohio (near Cleveland) https://m.fengclinic.com is a well-known and highly skilled plastic surgeon specializing in explant. She removed mine and did beautiful work. Used the same incision line. She also has a health clinic and counsels you how to get better. I highly recommend her. Friends drove me and we shared a hotel room for a couple days until my drains were removed. I highly recommend her if you can make the trip. Remember the show “The Waltons”, Erin, the middle girl, became an activist after removing her implants, marymcdonough.com. May God bless and heal you in every way.
Dr. Lu-Jean Feng (The Lu-Feng Climic) Pepper Pike, Ohio (near Cleveland) specializes in explant. She removed mine and told me when she tells women who come to her for implants, what’s going to happen to them, maybe only two women in a whole year will still insist on getting them. They are dangerous (saline or silicone). Implants have destroyed every aspect of my life. You think you are gaining one thing, but you end up losing everything! Another doctor told me implants start poisoning you the moment they are placed in your body. Don’t delay another day ladies, make your appointment…your life is precious and depends on it. A man will not love you more with implants, and you are worth more than breasts. Dr. Feng is an expert at explant and did beautiful work. No additional scars! She also has a health clinic and counsels you how to get better. Friends drove me to Cleveland and we shared a hotel room for a couple days until my drains were removed. Remember the show “The Waltons”, Erin, the middle girl, became an activist after removing her implants, marymcdonough.com.
Please don’t despair or give up no matter how sick you are. We have to ask God each day for the strength to carry our crosses. Your suffering is redemptive and has value (like Christ). It’s more powerful than an atomic bomb (read about redemptive suffering). Since we already have it, why not put it to good use? Unite and offer it to Jesus daily (preferably thru His mother, Mary, who is our mother, too). Even if you don’t believe, try to do it anyway, because God believes in you! Tell God you’re sorry and we must return to Mass and sacraments (if we are Catholic). So many blessings and healings began flowing I knew I wasn’t alone. God sometimes allows us to make mistakes because He knows we will finally come to Him in our time of need. Know you are loved infinitely by God no matter what you’ve done and nothing can make Him stop loving you because He is love itself. This is more important than anything else you do! EWTN (television) has also been my lifeline and support to get me through this sickness!
Hi Pamela, I had my breast implants maybe around the same time you had yours. I had my procedure done at John Hopkins Reconstructive Surgery Department in Baltimore, Maryland and are experiencing adverse effects. It sickens me to read how the manufactures of these products have a goal for making millions for faulty products that has a potential of injury. Feel free to email me at my email address for more conversation if interested. My email address is: [email protected] Thank you for sharing and enjoy the Holidays. Happy New Years! From: T. Taylor
Thank you so much for developing this website. I am a veterinarian so am a medically sound person but I had always blamed all these symptoms on the fact that I had my ovaries out the same year I had my mastectomy with implants done. I am so relieved to learn that I may gain some of my health back once I get my implants out. I have wanted them out for a while but was waiting to lose weight so that I didn’t have a belly with a flat chest but I have learned from others that they could not lose weight until the implants were removed due to chronic inflammation. I feel angry about this. The lack of information at the time is unacceptable and requires mild effort. I hope that people will somehow know the risks of implants before they have them as the illness issues are a terrible burden and I would have chosen otherwise had I been able to envision the problems that were coming. Thanks again for being dedicated to informing people.
Hi. I have so many if the described symptoms
I’m really afraid to go to another surgery.
I passed very bad time to put it in. Very scare. Somebody already did the surgery to take out?
Mine are salines under muscle.
Thanks any tip will help
I’m new to the site. How do you start the process? Does insurance pay for the explant surgery?
WHY ARE THEY STILL ALLOWING IMPLANTS AT ALL! I am a BRCA1+ patient and have had implants for 23 years and finally have the insurance approval for explant. This female abuse needs to stop! How do we get the medical community to stop this horrific crime!
I am planning on explanation within the next two months. My implants were used in 1986 to reconstruct my breast after mastectomy. Where can I find information to detox from the chemicals in the implant?
I’m sorry to bother you but I want to do the steps properly as I focus on explant as soon as I can. I’m 60 years old, have had my implants for 23 years. I have no idea what kind they are but I have been sick, in pain and declining for nearly all of those 23 years. I truly have almost all of the bii symptoms. I could go into detail about my horrific experience with the initial surgery, etc but right now, here’s where I am: I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow and after reading this website and the FB group, I want to do everything right. Do I mention anything about bii to my GP? He has been my GP for the last 8 years. He, and many other specialists have had me on countless medications and I’ve had many tests over these last 8 years. (Prior Drs had done the same when I lived in Alaska). I have bad contracture of my right breast and moderate in my left. I don’t know about ruptures or anything else. I have BCBS of IL and Medicare. I want to ask the right questions to the right medical professionals to have record for my journey with getting these implants out and hopefully covered by insurance. I live in Virginia and see only one Dr on the list (Stanwix supposedly doesn’t take insurance) so I’m not sure with what direction I’ll have to go with that. So, again, do I start with talking to my GP or wait until my consultation with a PS? Thank you!
Hello I had my breast done in 2010 and I’ve been experiencing odd symptoms. I know it’s been pass the 10 year mark for them too be changed. But I am bruising every where for no reason, I’m not causing any trauma to the areas legs thighs or low arms. I’m also having prolonged redness on upper chest and neck and sometimes small red patches on face. I been too 100’s of dermatologist and done 100’s of laser IPL treatments with no results the redness is still on my upper chest. I have experience extreme fatigue. Joint pains. Things healing slow and definitely feel like premature aging is becoming a issue. The worst of all is the skin problems I’ve have experienced over the last couple of years. I’ve never had acne as teen or a younger adult I’m 35 I drink water only, I eat all good things and I have the all the finest skincare products. I spent thousands on dermatology and even took a round of acutane am I’m still having skin issues. I remove theses things because I can’t find any other reason why I’m having so many skin problems or the scary excessive bruising.
I got saline implants in 2000 after I finished breastfeeding my son. I was always flat chested but I felt like a woman when my breast were full.
About 13 years ago I got tinnitus. My depression worsened. Four years ago I developed toenail fungus, no libido and crazy hair loss! I’m now experiencing severe brain fog, frozen shoulder, white pigmentation spots on my legs, and sharp pains in my left breast and I feel what seems like a long narrow stick going from the top of my breast to the middle of it! I believe it’s my implants. I more afraid of removing them for fear they will look horrible. I’m so angry that these are toxic and they were made using materials that would make us so sick!
I also got saline implants in 2000, which I just found out have been RECALLED (textured Allergan – then McGhan)! I have experienced a recurring non-itching urticarial appearing rash that covers my torso from groin to collar bone, sparing my back, about 3 to 4 times a year for decades and none of the doctors can figure it out. I have also lost most of my eyebrows and hair on my arms and legs, which I have been told is likely due to menopause (neither my parents, nor grandparents nor siblings had/have this). I have had other symptoms, but these are the weirdest. The FDA should outlaw these things at this point. I guess I’m going to either have them taken out or worry for the rest of my life. I think the manufacturer should have to pay for the surgery. Don’t worry about what you will look like. Would you stop loving someone because they no longer have perky boobs? You can buy bra stuffers that won’t make you ill or possibly kill you.
I had implants put in following a mastectomy in August 2018. After about 5 months I started having food intolerances to just about everything and a feeling of being gasses. I also have tightness in my right lung/chest and can not exercise at all. My larynx become raw when I talk for long periods of time. In the last year I have developed chronic fatigue, headaches, vertigo, tingling in my hands and feet and an intolerance to sunlight and chills. I feel like I am being poisoned and an struggling to stay positive. I used to be fun and very active. I can’t wait to get my implant out even if it means going flat on one side.
I have all these symptoms from dental crowns. I have been suffering like you women for a decade. Most of your stories are so similar.The fatigue, the digestion issues, the brain fog, muscle pain. blurry vision, thinning nails and hair. Went from semi=active, walked and biked daily healthy no known issues to I feel like i’m 80 and fragile. I’m fifty so I should still be going strong and this downhill slide started when i was forty. Can’t prove medically that the crowns are the cause so I cant find a dentist to remove them. Just wanted to share so that the women whose implants aren’t leaking they still may be the cause. Not because of what it was made of just that it is recognized by your body as foreign. So if you feel like I do, get them removed. My body has been fighting mine (dental crowns)since the moment they were attached and it has killed my life.
I live in Houston, TX. I have the exact same issues all you ladies have. I want to take out my implants. Anyone know of a doctor in the Houston area? I am very tired, tired of seeing doctors too. Please help. I’m getting worse .
Hola Lisa, yo me retire los implantes el 5/30/21 en Cancún México con un cirujano bien profesional.
Blown away reading all of these comments, as I am just Learning about this also. I live in AZ and had mine replaced by my original doc 2 years ago- Jan 2019, in Newport Beach by one of the Best Docs in the Country- or so I thought.
I have so many of these symptoms from excruciating skin rashes- to very bad swelling around my eyes- burning/itching, dry skin, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, etc… I’m so bummed for all of the/you other women going through this too.
Its so maddening the FDA is going hard after the silicone companies.
I just called and got a quote from a doc back in Cali 11,000.00 to explant, who is an expert… praying for another experienced, affordable doc who cares more about people than charging or overcharging for others misfortunes.
I had my explant done by Dr Edward Melmed in Dallas. I had no money to have them removed, had to live with them clearly ruptured for months and he took pity on my and removed them for less than $3 or $4k(?). I can’t remember, I had to beg my family and extended family for help. Do whatever you can to get them out. Call Dr Melmed, he might help you even more. My body and my life finally began to heal about 12 months post explant. I thought I was dying. Changing my diet helped enormously. So did coffee enemas to help rid my body of the poison. God bless you and make a way for you. I pray that for all of you. That he makes a way for you. Xoxo
Dr. Melmed retired.
There are women who have explanted with him and continued to have symptoms therefore sought second capsule removal surgeries (capsule exploratory surgery) to remove remaining capsules he did not remove. See here for an example.
I read your post and I would suggest you change one word “praying” to “preying”. Not only to the doctors insert these toxic bags but then they prey on you for excessive amounts to remove the toxic bags. Most PS prey on women who look up to them as God’s instead of the scoundrels they are!
Hey Lisa my Name is Darlene Davis and I live in Houston area also. I have a red rash on and under my breast after the implant surgery. I also have elbow and shoulder pain. Can you Facebook friend me. I would love to talk more about this with you.
Hello! for years i’ve been feeling sick with chronic pain and fatigue. Having all kinds of tests to find out why i feel like i’m 80 if i’m only 34. Fibromyalgia and hormonal problems were the only one that seem to be real as any autoimmune deseas is not taking place.
Do you guys know about doctors who practice explant surgery in Spain or Europe? I really want to feel better cause this symptoms made me feel so sick that my marriage finished. Now i just want to be healthy and strong for my daughter and having my life back as soon as possible.
Hi Natalie,
In Spain, women have recommended Dr. Antonio Tejerina Bernal in Madrid. See the Explant Surgeons list for others. There is a Facebook support group called Imlantes mamarios y enfermedades-Espana where you can talk to other women.
Hi there! Anyone you Could suggest in Canada or specifically Ontario for removal?
Read about breast implants and bacterial biofilms.
These biofilms cause us to become ill, and cause encapsulation even when there is no leakage from the implant.
I am just now finding out about this, I have a lot of the things that have been listed, I got my implants when I was 23 and I am now 58. so I have had them for years. I feel awful all the time, does any one no where at good place to go in southern Indiana or Louisville KY? I would like to get information an possibly have them removed.
Thanks in advance.
Hey Judy! I’m in Southern Indiana as well (Newburgh, IN). I have nearly all of these symptoms as well. I had an ANA test to test for autoimmune disease and it came back negative. I feel like my Doctor thinks I’m a hypercondriac. I’ve had multiple CTs done for pain in my back and an Endoscopy due to digestive issues. I’m not being listened to and its frustrating. Let me know if you’d like my contact info to chat :).
Judy, watch the videos from Midwest Breast & Aesthetic Surgery on youtube. They are within driving distance of Louisville and Indiana. They are worth a look and are recommended on this site.
Hi! I’ve been struggling with sever pain. My knees are so so bad out of nowhere. I also have terrible back pain. I’m alwayssss exhausted and have some insomnia. I also recently started getting extreme breast pain that’s on and off and lasts for a few days at a time. If I go to the mall I can’t walk the next day bc the pain is so bad. I was always athletic and in shape so this is crazy for me. I thought maybe I had fibromyalgia or Lupus bc I do her oral thrush as well. But I’m starting to think this is from my saline implants I had put in about 11 or 12 years ago. I don’t think I have any gastrointestinal issues YET. Idk I want to find out though ASAP bc if this is BII then I want these things out of me ASAP!!! Where do I go? A plastic surgeon will be honest about this or be able to tell? Ugh I just want to feel like myself again because I feel like I’m dying and don’t have a life anymore.
I just read about BII. I had a full mommy makeover in July of 2019 with breast augmentation. Within 6 months I had chest pain, breathlessness, chronic cough and extreme anxiety and problems swallowing. It was diagnosed as GERD symptoms. It got so bad I was in the ER with ulcerative colitis. Had an endoscopy and then diagnosed with celiac disease. Continued with food allergies. Went to an immunologist and he found my IGA was low. Had a fundoplication 3 weeks ago for the reflux . I’m now severly anemic out of nowhere and going for my first iron transfussion today. Went to my ENT yesterday and she says I have a paralysed vocal cord and sending me for CT scan next week. Pulmonologist is sending me for a PFT too. I was healthy and active before my surgery. I have lost almost 40 pounds and feel like I’m slowly dying.
Could it be my implants?? My plastic surgeon says no way. So scary
I am experiencing everything you just mentioned. But my tests for celiac disease and ulcerative colitis came back negative. Also diagnosed with gerd. My gi dr. did a ‘stretching of the tgroat’ on Wednesday of last week due to difficulty swallowing. Last year I had pancreatitis and also had to have my gallbladder removed. I’m now realizing my gut issues, which my gi dr can’t find any reasons for, are possible BII related. I don’t know where to go from here either. And I have no plastic surgeon or even the money to cover care from a doctor as such. I hope we find some answers, this is so very difficult to live with.
Yes it could definitely be the implants, i had similar symptoms in 2019 and found that one of my implants was ruptured, i got them removed in August 2019 and i am still struggling, back in 2019 i lost so much weight that i had to have parenteral nutrition to save my life because i was weighing only 87 pounds and couldn’t even walk anymore
The silicone causes so much inflammation to my body that it atrophied my small intestines villi ( the villi absorbs the nutrients from the food you eat) and i am still struggling today.
Did your symptoms resolve? Was it BII? I have been suffering with chronic cough for the past 6 months. They diagnosed me with GERD and LPR. I’m also severely anemic, had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and found gastritis but no indication of where I’m loosing blood from. All medicines they have prescribed have do not help. I’m worried it could be BII.
Does anyone know of a good Doctor in Arizona to have the implants removed?
I am also looking for a surgeon in Airzona. I have had my implants for almost 28 years and now have developed severe fibromyalgia! I have explored everything, I am now thinking that the implants (saline) my be the cause.
Hi Terri I live in Phoenix. Did you find a Dr? Was just reading over your comments
I think I have but still deciding the following is what I have found!
Dr. Randal Becker – Explant $5,800.00 will not work with insurance of any kind! Both his wife and Dr Becker appear very nice at first and then you can see the greed surface and it is not very professional or pleasant. I rejected!
Dr. Pierce – $6,000.00 for Explant – Will not take or work with any insurance of any kind. Seemed fine but he would not work with any insurance.
Dr. Rowley – $6,000.00 $75.00 office visit to consult, will not work with any insurance of any kind. I rejected!
Dr. Craft – Waiting for amount! believe to be between 6 and 7. Will work with insurance and his staff is very helpful. Is working with Medicare to get this covered.
Dr. Parson – $11,000. Too expensive! Success the same as most of the doctors
Dr. Spies – Too expensive
Dr. Biswas – Around $6,000.00 did not go see him, but had good reviews. Will work with insurance.
I have almost all the symptoms listed and they’re beginning to interfere with my every day life. I had implants placed in about 2000. I don’t remember what brand they were, but they are saline and placed under the muscle. What do I do, who do I talk to about this to have it taken care of? I would like to have them removed. Thank you.
I had my saline implants placed submuscular in March 2001 and just had them out in January. I had 47 of the symptoms. I started by using the resources on this site to find a surgeon to talk with. I contacted medical records of the hospital where I had the initial placement and found out the brand/size etc… I had fat graphing done at the time of explant. I only had 275 though, but with having them in 20 years there will be skin stretching. Fat graphing took care of some of that and if it takes can give you a cup size back to help with any indenting. It will take time for your natural breast tissue to bounce back to normal, I was so small to begin with (not even an A cup) that I did not need a lift. Depending on size before and size of implant some women need lifts as well at the time of removal. They told me about 3 months and I would agree – every day things get a little better. Best of luck to you. Trust you instincts. I have now 7 weeks out and already notice the changes. I will never regret taking them out.
Who did your ex plant
I had my saline implants put in 2001, I have almost ALL of the symptoms and I am wanting to get them out now, but not sure of who would be able to or how much it is going to cost. I wonder if Insurance would pay for it since there are so many medical issues connected with the implants. I had them put in back in Colorado, I live in Arizona. Does anyone have recommendations on who would be good to see?
Cynthia, did you ever decide on a surgeon in Airzona. I have an appointment with Dr. john Pierce in Scottsdale in May. I am finding no one takes insurance unless you have breast cancer. I am on Medicare they will pay but I have yet found a Doctor who will fill out or even give me the time of day when I mention Medicare. I am thinking of traveling out of state. The surgeons in Airzona are too busy and greedy. Many have their wife running the office.
I am so glad I found this site. I had breast cancer in 2016 and reconstruction with implants in 2017. I have been having severe side affects ever since surgery. The biggest side affects are neck pain and ear/head pressure along with extreme fatigue. Along with those I have brain fog, dryness, thyroid problems, weight gain, swollen neck, tingling in fingers, eye/vision disturbance, sinus problems, emotional instability and sometimes the feeling of being chocked. I have lost all desire to do anything as I just don’t feel good. I have seen my primary, three oncologists, three ENT’s, two endocrinologists, MRIs, CTs of my brain and all come back with nothing wrong. I was massaging my neck last night and it was pulling in my ear so I followed the pain and it lead straight to my chest so I started looking up implant side affects. And here I am, feeling so relieved that this is most likely the cause of everything I have been going through. I am going to try find a plastic surgeon near me to have them removed as soon as possible. Thank you everyone for sharing!
I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction in 2017 after my Cancer diagnosis. Is Vertigo an issue for you or anyone here? I have now been fighting it for 2 years. Of course I have some of the typical symptoms but have not seen a comment on vertigo.
Kailee..how are you nowadays? Did your symptoms get better..after you got your implants out or did you ever get them out? I hope you’re doing well!!
I had saline implants in 1981. About 5 years ago I started having digestive issues and ended up with a sensitivity to corn products (multiple trips to the bathroom up to 4 hours with normal BM degrading to diarrhea). I think it was triggered by taking supplements with xylitol. I also had migraines and my hair started falling out. In March 2018 I had my implants removed. I rarely get a migraine anymore, I’m still experiencing hair loss. I feel like the corn sensitivity is getting better but I haven’t had an episode in several months and I’m afraid to try too much. Has anyone else experienced a corn sensitivity and did it eventually go away? Did your hair loss get better? I have very small breasts now and am struggling with finding a good bra. I’ve been to a store where they fit cancer patients but the bras are stiff and uncomfortable and the prothesis are heavy (I bought a couple of bras but not the inserts). My scars are still tender. Any suggestions on all this?
I’ve had my saline implants for 16 years now, having gotten them in my twenties.
For the past three years I’ve been living with constant pain in my breast, chest, neck and shoulder.
Additionally, I developed a pituitary microadenoma resulting in an over production of prolactin.
Add to that uterine fibroids that grew so rapidly and so large that I had to have surgery to remove them last year.
I only recently learned that “chest wall trauma” can result in pituitary tumors and let us be honest having large objects forced into your chest is traumatic.
What hurts equally as much as the physical pain is that I did this to myself.
Call it vanity, ignorance of a twenty something or insecurity, in the end I made the decision to have foreign objects placed in my chest.
I had sacks of water implanted in my chest to “feel better”.
Now, sitting here at my desk with constant throbbing pain I look at my calendar waiting for Friday when I can take an Ibuprofen 600 to take the edge off.
The pain pills (Ibuprofen and Naproxen) have caused GI distress so I only take one pill once a week as a “treat”. But even the pain pills no longer work as well as they once did.
Having just spent thousands on uterine fibroid surgery and now the restrictions of Covid all I can do is wait and hope that I can undergo a successful explant surgery that will relieve all this pain.
Hi there,
I just got cohesive gel implants this summer in June. It’s now December and I’ve been experiencing some odd symptoms I can’t explain such as bad tension headaches, hot flashes which I never had before, some muscle aches and tingly, and my menstral cycle was totally off last month ! I don’t know if it has to do with BII and I don’t want to remove them yet since I just got them but if it continues I definitely will
I also have silicone implants after mastectomy on right breast 11 years ago Struggling with rheumatoid arthritis although I was diagnosed with RA prior to surgery. I am 63 and feel old. I used to teach aerobics and weight lift and now I am lucky to just go for a walk.The last few years I have been doing so many detoxes. Fingers are stiff and hard to bend. Anyone do an explant with a surgeon in New Jersey? I also have mercury fillings. So nervous to go into a hospital these days. Any recommendations are welcome
I received my implants in 2016 when I was 26 years old. First sign was painful digestive issues where I could not eat without digestive enzymes. Within the first year of implantation, I had around 6 different (some recurrent) bacterial infections (kidney, pelvic inflammatory disease, sinus, ears). Now 4 years later, I have almost every symptom, the worst being muscle and joint pain, severe ear ringing, brain fog, vertigo, fatigue, headaches/migraines, and severe dry eyes. I used to lift weights 5-6 days/week and now I’ve had to remove numerous exercises from my routine and I’m lucky if I get in a light workout twice a week. I’ve been to several specialists and the only abnormal lab test was an elevated ANA, but no autoimmune diagnosis. I explant Dec 17th and I’m really nervous. I’m having trouble trusting that my symptoms are valid. I do not have social media so I’m finding it hard to connect with others in this situation. I wonder, is it normal for these symptoms to come in flares? Some days I feel truly awful and others I feel pretty ok (aside from constant headaches and ear ringing).
Hey ladies.My issues begun 6 months after the implants.Sudenly couldn’t eat anything,lots of food intolerances..bloating,gas,swollen eyes..There was something wrong with one of the implants,so they changed it.But the problems remained..I gained 7kg in about 3months,while working my ass off at the gym every second day..After tones of digestive enzymes and all kinds of supplements I got better,and some foods stoped bothering me or at least they didn’t cause the same amount of problems but I was still very ill.All this kept 5 years,untill I realised that it is the implants.So,I explanted 3 months ago.Of course no foctors knew anything,they say that–Modern medicine does not aproof that breast implants can cause these symptoms-..Anyway,I look at least 10 years older,and unfortunatelly still have most of the symptoms..Extra kilos was never an issue for me before and since the implants Im struggling to lose these 5kg..lots of bloating,noise sensitivity,extremely dry skin,very swollen eyelids,especialy the left one(unaware why),mild nail psoriasis..and all the list of the well known symptoms.I have the hla b27 gene,by the way.So it turns out that these things have turned on the gene.The question now is what turns it of again???If anything..
Hi Melissa,
Yes it’s normal to have days of feeling okay. I was so sick for so long. Had brain scans and MRI’s and diagnosed with vertigo. Gastrointerologist tested me with endoscopy and colonoscopy as well as MRI due to stomach and digestive issues, eye problems and blurred vision. Muscle and joint pain as well as chronic neck pain. Headaches, skin problems, itchy and watering eyes, skin problems, white tongue thought I had thrush, finally I just had my explant surgery, lift and fat graph 4 days ago (11/24). Had saline implants put in 1st in 1998 and redone in 2009 with silicone smooth implants. For 2 years I’ve had dozens of symptoms including new thyroid problems (Graves Disease), gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, dry skin, watery eyes, body aches and pains, vertigo, TMJ, skin issues, neck and back pain, etc and saw too many specialists to count to find out what was wrong. No one could explain why. I kept searching for answers for 2 years plus 4 ER visits. Finally my husband saw a special on BII. Then we heard stories of people with similar stories as mine. I went back to my plastic surgeon and he just wanted me to replace them. I just wanted them out. Luckily on this site I found Dr Feingold who does multiple explant surgeries a week. I am in the middle of recovering with drains and in bed. Sore but relieved. I will be finding out Wednesday if I had mold or other bacteria. I hope this helps you and you find a specialist in your area that will not only remove your implants but does a complete capsulectomy with photos and biopsy! Depression is another problem I had due to all of this. It was ruining my life for me and my family. I wish you the best and happy to help if I can!!!
I appreciate your reply so much Kimberly. I also have AWFUL neck and back pain and have had multiple MRIs. I ended up with a fibromyalgia diagnosis, which I never bought. Our symptoms sound really similar. I’m explanting with a surgeon recommended on this page which gives me a boost of confidence during this terrifying time.
I had my surgery Nov 24. Two weeks and feeling relief. Not sure if it’s in my mind but I just have an overall better feeling! I wish you the best of luck! Hope all goes well with your surgery! 🙏
Hello! Is there anyway to contact you maybe on social media. What you explained is exactly what I’m looking to do after having implants for 32 years. I don’t know where to start in finding the right doctor or what to expect…
How do I add my Doctor that helped me out with my surgery, I have done great after all his help, and I would love if other women can the same assistance from my Doctor around my area.
Hello Myra, could you please share with us the name and contact information of your explant surgeon. It brakes my heart to realize I was getting sicker and sicker. I went to, eight doctors, and seven of them told me ” I don’t know what else to do”. And Dr. number eight prescribed Concerta because to her opinion, I was a “bit anxious”God forgive her !!!
I live in Northern California near Sacramento and am looking for an explant surgeon close to me. My implants are 34 years old and silicone. I have been having pain for almost a year and now am suffering from other ailments. I am 65 years old and don’t want to spend the rest of my life battling this. If anyone knows of a good doctor I would be most appreciative. Reading all these stories has convinced me they need to come out.
Hi Debbie
Are you on Facebook? There are many great groups that support BII including a Northern California page.
I live in the Bay Area and am going to Daniel Thomas in Chico for my explant next week. He is highly rated among women with BII.
Feel free to reach out to me if I can help you!
Age 57 – implants 13 yrs old
Hi Lynn
I saw your response to Debbie K. I live in Sacramento CA and am looking for a surgeon in this area too. I do not have Facebook so I made an account, but started receiving friend requests (used my email address as username) so I closed that account. I tried opening up another account but now it says I can’t for 30 days. Is there a way to find a surgeon in Sacramento (or within 20 minutes or so) without joining Facebook?
I am also looking for a highly recommended explant surgeon that does an enbloc procedure in Sacramento area.
Has anyone gotten bumps on scalp and burning scalp along with hair loss? Suffering from that right now and was wondering if it goes away after explant..
Absolutely! Cronic Scalp Ac.ne or something. Hair loss as well.
Omg… I’ve been dealing with burning of the scalp and hair loss for 7 years… I’ve had my implants for 10 years. But I’ve been dealing with the hair loss ever since I got them 🙁 It would be so bad I would cry in the shower because the pain would be so bad. I thought it was the shampoos I used.. does it hurt to brush your hair? Ugh it is the worst symptom.
Has anyone been having severe shortness of breathe?? I feel like im having an allergic reaction in my lungs. Ive seen 3 pulmonologists, had blood tests, CT scan, bronchoscopy, like 5 different inhalers, even steroids! Seen an ENT and a voice therapist. All to NO avail. I cannot breathe and all the doctors are telling me I’m fine! I have a fonsult coming up in less than 2 weeks, but im scared that #1 I won’t survive the anesthesia, and #2 that I will go insane due to lack of proper breathing during the wait till surgery. I have the cohesive gel implants (which are said to be more aggressive due to the larger dose of chemicals to make it) and they were placed in August of 2017. 1 year later my breathing progressively got worse and worse, and now every single day is a living nightmare. I wonder how many ladies are having this same issue with their breathing 🙁
I had saline implants done June 2008. I have since developed ulcerative colitis 6 1/2 years ago and a chronic cough 3 1/2 years ago. Have a GI dr. and on meds for the UC- have been going to a pulmonologist for over a year trying to find out the cause of my cough. Been on MANY inhalers, antibiotics, steroids, multiple CT scans showing inflammation- and 2 bronchoscopies- now looking into having my implants removed. I’m going to do it by this summer but need to know the steps to take to see if insurance will cover any of the procedure Bc I feel the implants may be to blame for my health issues. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
Yes breathing issues are part of it for some. Scar tissue could be attached to ribs or muscle.. i also am having breathing problems that have been slowly getting worse..super shortness of breath…all my tests are negative! I am explanting Feb 12, 2021. Can’t wait.
Oh my gosh yes the shortness of breath is horrible. I feel like my lungs are inflamed and like I have a constant chest cold. I just saw my surgeon today and he was not very supportive however said he would do the surgery. I have to wait two more months to have them removed. Very curious as to how you are doing following your explant?
Yup, I had allergen implants in to replace ruptured PIP ones (great!) and looking back I almost immediately had breathing problems. Over last few years it has got worse, my hair is within and crispy -terrible, my skin dry, constant sinus problems, and my chest,back, and neck pain is unbearable and I can’t breathe. Trying to sleep without panicking about lack of oxygen is very difficult. All X-rays and tests are normal. These things are coming out as soon as lockdown ends. I’m incredibly fit in all other respects, do Sydney Cummings 6x a week. Best of luck ladies, I think we all recognise all these symptoms. Let’s embrace being petite!
Oh my goodness. I have had my implants for nearly 10 years and had capsular contracture on the right side. I had 3 additional surgeries to remove scar tissue. I wanted them out with the last surgery but my surgeon plied with my to do one more surgery. The breast did get softer as time went on so I thought great. Now the shortness of breath has been terrible. I have pain from my ear down my neck and into my breast with chest pain through my back. Sudden hip and other joint pain and walk like I am 100 years old now. I have been to pulmonologist and cardiologist, several tests, inhalers and steroids with no relief. They say we can’t find anything. However I feel terrible everyday. I hav been counting the days to see my surgeon for consult to remove implants. I hope that surgery can be scheduled very soon after. These babies are coming out. I don’t care what anyone says they are the problem.
Hi Lisa..did you get your implants out? If so..how are you now? Ear..neck and breast pain gone?
Please let us know! Thank you!
I am having an explant done by Dr.Eric Wright in Arkansas Little Rock in October 28 and I CANNOT WAIT! (He was rated top 3 explant surgeons)
I have been feeling terrible and have lost SO MUCH HAIR.
Does hair growth get better after you remove them? What can I do to help that process out?
Do heart palpitations get better after removal?
Does stomach bloating get better too?
I have had severe shortness of breathe and abdominal bloating. I just cry a lot, I feel so ok’d and so sick. I am so glad I stumbled onto BII illness. I have gained 50 pounds and have skin rashes, hot flashes to the point of dripping in sweat. Heat intolerance, back pain, my chest feels heavy and I can’t sleep on my back because it feels like I will suffocate. My skin feels like it’s sunburned, I no longer grow hair on my legs. My joints ache and are painful. When I Am having a “bad” day I can’t wait to get home to lay down and go to sleep because I am so tired of dealing with the unknown!
Thank all of you ladies for sharing your stories.. btw.. my saline implants are 23 years old and symptoms started about 6-7 years ago.
Yes same thing as me my skin feels like it’s on fire eyes have floaters and feel like jelly is in them bowel prob hair falling out panic attacts anxity so bad everyday high blood pressure never had that in my life flu feeling everyday I’m so sick I can’t work function I look at others and wish I felt as good as them I’m not normal anymore rashes weird pimples on me and hot flashes sweating and BV and yeast . Terrible blood test are normal except vitamin def. Never had a prob with that always was so healthy can’t breath mucus in throat so thick sinus and ear feels clogged with air. Brain fog hairloss. Tierd sick sick sick I’m so sick . I feel like I have a very bad infection cancer patients prob feel better than me sad to say . I can’t afford surgery I feel like I’m dying it’s so bad your not alone going on 4 years .
This is to everyone who cannot afford explant surgery:
My heart goes out to you Jennifer and everyone who is feeling so so sick. I don’t know how to do it, but I have heard of “Go Fund Me” pages. If anyone knows how to do that, maybe they could share on this page. We should all also call our representatives and lobby them to force the FDA to ban these “toxic bags”. Government assistance should be available to anyone suffering from this illness since the FDA approved them to begin with! Hiding behind small print from manufacturers and downplayed “warnings” from greedy surgeons is no excuse for the FDA to continue to approve these things. How do these people sleep at night knowing they are poisoning millions of women? At the very least, all plastic surgeons should be required to perform explant surgery at cost and not make a profit from it. It is ultimately their duty to “do no harm” as a physician! Plastic surgery is one of the most profitable specialties in medicine and they could certainly afford it! It is also unconscionable to wait for “studies” if there is any chance that these implants are dangerous. I believe the FDA required manufacturers to do a study decades ago, but many subjects were eliminated or dropped out over the decade long process and studies ended before completion with NO FDA BAN. Why would the FDA even consider having such studies done by the very people who make the toxic bags anyway? Can you say “conflict of interest?”!!! We don’t have another decade to wait around for these “scientists” to “gather data” while women get sick and die. Shame on all of the people who have profited from this outrageous situation and preyed on the feelings of women only trying to improve their lives and appearances. I, for one, got mine after going from a full B to AAA with sagging and nipples folded on themselves after nursing two babies. I felt like I looked 80 at age 42. The only warning from the surgeon was that I would likely have to have another surgery due to sagging, but sagging never bothered me and mine aren’t bad looking even after 21 years. I suspect that she knew that they shouldn’t remain in a woman’s body for an extended period of time for health reasons, but she could always fall back on that advice many, many years later. Even if I am wrong in my suspicions, this is just one loophole that these people will use to defend their immoral behavior. Never was I told that silicone is composed of toxins, breaks down, deteriorates and leaches into tissues! She also failed to warn me of the excruciating pain post op after under the muscle implants of C size cup (which she insisted I get, even though I only wanted to be restored to a B cup) and told me that fat transfer doesn’t work (which I would have gotten except for her “expert advice”). If anyone is wealthy and knows how to start a charity devoted to this issue, that may also be an answer for many women. We all need to stick together and remain strong voices until silicone breast implants are banned. We need to become warriors on this issue!!!
hey sunami — i see your post was from a year ago so i hope this message finds you & finds you well ..i’m also in the LIT area .. had mentor saline implants in 2008 or 2009. mayb 2007 .. i can’t remember exactly . probably because for years now i am experiencing many of the symptoms everyone is talking about …… scalp burning .hair loss .skin issues .taste & smell issues .bloating .heart flutters .ears ringing .muscle weakness .tremors .brain fog .zero libido .did i say brain fog .metabolism issues .weight issues .speech issues mental issues .vision problems and more ..your being in little rock – your similar experiences ..burning scalp & hair loss .. bloating ?? .too much of a coincidence .. curious .. did you have explant surgery ?? how are you doing now?? respectfully..strugglinNnlr
I am just now learning of BII. I have had my implants for 19 years but over the past 8 years I’ve been fighting health issues I couldn’t figure out. I had no idea that implants needed to be removed after 10 years. Last 3 years my health has deteriorated. I am exhausted, chronic pain, constant sinus/ear infections, kidney infections, gallbladder issues, anxiety, hair loss, anemia,gained 50 lbs within 3 years and can’t lose no matter what. I feel completely swollen and like my body is shutting down. I was completely ready to just give up because I am always told nothing is wrong. My Dr. I saw said I am in stage 1 kidney disease and my liver function isn’t good. I can’t believe I did this to my body by having breast implants. For over 3 years I’ve asked if my health issues were due to my implants always told no. I am scheduling for explant surgery in November but I pray my health comes back after these implants are removed. Wish I knew of this 19 years ago, I had no idea the shells were made of silicone. I feel so naive and just want my health back. I hope everyone who is dealing with this finds answers and gets help.
I am so glad I found this info! I had Mentor saline implants put in 18 years ago after a bi-lateral mastectomy from Stage 1 cancer. I was 45 years old at that time and have been thru all these illnesses in the last 10 or so years. I now have a lump on the cleavage side of right one and scared to death. Seeing my PA at Oncologist office for a scan, shooting pains, burning stinging pains even when just laying on my side at night in bed. Not to mention several dozen other symptoms listed here, even constant ringing in the ears, who would have ever thought, I sure did not relate all my ailments to these implants! After reading all of these comments I realized I’ve had so many of these exact issues. It’s time for me to have them removed. Had an appt awhile back with PS but cancelled due to Covid but I really need to get these out, I can see that! Just hoping and praying this lump is not anything serious. Best wishes to you all and hope all stay well!
Hey Jeanne!!!
I was wondering if you’d be interested in connecting. My saline implants are just over 10 years old. I’ve had the same shooting/stinging pains, and oftentimes when I bend down to pick something up, upon standing my implants will stick before they fall back into place. I’m reading more and more about BII, and considering your symptoms are so closely related, I thought it would be nice to connect. Prayers to you that your scan is clear, and you’re able to get this figured out!! ♥️
Jeanne, I had an elective bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstruction in 2014. I have found a second lump on my right breast almost in the exact spot as the first one. They say it is most likely scar tissue again but because of the location it can’t be removed without damaging the implant. I am experiencing the same type of pain as you, burning sensation, sensitive to lay on, general discomfort etc. I have chronic fatigue and some hair loss. I would be interested to know how your story turns out because I am considering having my implants removed as well. Thank you for sharing your story because now I don’t feel alone.
I never knew this was a thing until I saw a story on Instagram from Bill Belichick‘s girlfriend. I’ve had implants since 2003 and since 2014 I’ve been getting hives and rashes the doctors told me it was stress due from running while I was training for the Boston marathon. I still have hives and rashes and now it’s turning into headaches backache tired all the time stomach aches I’ve been back-and-forth to my doctors they think I’m allergic to something due to the rashes and bumps but I’ve been checked for everything I do not have celiac but I do have an auto immune deficiencies that they do not know what it is. I am now researching that it may be my breast implants. It is great to read all your stories and know that other people going through this too. Does anybody have any advice on the next step to take I reached out to my doctor and left him an email thanking this is what it may be. They also checked for Lyme disease which I do not have. I went in for a physical last month and everything seems to be OK but I am still sick and yesterday I had anxiety really bad so I went to the gym and went running didn’t feel any better so I’m thinking I may just want to talk to a doctor about removing the implants. I live in Boston mass if anyone has a doctor up here that they know of I would so appreciate some information. And I love the fact that you guys are all on here reaching out explaining all of your symptoms it makes me feel good that we’re not alone.
Thank You
Hi Geri! I too have been getting unexplained rashes/hives for almost 4 years. I’ve had my implants for 19 years. I also have some digestive issues for a long time! I’ve tried everything from healing my gut & detoxing with no relief. I too may be looking into this whole explant thing.
Hello Michelle,
My case sounds like yours. I am seeing someone to have mine removed next week. I have kidney and liver issues that are a real concern. I also have a small pneumothorax that my lung doctor believes is due to the implants. The urine tests show that my protein levels are through the roof, and my calcium is slightly elevated. I am really scared. I just want to get better. Please keep in touch. Need someone to share stories with.
Thank you for sharing,
I found out about BII last November. I had my explant Sept. 8th & am feeling SO much better! I had over 30 symptoms & want to share some things I noticed that went away: My large lymph node in left part of my neck was GONE when I woke up from surgery! Chronic Fatigue was my #1 symptom & it is GONE! I used to have this CONSTANT itching in the middle of my back derm said nothing was there but now it is gone so far, I used to sweat by just going to the grocery store & that hasn’t happened yet & it has been over a month! I no longer have white tongue! I have lost 7 lbs but a ton of inches! My stomach is gone & I can feel my stomach muscles again! My husband even commented how much smaller I am now. No more anxiety, Brain fog/memory is 80% better, Moisture came back to my face & I no longer need to use face powder, No more shortness of breath,hair is looking more healthy,Allergies are 80% better & my moods have been stable 🙂 I just wanted to share this. I posted a before explant video & my story on YT at: starlitmakeupchick if you are interested. I need to edit together my recovery videos & post an update but it is worth the recovery! I had an explant removing all scar tissue & lift. Feel free to messsage me my info is on my YT channel. Love & light ladies!!
Hi Kate,
Thanks for sharing. Happy to hear you’re feeling better. I just had my explant surgery, lift and fat graph 4 days ago (11/24). Had saline implants put in 1st in 1998 and redone in 2009 with silicone smooth implants. For 2 years I’ve had dozens of symptoms including new thyroid problems (Graves Disease), gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, dry skin, watery eyes, body aches and pains, vertigo, TMJ, skin issues, neck and back pain, etc and saw too many specialists to count to find out what was wrong. No one could explain why. I kept searching for answers for 2 years plus 4 ER visits. Finally my husband saw a special on BII. Then we heard stories of people with similar stories as mine. I went back to my plastic surgeon and he just wanted me to replace them. I just wanted them out. Luckily on this site I found Dr Feingold who does multiple explant surgeries a week. I am in the middle of recovering with drains and in bed. Sore but relieved. I will be finding out Wednesday if I had mold or other bacteria. I was told my implants were intact. I can’t wait to feel like my old self. All the best !!!
Hi KH, Did you hear back about the mold or bacteria? How are you doing now, have the drains been removed?
I have dealt with major body pain, joint stiffness, migraines, vertigo, weight gain, & severe fatigue to name a few. Recently woke up to massive pain in my right breast and it radiated into my right upper arm. I have had lots of pain and discomfort off and on, in the right breast since about a week or two after surgery (January 2015) but this pain was so different, as I tried to go back to sleep I kept having nightmares about what was going on. I’m very concerned, as it started to swell, but on the inside, i could feel it, but it wasn’t noticeable on the outside, ((I’m 5’1″, 140 # and have under the muscle 375cc gummy & wear 32DD/DDD)), it was VERY hard, then as i reached across my table while clearing it off felt something “give”, almost immediately I was flushed with noxious gas, it radiated up through my neck and my face, i could almost taste it, it was like ethyl alcohol or like a diesel or very similar. The tightness and swelling went away almost immediately, but the pain is still very intense. I am so scared, worried, but trying to remain positive… I don’t have money for surgery, im recently single and things are a little up in the air.
Hi Nixi,
I am so sorry to hear about your struggles!!! How are you feeling? Have you had the dr check them with this pain you had? I do know how you feel and it’s awful! Check with your dr perhaps you can go through insurance? I know my dr said they can try to get it approved especially with all your medical issues! My mold, bacteria and tumor pathology all came back negative. My drains were removed a week ago. I rested a full week in bed. It was worth it for sure!
I highly recommend figuring out a way to get them out. Even if insurance doesn’t work see if the dr would consider a payment plan. I feel so much better even through still a bit sore. I was scared but so happy they are out of me and I wish you can do the same. It’s no way to live. It’s constant fear. I’m still sore but I notice some immediate improvements. Dr said things take time, but I already feel the cloud lifted. He said if I had any mold or bacteria they treat it with an antibiotic for a bit. Some people just wait it out but to speed up the process they can give you an antibiotic if the mold or bacteria comes back positive. You will need a week to rest. I know it’s hard to have this interrupt your life but in the end you will be happy you did the surgery. I was 36 D and now a B and I don’t miss them at all.
I wish you well and hope you can get them out soon.
I am in shock and didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me up until Now,after reading all your response’s to one another’s severe pain and strange unanswered questions by those doctors who didn’t know or have a clue about why you were feeling all that you were I now have my answer as to why I feel so sick all the time ! I have the same symptoms that you all have shared on this page ! The tightness on my throat, the feeling that the life was being sucked out of me and that I was going to die feeling weak day in and day out, Fibromyalgia, chest pains, neck pains, numbness in both my arms, breathing shallow, feeling as if my body is being electrocuted and blood pressure dropping at the same time ! And these doctors totally clueless and can’t figure out a dam thing! I’ve never thought it was these implants. Wow ! ! ! My name is Crusita can someone send me a response … and reach out to me please
Hi Crusita, you nailed it!
Dr. Lu-Jean Feng published a significant study in 2020 with 750 patients, “Understanding Breast Implant Illness, Before and After Explantation”
“Although BII encompasses a large range of symptoms, subjects in this study demonstrated significant and sustained improvement in 11 common symptom domains. This improvement was demonstrable within the first 30 days postoperatively and was maintained beyond 30 days. The study demonstrated a strong association of explantation and specific symptom improvement within the patient population studied.”
Hello, i have been trying to figure out what was wrong with me and why i was not responding to antibiotics and just keep getting sick. I have had my mentor inplants for nine years. I started getting chronic uti infections, extreme fatigue, joint pain, stomach problems, hair loss, brain fog, reoccurring diverticulitis infections, burning itchy eyes , anxiety, chest pains and high blood pressure, mouth thrush and fungal infections . I am sure after reading all about this illness from implants that this must be whats going on with my health. I was very active and healthy till i got implants. I was so desperate i was going to go and see a naturopath to see if they could help. But i will have to find a doctor to get these out and t my health back on track. Thanks for listening
Wow-I am reading you post now. I am experiencing similar. I thought I was nuts. I am so fatigued ALL THE TIME, I have joint pain I have never had before, especially in my feet, I just have no get up and go. I KNOW it is the implants. I am so mad at myself for doing this. I want them out- like now. I am looking for a good doctor do the surgery. The idea of having a surgery for this is so annoying. I have not told my husband yet….he told me NOT to get implants. Anyway, hope you have success in dealing with it! Brenda
Hi Cruista,
I understand how you feel! Took me 2 years to figure out what all my medical issues were from. I just had my explant surgery, lift and fat graph 4 days ago (11/24). Had saline implants put in 1st in 1998 and redone in 2009 with silicone smooth implants. For 2 years I’ve had dozens of symptoms including thyroid problems (Graves Disease), gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, dry skin, watery eyes, body aches and pains, vertigo, TMJ, skin issues, neck and back pain, etc and saw too many specialists to count to find out what was wrong. No one could explain why. I kept searching for answers for 2 years plus 4 ER visits. Finally my husband saw a special on BII. Then we heard stories of people with similar stories as mine. I went back to my plastic surgeon and he just wanted me to replace them. I just wanted them out. Luckily on this site I found Dr Feingold who does multiple explant surgeries a week. I am in the middle of recovering with drains and in bed. Sore but relieved. I will be finding out Wednesday if I had mold or other bacteria. Make sure you go to a surgeon who specializes in EnBoc total capsulectomy surgery and has done many of these. This site has a list to find someone hopefully in your location. Best of
Luck to you!!!!!
My implants are roughly 5-6 years old now. I’m relatively healthy, exercise often and about to turn 30.
For the past two years I’ve been struggling with various bizarre symptoms usually associated with much older people – gallstones, brain fog/word loss, heart burn and chest pain, skin breakout and the most recent symptom… if I skimp on the water during a day, the following day I struggle to eat without chest pain and bring up thick bile and mucus.
I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this odd thick mucus?
I can’t remember the manufacture but I do remember my surgeon standing on the Example implants to prove they were durable. My under breast skin is very thin and I can feel my implants which I can only describe as a partially filled water balloon. What are the chances of a rupture?
Hi Holly,
I definitely have mucus issues among dozens of other unexplained medical problems. Brain fog, heartburn, chest pain and so much more!
I am scheduled for explanation surgery Nov 10th and on the waiting list for a cancellation if I could do it sooner. I want these out!
My implants are silicone and 11 years old. My mammogram and sonogram shows they have not ruptured but they don’t need to rupture to cause illness. The shell is made of silicone even if yours are saline, and they say they release toxins into the body.
My current implants are my 2nd. My first were saline which were taken out just due to sagging after having children. I wish I never put these things in. I am now 49 years old.
My severe symptoms began in January 2019. However I wasn’t feeling right for a while prior to this and just couldn’t pinpoint it. Not until the last few months did I realize the implants are probably the culprit to all my medical issues. My husband saw a documentary and a friend of my Moms said his daughters friend had a lot of my symptoms and had hers removed and felt better. I since heard of 3 others having problems and getting them removed.
I went to the surgeon who put them in and he told me I won’t like them And I’d want them back in. He basically told me he doesn’t take them out and tried to convince to just replace them. He said studies don’t prove implants cause medical problems. I was like, but I feel like I’m dying! Something is wrong to have all these strange symptoms. It’s been no way to live. No one could pinpoint why I was feeling so bad, losing so much weight (I was down to 106 lbs and I’m 5.5 in menopause) and having food intolerances and gastrointestinal issues.
My first diagnosis was hyperthyroidism/ Graves’ disease in Feb 2019. I went to my OBGYN after weeks of having a heavy period. He sent me to my primary care for a physical and found that my thyroid was out of whack. Since this I have had CT scans, MRI’s in just about every part of my body! Even my brain! I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy. I went to over a dozen specialists because know one knew what was wrong with me!
I was given so many medications plus ones for anxiety and depression which I did not take! I have neck pain, inflammation in my joints, headaches, gastritis, and Vertigo! I was also told I was going through menopause. My dr wanted me on the patch To help with y symptoms. I didn’t want that and only tried it for a month to see if it helped. It didn’t and I was done. I want to go through menopause naturally and I didn’t care about gaining weight or simple hot flashes. The risk to me of developing breast cancer is too much of a chance I don’t want to take so I stopped hormone replacement therapy.
I am back on medication for my thyroid since I am hyper again. I have this constant feeling in my throat and have mucus all the time. Clear and thick. I also have swollen lymph nodes in my armpit and groin. I even went to a doctor to check for lymphoma. My vision has also been out of whack. Skin dry and eyes watering too much at times. I even underwent surgery to correct a deviated septum I’ve had my entire life hoping that would help with my sinus and mucus issues.
When I lay down at night I suffer from numbness And tingling in my arms and hands. So weird. Wakes me up at night. It’s like my arm fell asleep. I went to a rheumatologist too. I’ve been tested for anything and everything. Anxiety, irritability and feeling like I’m dying is just basically been my almost 2 year battle.
I finally went to a surgeon I found on one of these websites who does the surgery to remove implants in my area. He said as a plastic surgeon he would never need to put an implant in women again after all he’s learned about its medical effects on women. He mentioned my symptoms before I ever told him! He said things are just off and no one understands why. Most plastic surgeons don’t admit to the problems implants cause medically for women. They base it off studies saying women may have these problems without implants. He said it’s their bread and butter and a big chunk of their business so they do not want to lose it. Very sad to learn all of this. My trust in doctors has faded and I now do extensive research on everything! To help with the look from removal my dr will also take the fat from other areas to help. Women can go back to have more fat added as well if they want too.
This has been a journey of hell for me and I’m sure my loved ones since I have not been my normal self for so long. I have no energy, drive or patience. Very depressing . I don’t wish this on anyone! I cannot wait to feel better and praying it helps me on my road to recovery.
Also, on the mucus issues, I had a very detailed MRI by my Gastrointerologist. He said I had mucus in my bladder as well as air that he wasn’t sure about. I was given an antibiotic to help that’s just to eliminate bacteria in the gut. It did help and I gained weight but it’s back again. It’s like my body is fighting this foreign invader and no one (including the Gastrointerologist) realized it could be my implants!
I hope you can find a good dr to help you with this. Don’t wait to let it get worse. Research a good explant surgeon if your dr who put them in does not do this.
I hope you feel better and get the answers you need to help you!!!
Hi. I have had my implants for over 20 Years. Slowly started developing symptoms. Always thought it was just “normal” aging.. I have most of the same symptoms as you. I have no appetite 5’ 5” 108 lbs…I feel terrible. Recently I was diagnosed with food intolerances; egg, milk, gluten, corn, tomato, and peanut. I avoid these foods and still feel bad. It’s hard to believe all these symptoms are normal. I have a consult for an explant on Monday. Are you feeling any better after surgery?
Hi Lyn,
I just had surgery 11/24. I am relieved to have the implants out. I noticed immediately the white around my eyes look better. Before surgery my eyes always looked bad. Since I just had surgery I have that soreness but I can feel my brain fog has lifted! I am excited for the future. I highly recommend getting these foreign objects out of the body’s. I will update you in a month on how I’m
Doing. If you decide to remove them just be sure you go to a dr that does a total en boc
Capsulectomy, take pictures and does biopsies. Few plastic surgeons do this. My original plastic surgeon who put in my implants just wanted me to replace them. He said I wouldn’t like them they would be too small. My health is more important. I am also so pleased with how well they look smaller. Dr Fiengold on Long Island in NY performed my removal and I am very happy. I feared sagging skin, and not being too small. My dr performed a lift and even took some fat from my thighs. Yes they are a lot smaller But a nice size and tight. Of course I am swollen today but no sagging at all. So to answer you’re question, I feel great considering I had surgery 4 days ago. I’m recovering but feel positive knowing the implants are no longer in my body! I hope you get to a great surgeon and recover from what I can only call a nightmare of unexplained medical issues and depression. All the best to you!!!!
Hi KH. So glad you got your implants out and feel better. I have had my implants for 30 some years now. I did not have breast cancer but 4 doctors that I consulted believed I would most likely have it in the future because. I kept having lumps and biopsies done over a couple of years. I have been having Many of the symptoms that everyone has mentioned. I was diagnosed with COP D about 12 years ago and now am on oxygen 24/7 and am very short of breath. I also have had chest pains and ended up having a stent put in my heart a year ago. By the way I will be 80 next summer. The Cardiologist says my lungs are my problem and my Pulmonologist says my heart is my promlem. I think after reading all your comments back and forth that my implants probably started the whole cascade of problems I’ve had over the last 20 years. I’ve recently been referred to a neurologist because I’ve been having brain Zaps lately that feel like an electric jolt and feeling a bit disoriented for a short time. I’ve also been forgetting words and brain fog. I suppose it could be old age or those small TIA episodes. But of course they want to put me through a battery of EEG,EMG, sCAT Scans etc. I’ll bet most of it is from how long I’ve had my implants. How sad and angry 😠 it makes me. I’m pretty darn sure Medicare won’t pay to have implants removed. Blessing to all of you that are struggling with it. I wish you a good resolution.
I have had both saline and silicone implants. I just had the gummy bear implants out in 2 years ago and I’m getting sicker and sicker. The fatigue is debilitating. I have lost about a third of my hair and one doctor said my nails look like I’m being poisoned. I have dark lines in my nails and they are detaching and have become thin. Doctors HAVE to warn women they could become seriously ill after choosing implants! I have lost several years of my life now because of these ticking time bombs. I can’t wait to get them out! I have just now been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease as well. This is a nightmare.
Hi I am a Japanese woman and I suffered from BII symptoms.
I recovered because I can read English and found information on websites.
I would like to translate the list of symptoms on this website into Japanese and make a poster. This will help those who cannot understand English to find information in Japan. Let me know about copyright. Let me know if I’m allow to use the list of symptoms ?
Hi G,
Yes, you can! There’s also a translate feature at the top right of the page. Thank you for helping with breast implant illness awareness!
Thank you ! I’ll make translated version. I’ll make poster. (It’s non profit purpose so don’t worry.)
I’ve had my mentor saline implants for going on 14 years. I’ve been in and out of doctors offices trying to pinpoint my health issues. I have the following symptoms:
[v] Fatigue or chronic fatigue
[v] Cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, difficulty concentrating, word retrieval, memory loss)
[v] Muscle aches, pain, and weakness
[v] Joint pain and soreness
[v] Hair loss
[v] Dry skin, eyes, mouth, hair
[v] Weight gain or weight loss
[v] Easy bruising and slow healing of wounds
[V ] Temperature intolerance
[v] Chills
[v] Ringing in the ears
[v] Heart palpitations
[v] Shortness of breath
[v] Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the breast area, underarms, throat, neck, or groin
[v] Tingling or numbness in the arms and legs
[v] Cold and discolored hands and feet
[v] Muscle twitching
[v] Dehydration
[v] Frequent urination
[ v] Chronic neck and back pain
[v] Skin freckling, pigmentation changes (darkening or white spots), or an increase in papules (flesh colored raised bumps)
[v] Decline in vision or vision disturbances
[v] Gastrointestinal and digestive issues
[v] Sudden food intolerances and allergies
[v] Throat clearing, cough, difficult swallowing, choking feeling
[v] Feeling like you are dying
[v] Headaches, dizziness, and migraines
[v] Mood swings, emotional instability
[v] Anxiety, panic attacks
[v] Depression
I’ve been so scared and unsure for so long but I’m scheduled for a consult to have explant surgery asap!! These things have taken my life from me.
I share your exact story. I am scheduled for explant surgery in 3 weeks. I am scared but can not wait at the same time
Since the implants are causing medical problems, is your insurance covering the cost of the explant/breast lift (I’m assuming that is needed to fix the breast).
I have the same implants, and the same symptoms they have ruined my life! I have eventually lost my job that I had for over 15 years that was a very good job due to always being sick! I am currently seeking to get them removed asap!! I was diagnosed with several different autoimmune diseases and digestive disorders and started getting migraines after getting my implants… but a Dr finally talked to me and said she thought it was all from my breast implants and asked when everything started with my health they coincided!
Sorry to hear of all your struggles! I am in the same boat with too many unexplained symptoms that have destroyed my life.
I had my consult too and scheduled for nov 10th. On the waiting list for cancellation because I am just fed up and although nervous want to feel better. It’s been 2 years of hell. My implants are 11 years old.
Are you scheduled to have the surgery?
I was also diagnosed hyperthyroidism/Graves disease. Gastrointestinal issues, vertigo, vision problems, brain fog, anxiety, depression, dry skin, breakouts, rashes, and the list goes on! The pain and suffering without anyone able to help has been the worst so I can relate to what you are going through!
I hope you find a great dr to help you on the road to recovery and back to living!
Hi Kristin,
I have all the same symptoms. It Is mind boggling! I wish I never put these in! I’ve been to dozens of drs and had dozens of tests (MRIs CT scans, endoscopy, deviated septum surgery, dozens of blood tests etc) all to try to pinpoint or eliminate the problems. Nothing worked.
Have you had your consultation? I’m scheduled for explant surgery Nov 10th. I’ve been suffering for nearly 2 years as well! I hope you get well and found a great dr to help you!
All the best!
Hello Kristin and fellow Ladies, I’ve had my saline smooth Mentor high profile in for 16 years, 6 years ago I started getting very sick with all the same symptoms, it seems gut issues/ food intolerances take the cake on my daily struggle to get through the day. Question for all of you that have now explanted, have you found symptoms improved? I’m scheduled for explant with cap removal Feb 25th. Best wishes for all of you
Curious if anyone on here knows of a good Dr in the Baltimore MD area or in Columbia SC? I’m praying for each of you as I’ve read these posts and am in tears. I have had my implants for 18 years. In reading the laundry list of symptoms, it seems that there are a few that I’m able to relate to and deal with. Mine are under the pec muscle and since I’ve gone only for thermograms and did metals chelation….maybe that has spared me from feeling worse.
Dr. Adam Tattelbaum is amazing.
Hi Pamela, I had my breast implants maybe around the same time you had yours. I had my procedure done at John Hopkins Reconstructive Surgery Department in Baltimore, Maryland and are experiencing adverse effects. It sickens me to read how the manufactures of these products have a goal for making millions for faulty products that has a potential of injury. Feel free to email me at my email address for more conversation if interested. My email address is: [email protected] Thank you for sharing and enjoy the Holidays. Happy New Years! From: T. Taylor
Hi everyone, I need some help if possible. I had implants done 2 years ago and ever since when I drink alcohol I get a bruised feeling in my neck, throat and chest. It hurts so much I struggle to sleep or touch the area. I have had multiple tests done and everything has come back normal. Just wondering if anyone has heard of this and if it is related to the implants being put in as I never experienced this before my surgery?
Vallerie July 4, 2020
I had my first implants in 1984. They were placed under the pecs and were with me for 30 years. I never had any problems or so I thought. My PCP ordered an MRI in March of 2013 and found that they had both ruptured. Had to save up money to get them removed in June 2014. Worst surgery I have ever gone through. I was sore for months and thought about never replacing them. Finally in 2016 I decided to replace so in August had them redone. Initially was very happy and did not anticipate any problems since I was fine with the first implants. In April 2018 I was back with my plastic surgeon for problems with the left side. MRI showed it had ruptured. Just a note…the surgeon said when he removed the implant it was not ruptured. So much for the validity of MRIs. Had the implant removed and replaced May 2018 and that is when the problems began. I have multiple symptoms described by the folks above and generally feel sick all the time. I have been trying to find some help from my PCP since April 2019. Many visits to endocrinologists, ear-nose-throat specialist, dermatologists and hematologists. All the testing is basically normal…I feel like everyone thinks I’m crazy. In July 2019 I even saw the plastic surgeon who did the work in 2016 and again in 2018. He said I may have some contraction on the left side. He said the lump hanging out of the bottom of the left breast is something he feels a lot on “girls”…I was 63 years old at the time. He also said that with my case he did not have much to work with in the first place. The left breast is now twice the size it should be and deformed looking and hurts all the time. The right breast is now starting to ride up and begin to hurt. I am almost $9000 in to this mess and wish I had never replaced them. This August I have and appointment with a different surgeon to see what can be done to get my health back. I know these things have to come out and it will cost me lots of money but I can’t live the rest of my life like this. My advice to anyone who is considering implants please please be aware that your body may reject the devices…even if you had them before with no problems like me. There are other options out there to enhance your breasts without the toxic exposure to implants. I am so sorry to all of the people on this site who are or have gone through so much pain and I hope someday BII will be recognized as a real disease.
Good day Valerie! Thank you for informing. I’m in my 10th yr of implants and having them removed. My plastic surgeon told me to change them out every 10-15 yrs, so I’m following his recommendation. During the last 4 yrs, I’ve been experiencing health issues that I never attributed to my implants. My ex-husband sent me info on Breast implants illness, which blew me out the water! Luckily, I’ve already schedule a consult with my plastic surgeon (10yrs in before the ex sent me the BII) for extraction. However, this serves as confirmation as to the potential causative of my unexplained health issues for the past 4 yrs. I don’t want a replacement, not worth my life!
I got my implants March 2015, within a year I started seeing changes but I didn’t really pay much attention to them or associate them with anything. It started with gaining 50+ pounds within a year. Then my allergies went from spring time only to year round and much much worse than they had been. Headaches began to be almost daily. Arms and legs get tired extremely easy. IBS issues. And no energy. I found myself beginning to say “I just don’t feel good” ALL THE TIME. All this happened within the first 3 years of having them. My boyfriend finally says “Have you noticed your health has seemed to decline since the implants” That’s when I started researching and came upon BII. All those symptoms stayed the same without any new symptoms until this year. April 14th my boyfriend had to rush me to the ER cause I thought I was having s heart attack. Nope all testing came back fine. Now my gallbladder, pancreas, liver are being looked at but so far everything is good. I haven’t felt good since that day. I now have random panic attacks. Feel overwhelmed out of nowhere. Chest pain. Shortness of breath. Want to cry a lot. Neck pain. Feeling of being choked. And the list goes on. All theses symptoms since April 14th came out of nowhere and aren’t going away. Ive contacted three explant surgeons and have heard back from two so far. Scary things is they are booked til next year cause of getting behind due to Corona Virus. The third doctor I’m waiting to hear from is available this fall, I just hope I can afford her. Has anyone else on here had all this mess going on?
Oh my yes I can relate !! I have had these implants four years this August I knew something wasn’t right when I put them in due to a mastectomy! I have sever gut issues never had them before until I put them I ! I feel like I am dying I get burning thru my whole body feel weak fatigue sweaty ear ringing joint pain you name it I get it! I need them out ASAP !! I have 2 consults on June 15 and I don’t think I can hold on that long. I feel sick everyday!!! I would rather be flat then go thru this heal!!!!
I know what you mean by feeling like you can’t hold on that long. My initial explant surgery was set for August 5 and at the time that was 2 months away which seemed like 10 years. I found a different doctor and now am having surgery July 1st. My newest symptom is tightness in my neck almost like someone’s hand is around my throat trying to strangle me. It’s hard not to freak out about it. I hope you feel better soon.
How are you feeling after your explant? I’m experiencing your same symptom as well as all of the others listed.
Hi all
I had bilateral breast mastectomy on 1/30/19 with tissue expanders placed, under went reconstruction on 4/24/19. Since then I have had a lot of GI symptoms, chronic neck pain, headaches,gained about 20 pounds. In February of 2020 I noticed numbness and nerve pain down both my arms and hand pain unable to grab things. I couldn’t sleep at night because of this so I saw my PCP ordered alot of blood work and it was all negative ( I am a nurse by profession been a nurse for 21 yrs). Had a MRI of my neck and had severe spinal stenosis and under went a anterior cervical disc fusion on C4-5-6 on 6/17/20. My recent problem now is pain in the right breast implants and my implant has moved from it’s pocket. I am seeing the plastic surgeon today 8/6/20 and discuss having them removed for food. My implants are 650cc silicone. Just to add I also had some pain in the right breast 6 months after surgery and the doctor concurred I had some fascia issues causing the connective tissue to adhere to the area of my pain and I was given a Kenalog (steriod) injection which was helpful but at this time I’m just going to keep my chest flat. Just glad to have survived breast cancer. Hang in there everyone and stay pink strong.
Hi Gina. Did you get your impla ts removed? Do you feel better?? Please write back or email me [email protected] Thank you Kristine
yes i had the same problem. went to CASSILETH in Beverly Hills and just had them removed and replaced with fat grafting (that’s using your OWN fat to replace so there’s not just skin hanging.) She is and was amazing. Expensive but all in all its worth it. Had post op testing to find out what bacterias were growing on the implants. So now we can work with that knowledge. It was proof there was small leakage and body always fighting an infection. There’s a podcast on Broken Brain with her talking about it. Hope that helps. Sandra
Hi, Sandra!
How was your surgery (fat grafting)? There is no risks of rejection? How you liked the result?
I want to do the explant surgery, but it would be better to have something to replace the implants. Thank you for your help.
Hi Sandra would love to hear how your surgery turn out!
I just had my breast implants removed 8 weeks ago, I was very sick since last November and got diagnosed that I have a rare autoimmune disease that causes skin inflammation and mouth ulcers, now I have to take strong meds and feel like a nightmare. I was a very healthy person before the implants.
Hi Ladies,
It makes me feel better ready these reposes, even though I’m crying as I’m typing right now. I can relate to all of this…our stories are so important. This BII is just all news to me this year. In fact, I just started actually reading about it a couple of days ago. I already have a consultation to get the explant. Because I knew once I started reading theses stories and seeing all the symptoms, that it were the implants that were causing all of my problems. Even if I were not experiencing most every listed physical and mental and emotional issue, I would get them removed for fear of all the possibilities…and suggest to anyone with implants to either not get them or to have them removed. I’ve spent the past eight years of my life in and out of medical, holistic, and functional doctors and have taken more supplements than a vitamin store has to offer. People around me think I’m crazy, and I’m not using that word lightly…it’s true…and doctors have looked at me as if I’m making up all my symptoms. Some have even said I’m addicted to taking supplements. Who wants to take or even pay for a plethora of pills to take in a day to “feel better” or feel normal…and most of the time I still feel sick…I thank God that I’ve been led to find out about all of this information. Thanks to all of you who are opening up and not fearing talking about your personal life. ❤️ I am praying for all of us going through this battle and for those that have already gone through it. (Let’s keep making BII known!)
To all the women who have posted this is real in 1986 I got implants in 1988.I lost my left kidney, in 1993 I was told my left implant had been ruptured, do you see the connection well I didn’t alson1993 diagnosed with fibromyalgia and RA, I was a healthy 28 year old I am now 63 and have lived a horrible painful life . In 2019, I tripped over a cord.in the pharmacy where I.work as tech,.it took workers compensation 5 months to get me surgery.ladies I am here to tell you I wish when I had surgery I could have had them removed and not replaced.but workerscompensation would only pay for remove and replace not remove and lift, its.imsurance companies and their damn rules
I am now dealing with a Snow storm of silicone attached to my new implants,.in armpits, in top part.of breast scattered.through out all strands of lymnodes, in my upper torso where there are lynodes scattered snow clouds.of.silicone and last but not least in my forearms . Please .all you young ladies these.big boods.are not worth your life.and health I swear I am not lying to you
Ladies, I had 18 year old silicone implants removed 1 year ago . It has taken a while but I feel much better now . The implants had ruptured over the years and silicon was attached to the normal breast tissue , the surgeon took 5 hours to remove it . Also both breasts were encapsulated . The surgery was pretty major and I had drains in place for weeks after . This week I have started doing upper body exercises again , it has taken 12 months for my body to heal and my breasts now are pain free . For the first time in 18 years I have normal , painless ,soft breasts . It feels great . There is scarring underneath but it is fading slowly . I no longer get pain in my chest , jaw and neck , and the lumps under my armpits have gone . I believe my body rejected the implants from day one , they were never comfortable and became lumpy after the first year . For years I put up with them because I was stupid and vain , and I could not afford to have them removed . Or so I thought , 18 months ago , my breasts became very sore , and I went to the breast clinic at my local hospital . I saw a surgeon who recommended explant, thank god I live in the UK and the health service will remove implants at no cost to the patient . I had to wait for 4 months for the operation . I wish I had the implants removed years ago , or never had them put in at all , but overall I am very happy now
I’ve been having symptoms and have been told I have to pay private to have them removed?
I have been told the same. I have had mine in for about 15 years. They both now have capsular con stricture. I finally got around to getting a public appointment. I had my 1st appointment in Feb where they took a mammogram (very VERY painful). They rang me for my follow up appointment which I have in a couple of months. As far as I can tell, from what they said to me over the phone, is that they don’t THINK they are leaking (silicone). If that is the case, why am I in pain daily..and then a few times a month the pain gets so bad i.e hurts to breath (like I have broken ribs), jaw, neck, upper back, head – everything is very painful, even to move. I used to think I was coming down with a chest infection but then would always be slightly better the next morning. It lasts for about 24 hours, for some reason. I am very worried that they won’t think t’s urgent enough to get them removed, but I don’t think I can keep up with this pain for the next 20 odd years. After doing some reading, I do think it’s the Breast implant illness – but I have also been told that in the UK they believe in Breast Implant illness, but over here in Ireland, they don’t think it’s a real thing. Has anyone else had any luck with getting them removed due to the awful pain. Along with the pain, there are things like memory loss, word retrieval, joint pain, low libido – all of which I suffer with every now and then. All the symptoms fit. I am not moaning about having the implants, not at all, in fact, they gave me over 10 years of happiness…..
One thing I realized early on is you cannot count on medical opinion as many are uneducated or (in regards to my plastics surgeon, ignorant – as admitting a problem would hurt his business). I had my implants for over 20 years…many symptoms too many to list over the years- but most scary I was getting tested for MS and difficulty swallowing. Never in a million years did I think implants had anything to do with all these symptoms which started with headaches 5 years after getting them. I had a very odd thing happen which expedited my explant surgery (which I had to pay out of pocket for due to insurance restrictions). I was told after 3-4 years of issues most of my symptoms were “menopause “ related….ended up in ER twice due to hemorrhaging anyway I had gone 5 months without a period but had huge swollen painful breast the whole time. I started with swelling in my right armpit and was scared enough to endure the pain of a mammogram. This test cannot tell if you have leaking implants, neither is an ultrasound fool proof. Testing is expensive and a lot of times not covered. Out of desperation I had called plastic surgeon office who had implanted telling them I had been having issues and wanted to know what kind of implants I had (lost records due to flooding). They called back 3 days later and advised my implants had been recalled almost a year ago, and manufacturer would pay for replacement implants but not surgery. En bloc is expensive and hard to find doctor. My explant was done by them but only the implants and not capsules, I wouldn’t have been able to afford “proper” surgery. I never got notice they had been recalled!!! I was devastated and discovered BII online and what an epiphany! Almost relieved that something existed and I wasn’t in fact crazy. Many years of doctors guessing and being left to feel that I was imagining my issues or would just have to suffer with them….great support networks and a lot of amazing women going through the same thing. It’s been 2 months and I can tell you I can breathe better, my skin has improved, no longer have a lump on back of my neck, food sensitivities are improving but not gone….night sweats still bad but I read your body is constantly trying to purge these toxins. Side note, the implants are yours and should be returned to you, my doctor refused and then I found out they get kickbacks for returning them. capsules should be removed by doctor who knows what they are doing, if they don’t recognize even the possibility of BII I would find another doctor. I am now a part of a class action suit to try and recover surgery cost (I am a single mom and work two jobs). I just implore women to really educate themselves prior to getting this procedure done. I’m a bit deformed now but I love my little boobs and sleeping on my stomach!!! Advocate for your health and don’t settle for anything less than someone’s best effort to help you get answers. I wish you the best!!!
Amanda, im very curious about the lump on the back of your neck. I have this too. I sneezed really hard and threw my neck out, I always attributed it to this. But I dont have a herniated disc but I have a lump and discovered I have moderate djd.
WoW!!! I had saline implants in October, so only 4 months ago. I have been sick all of January till now, I have tested positive for Mono/EBV but now wondering if that is not whats going on. Only 2 things happening, fevers and fatigue from the fever. Maybe I’m just anxious but it looks like I have a very valid reason to be. Anyone else have the EBV?
EBV has correlation with Multiple sclerosis and some cancers. the risk is there but not necessarily you will acquire
Hi Nichole,
I too have reactivated EBV, I became aware of it about 1.5 years, after self testing for 3 or 4 antibodies, two of them always come very high, about 20 times the upper limit; but I have had the symptoms for decades.
The symptoms I have experienced are cold hands, mild to chronic fatigue, low energy, poor memory, brain fog, nasal allergies, ADD, multiple chemical sensitivities, etc. These have been bad at times, but lately they have improved, but still I know my energy is low and my hands are cold. I have checked thyroid (5 hormones and 2 antibodies) and they all look “fine”, but my body temperature is low. And yes EBV has been connected to 8 autoimmune diseases (Ex: MS, RA, Lupus, Hashimoto’s, T1DM, etc.). Also, EBV is associated with different cancers and recently I had colon cancer, they resected my ascending colon.
My silicone comes from a testicle, luckily it was explanted few years ago, the change I noticed the most was less light sensitivity.
Has anyone experienced getting Shingles as a side effect of BII? I got saline implants when I was 21. I had shingles the first time at 29. After the shingles, my health took a nose dive. I have neurological symptoms such as brain fog, difficulty concentrating, issues with word retrieval, and memory loss. At first I thought this was just a side effect of damage from shingles. However, I also started developing migraines, which I have been getting multiple times a month for almost 2 years. I also developed multiple severe food allergies, to the point of going into anaphylactic shock. I also have asthma and started having severe flare ups. I have always been sensitive to chemicals and smoke because of my asthma, but now any exposure to either results in an attack. I am now dealing with my second round of Shingles.
I have saline implants as well. I have all of the same symptoms except asthma. Anxiety, brain fog, word retrieval, memory loss and shingles multiples times. I also have experienced chest pain that sent me to the hospital three times thinking I was having a heart attack.
Hello, I got the shingles at age 28 (about 3 years ago) I have no underlying health conditions other than saline implants. The shingles went across my left breast then banded under my armpit and towards my back. I’m a family nurse practitioner and was able to recognize the shingles right away and knew this was very abnormal. There is no coincidence in my mind that the shingles started right at my incision and went over my breast. My explanation surgery has been cancelled due to covid-19 but I can’t wait to get these things removed. Good luck to you!
I didn’t even connect my having shingles to BII! I had the now recalled allergan implants inserted 5 years ago and developed shingles from my back all the way down to my knee late last year. Another one for the list, geez.
Yes, about 6 months after I got my saline implants I got shingles and then I got shingles for a second time 5 years after the first time!
Hello Marisa, by chance have you had any recent vaccinations or taken the flu vaccine? Your symptoms sound like my sisters. she does not have implants but she did take the vaccine and has suffered since.
I’m so shock too realize, what I been going through and experience for a long time now. Is too do with my breast implants! After reading all your testimonies I find out im not the only one having these symptoms you are all experiencing, but i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Was not aware my implants could be the cause of my pain and suffering all these years! Doctor’s not knowing this can be a factor of having breast implants! So I’m shocked and need too bring this up with my Doctor. Is there anyone had there insurance pay for the removal of there implants? Please any advise would help!
I am currently attempting to go through my insurance provider to have my implants removed due to the past years of a multitude of ailments that I have suffered since having implant surgery, yet upon all of the lab work, diagnostic scans, and seeing an ample amount of specialists, all with no resolution. Hence, my left implant had ruptured of which that very same day my body underwent various ailments a week prior, up to, and beyond the day of rupture, one of which included a respiratory infection that the original visit to the hospital and minute clinic dismissed as nothing alarming or concerning to my health. i ended up sick for 45+ day and had taken so much medication in order to function on everyday life that it ultimately affected my digestive tract! Upon attempting to submit under insurance claim, they have denied the surgery. Although the surgeon’s request included a lift of which is not deemed as medically necessary. If you attempt submission through insurance: 1) You need to find a surgeon In-Network & 2) Only request that the implants be removed, nothing more. otherwise, they will classify it as cosmetic when in fact it is medically necessary since the implant itself could be harvesting infection, yet won’t show up on labs. As well as the fact that the outer shell of all implants is still manufacturing using silicone and can still have negative side affects on the body, such as autoimmune disorder, among many other false positives.
Does anyone realize, that many of the symptoms we are experiencing, are completely consistent with the toxicity resulting from chemotherapy? Chemical poisoning.
Yet, we have No recourse.
Worse, there are millions of women out there, unaware of what’s wrong with them.
I’m relocating to the Reno NV area. I’m a victim of 1985 Dow Corning implant extra capsular ruptures x 2. Anyone know where I can find a Silicone Toxicity Expert in the area? Need Specialist ASAP. Silicone has traveled through out my nervous system and organs. Please advise.
Omg! I am in the same boat as you. One of my breasts is turning blue, had my mammogram and they said it shouldn’t be a problem that it is incapsulated and causing pain unless the pain gets worse. I have Reynoud syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus in remission… I feel awful all the time. Chronic pain everywhere…. so depressed about this.
Connie, I hope you talk to a plastic surgeon that does explants! I am a cancer survivor and just had my implants removed a week ago! You seem to have many of the symptoms of BII.
Connie: What you are experiencing is called Cyanosis: a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood. This is not normal. And any Doctor that says it’s ok, it’s not! Poor circulation can lead to Necrosis of tissue. Prior to implants I have never been diagnosed with the multifaceted types of illnesses that my medical records plague me with today. (Autoimmune disorder, Sjrogrens, Hashimotos, etc.) I too, as many BII sufferers feel the daily drain of side effects from having implants and it’s time the medical industry recognizes BII is real and is affecting many women to the point that our value of life has immensely decreased under the false pretenses that they refuse to provide the FDA with the facts.
I have been experiencing the same symptoms and getting much worse over time. I even felt like my body rejected them from the beginning. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hashimoto’s. My symptom are so bad that I can hardly get up and down. I too am feeling desperate, I just don’t know how much longer I can handle all of it. I had my heart check due to the heaviness in my check and fast heart rate. If there is anything or news of help for all who suffer, please keep us informed. I really appreciate all who have given advise!
I’ve had fibromyalgia among other horrible diseases related to my implants placed 19 years ago. I explanted with total capsulectomy I think. The surgeon did not provide pictures of the capsule. I’m now in the process of legal action against him. Look up the protocol for surgery with a fibromyalgia patient. It’s very important that all involved follow it. No one followed it for me and The pain from the fibromyalgia is 10 times worse with many other breast problems since explant
I wish I could help you, though I live in the Phoenix area. I’m in the same boat…had my down corning implants put in 1983. Looking back, I’ve been having medical issues for the past 11 years. Kidney disease, Hashimoto’s disease (thyroid) and at least 20 others listed above. I’m scheduled to have a breast MRI in a week. I’ve seen a surgeon and am having ex-plant surgery as soon as possible. Good Luck to you!
Deb … are you paying for your surgery or will insurance cover some of it? And are you getting complete reconstruction? I’m also having a lot of health problems and have had my implants for 40 plus years!
Deb, Have you had your explant surgery yet? If so how did it go? I am also in the Phoenix area & wondering if you have had any Luck?
Be sure to find a good “functional medicine’ doctor or connect with Dr Lisa CASSILETH in Beverly Hills via skype/zoom. She did all that for me including capsulectomy, fat grafting and pathology to examine what was going on with the biofilm attached to my implant (they were called ‘p. acnes’ – the “p” is abbreviated, can’t recall the exact long word). Good luck.
Hello you all. I’ve been having a lot of the symptoms mentioned above , I started noticing about 6 years after my surgery. I just don’t know where to go to get tested nor have the funds to pay for surgery to have them removed. I WISH THE FDA would force surgeons to tell you all of these possible illnesses , also I wish there would be a way to sue for this injustice . I’m so tired of being in pain already .😥😥
What about the RASH? Mine started in the spring, in the crease of my right elbow, I thought it was poison ivy, it itched like poison ivy kinda looked like it but it would not clear up. Then it began to spread. Now I have multiple, reasonably small spots of red, scaly and very itchy skin. Dermatologist said it’s nummular eczema due to aging (I’m 62). I called b.s. These spots seem to be increasing. Now my eye lids, the right side of my face are blotched with redness and itch. Last night my entire torso was covered in red dots. The itching is very uncomfortable.
I did testing, I’m off the charts with lead. I have some autoimmune issues, some mold and fungi issues as well. I am explanting in late January. I eat a clean diet, no coffee, no gluten, no dairy, no alcohol, I’m taking supplements as recommended by my epigenetic doc. And have started a charcoal detox.
Hi V,
Yes, rashes have been reported with breast implants and tend to go away with explant.
“Systemic Symptoms [Breast Implant Illness (BII)]
Symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, rash, “brain fog,” and joint pain may be associated with breast implants. Some patients may use the term “breast implant illness” (BII) to describe these symptoms. Researchers are investigating these symptoms to better understand their origins. These symptoms and what causes them are poorly understood. In some cases, removal of the breast implants without replacement is reported to reverse symptoms of breast implant illness.” – FDA
Dr. Arthur Brawer, rheumatologist and silicone toxicity researcher, found skin rashes in 58% of silicone breast implant recipients. See Chronology of systemic disease development in 300 symptomatic recipients of silicone gel-filled breast implants (1996). In more recent research (2017) on the “new generations of cohesive silicone gel-filled breast implants” approved after 2006, he found women got sick on average 3.5 years from the time of implantation. By seven years the women manifested multiple types of skin rashes, polyarthritis, fatigue, protracted AM stiffness, myalgias, headaches, photosensitivity, hair loss, paresthesias, tinnitus, lymphadenopathy, chest pain, cognitive dysfunction, dry eyes, skin pigment changes, itching, muscle twitching, dizziness, nausea, easy bruising, and odor and smell sensitivity.”
There are many news stories of women with breast implants reporting rashes, for example Christina Roulund.
Rashes and itching are also seen in women with textured breast implants and can be a symptom of BIA-ALCL (ASPS).
I got diagnosed with Pemphigus Vulgaris a very rare autoimmune disease after having rashes, mouth ulcers, eye and skin inflammation.
Hi, I’m so worried I have a tingling sensation and my nipple is a little bit red I am always so dizzy, I have pain going down the same arm the pain is on and it feels bubbly/lumpy on the implant, my anxiety is sky high and brain fog is the same does anyone else experience this? All blood test come back normal I am Explanting in a week
I’ve had silicone implants for 11yrs. I get tingling and numbness in my arms as well as brain fog, anxiety, tinnitus, migraines, a weak immune system, depression. I hope your procedure went well! I am explanting next week, on 12/5. I don’t know if my health to improve but I am expecting that my health won’t continue to decline.
Hi Tina I was reading your comment, did you ever remove your implants!?!? If so do you feel better????? Are you ok???? I’m so frustrated with mine!!
I’m having surgery Sept 9
I was wondering how you are feeling after having your implants removed.
I have struggled for the last 3 years with issues yet all my test say I’m healthy. I was begin to think my doctor thought I was crazy. Hands and feet tingle and I get very tired and feel like I have the flu all the time. Praying this yes the answer to my mystery achieve.
Yet I pushed my doctors to hear me out and ok for me to have more test. I found out I got a busted implant.
Getting them removed.
Please let me know how you feel now.
I pray you are better.
Thank you and hope to hear from you.
Has anyone experienced flushing? Sudden Red, hot face, ears, neck and chest? Wasn’t during exercise or any other type of activity. Had saline implants for 15 years, one ruptured last October 2018, so had them both replaced with Mentor smooth saline (same as before) in November 2018. In January 2019 experienced flushing for the first time, then just happened again yesterday. Its very hot, sudden and scary. I also have a burning in one of my breasts. Surgery was a year ago.
Omg yes!
I am literally just discovering, thank God for an alternative medicine doctor I found… That I have a very severe case. And flushing is right up there in my top five symptoms
[email protected] Tracy. I am definitely looking to connect with anyone else who’s experienced any of these things
Hi T!
There is a list of over 250+ BII Facebook Support Groups.
Your voice can make a difference, the FDA has recently opened public comment on upcoming changes to breast implant labeling recommendations.
In October 2019, the FDA released a statement on enhancing breast implant labeling recommendations including: a black box warning, patient-decision checklist, product ingredient information including types and quantities of chemicals and heavy metals, silicone gel-filled breast implant rupture screening recommendations, and updated patient device card. A draft guidance was issued and is open to public comment until December 23, 2019.
Rachel, yes I have been experiencing “hot flashes” for several months now. They had gone away for over a year and then all of a sudden they returned. I only recently learned about BII and after reading items here, that my hot flashes, joint and foot issues are a result of BII. I had double mastectomy with reconstruction in 2015/2016 after breast cancer. My implants are the textured ones involved in the recall. I just ordered a book on BII and can’t wait to read it.
I had silicone implants put in on January 2016. I hate myself for even thinking that this was a good idea at the time. I was getting a breast lift and the surgeon had me at “the implants will make the lift last longer”…… Just like a lot of you have commented, I started having symptoms (although I did not realize it at the time) about 1 year after I had the surgery. I now have thyroid issues, hair loss, brain fog, and joint aches. I have gained a lot of weight…however I have to admit that I was eating for a while like a jerk and not working out what-so-ever. I also read that some of you mentioned “flushing”. I would experience these “flash rashes”…usually on the flanks of my back, my legs, or under my arm pits. They were read rashes that came on and lasted about 20-30 minutes and then went away. They were crazy itchy too…Not sure if this is related to the implants as I was taking THRIVE patches and supplements at the time as well. I plan to get the implants extracted within this year as I have to save my money. I was looking for any suggestions or help from any of you to see how to go about this and possibly getting my insurance to cover it. I am currently being treated by an endocrinologist for my thyroid issues.
I’ve had my saline implants in for 20’years!! Finally getting them removed! My whole body feels like a charley horse that will not go away. IBS is out of control! Can’t wait to feel better! Dec 4, 2019 is the big day!
I just had mine removed two weeks ago, I had them for 21 years. The last four years I have had all the symptoms of Breast Plant Illness.
Having the explant surgery was the best decision I’ve ever made! I already feel so much better. I’m sure it will take a long time before I am no longer experiencing any of the symptoms, but it’s a start in the right direction. Good luck with your surgery and recovery.
ShellyS…were you able to get the extraction covered? I am in the thick of it right now as I had my impants put in on 1/2016. Would appreciate any help you can offer as far as how I should pursue this.
Mine to be removed dec 5 and looking for my muscle pain and RA to disappear! I lost my arm muscles last year. Working to detox prior and EBV was in full force.
Omg Karen! Same here with the IBS! My muscles and even my bones ache! Ringing of the ears is AWFUL!! Headaches, dizziness, etc…. And I work for 3 plastic surgeons. They all said that the gummy bear Implants do not give you BII….. That none of theirs do and blah! Blah! Blah! They kinda acted like I was making all of my symptoms up. Anyways… I’m saving up money and going to have a explant with a lift! I just want my old self back .
Hey Karen!! Just wondering fidnyoungetbtour breast implants removed??? Do you feel better now??? I have breast implants myself, it’s been 5years and I have not been ok!! I always feel sick lightheaded anxious dizzy always worried I’m just so frustrated!! I’ve got blood work other test and comes back normal.. But I don’t feel normal..
Please if anybody can help me get to the attorneys that are handling Mentor breast implants. Had them done in 2006. I have every symptom know to man. Been bed ridden for tthe4e years. Can’t move joints in so much pain, I wanna take my own life. Please help.
When I could not move almost a year ago I was recommended the medical medium website and started celery juice every morning to detox. Then ordered the book medical medium the secrets behind chronic and mystery illness. Slowly I am getting my arm strength back as the implants activated EBV and I have done what the book recommended. Now there are waves of not being able to move. I am getting them removed dec 5 and going to welcome my life back! I also called mentor and reported all my symptoms. I have mentor saline but swear it has messed with my life for years starting within a year after implant!
Kriquette….. I had a breast lift in 2007, they used saline MENTOR implants (even though I didn’t WANT implants, just a lift). My health has been failing ever since. After going down the list of symptoms, I have the overwhelming majority of them. I’d like to have them removed and see if that will reverse the Psoriatic Arthritis that I’m suffering terribly with. I’m researching right now about the actual removal and who’s accountable for my auto-immune. My illness came after the lift. Good luck everyone.
I had silicone implants 13 years ago. Over the past five years my eyes starting to become itchy, swollen and red. It would last about a week go away and happen again. It is becoming more frequent. I use strike on my face and it is so uncomfortable. In addition. Have have developed many allergies including Celiac’s disease, tree nut allergy and an allergy to apple and blueberries. I have an identical sister who has no allergies. The only difference is I have implants
Omg I am having the same type of symptoms! Developed a lot of food allergies on top of having shingles twice in the past three years, and I am only 32. I got saline implants in June 2008.
Question: How badly does the explant leave your breast looking? I’m afraid of getting the explant but want to!
Wow I’m so glad I decided to look into breast implant illness after dealing with a lot of immune issues over the past year and a half. I have so many of the symptoms on the list. I’ve had Mentor saline implants since 2009 but the symptoms began around 2 years ago. Breast pain around chest, back and neck pain, ear ringing, sinus infection after sinus infection, allergies, asthma, lung issues, dry cough, joint/hip pain, fatigue, insomnia, hormone problems, anxiety and the list goes on. Sounds like I need to look into having them removed
I have been so sick for so long and now I know why I have every symptom
Hi I’ve had my 35 years ago and there are breast silicons am worried am 59 years old now and I’ve got lot of illness everything what they say on the tin but I can’t afford to have it done they ask me £5000 when I went to see a private consultant. And I know there both leaking I don’t what to do anymore.
Forgot to mention feeling fatigue and have more frequent headaches…. never had heartburn in my life now every time i do get to eat I have it. Before I even got my implants I asked my ps because I was hearing about implants and something being wrong with them and he advised me they were for only textured ones . Now that I started googling my symptoms BII started coming up. I don’t know what to do. What should I do?
Amanda I have had my implants for 5 year and the last 4 weeks my health has taken a turn, fatigue, dizziness, soreness, body aches, and the biggest thing was I felt like I was dieing , I use to joke to my customers when they ask me how my day was, I would say tired I I fell like I’m 80 and I’m only 40, my hubby wants me to not panic or stress myself out about it cause we dont know exactly whats wrong with me, I said well I do I know my body and it’s my implants. I want my health back these boobs are going some how.
I tell my husband all of the time that I feel ill like I am dying. I have no diagnostic medical illnesses but just don’t feel right.
I have every symptom out there! I have had every test. Reoccurring UTIs autoimmune issues arm pain joint pain vision , digestion issues majorly. Loss of muscle tone red dry eyes trouble swallowing thrush….I cod go one. These are coming out!! I trust Dr. Fang . I don’t care what my boobs look like after. I just want to feel better and be able to eat and loose this information!
Hi, I am glad to find someone that is having the same problem like me. I am having most off the symptoms and on top of that my lungs collapsed and my mouth and tongue are full of painful ulcers. I feel like I’m dying little by little. Can’t wait to remove this implants.
Can anyone tell me of a good doc in Upstate New York. I had my implants placed 13 years ago. Previous to that had silicone implants that ruptured. Shortly after I had EBV, thyroid problems, and ultimately diagnosed with MS. I. have only gone downhill. I had no idea they were related to my implants. I pretty much cover the entire list. I had breast CA 1979. Survived that now these are killing me. Help please.
Hi Ciara,
Not sure where u are in upstate NY, but I just went to Dr Ashley Amalfi (with Quatela in Rochester) for a ruptured implant and she is amazing. Very sweet, down to earth, knowledgeable and truly cares about her patients. Google her, you won’t be disappointed!
4 years after mentor high profile silicone implants 4 revisions and still have 1 breast that looks like the implant may be dropping out. I accepted they will look like they will look no more surgery. 8 days ago I had sudden pain in my right side felt like the breast itself. Pain has not stopped over the phone ps said 2 weeks rest may have ripped capsule. But pain has steadily intensified from back rib cage lung and breast. I went to see a new ps for 2nd opinion got steroid shots from back to around right implant. Went home pain gets worse went to ER maybe it’s not implant? They do blood work and ex ray and say all looks good. Back to ps who says maybe infection and I’m currently on 3rd day of antibiotics. Still no relief. I’m ready to scream. Been off work the complete time. Any ideals of what’s going on.
Any possibility of a shingles diagnosis. Since on only one side and radiating around. Any rash?
Yes, I had shingles and only on one side, along with every other symptom known to man!
I have a condition called costochondritis. It is severe and chronic in my case… the pain can be unbearable, it hurts to breathe, hurts from my sternum all the way around into my back. I went through a double mastectomy 7 weeks ago and it flared my ribs up terribly bad. I have tissue expanders in now to prepare for reconstruction surgery after breast cancer. I am even more determined now to have these things removed and NO reconstruction surgery. Both times I went in for saline to added to the ports I could barely take a normal breath.
Had my gummy bear silicone implants done back in April of 2019…. was fine after surgery, then a few months went by I started feeling nauseous every now n then . Now I’m feeling like this everyday. I can’t remember hardly anything. I literally can’t deal with feeling like this everyday. I can’t eat or drink. It almost feels n sounds like I’m losing my mind and this is all in my head but it’s not is it?
Great Article!!
I am a victim of Mentors smooth texture saline implants. They have ruined my health
AND my PS Recommended them as completely safe. 13 years now
I must have them out but does anyone’s health return after removal.
I’ve worked for my plastic surgeon for 6 years we take out AT LEAST 6 implants a week, removing the entire capsul through enbloc! I have never had 1 patient say they have no relief!
Jen. I have every symptom of Lupus but test negative. Am considering this surgery. What is removal by enbloc?
En Bloc means: ” …all in one piece” With saline implants, the saline is NOT drained before the removal of the implant and capsule.
I have 90% of symptoms listed in BII and would really like mine removed but am worried as to how they look afterwards. Can you give me any insight to how the breast tissue looks after removal?
It depends on your breast tissue, body type and body fat. I recommend going to a consultation with a plastic surgeon who specializes in explant surgery. When I went to a consultation they had a lot of before and after pictures of explant patients. A fat transfer after you heal can also be an option.
Jen can you email me? I have a question for you. [email protected]
Jen, at your plastic surgeons office, Would you say that you see more patients come in sick from Saline implants versus silicone or is it about the same for explant
Had implants done I. 2000! CANT WAIT TO HAVE THEM REMOVED! My symptoms are, hypothyroid, thirsty a lot of times, brain fog extreme fatigue, Light joint pain on hands and knees, red spots popping up on skin, loss of interest ( mainly from fatigue) some trouble breathing, not recuperating from exercise ( takes me nearly a whole week from a work out!) My symptoms may not be as bad as others but it’s bad enough. I don’t feel like I’m myself anymore because of the brainf and poor memory
Hi Pookie057, Do you ever get really hot and sweat on your chest when doing exercise. Like feel too hot. You cant take the temperature. Drink so much water. You feel more tired and like out of breath. I get red spots like heat rash kind I thought from pms/ pmt. I would like to get mine removed. Not working at the moment. Worrying if I could do a finance option in the uk. Dpnt really want to go the nhs cuz they do a butcher shop.
This is serious . i jyst found out about this illness a few weeks ago when i was planning to exchange my implants they are 11yrs old but after everything i have learn am explanting …
I had my gummy bear silicone implants placed11 years ago. 8 years ago I started having constant water diarrhea. I’ve been in chronic body pain for 11 years. I never imagined it was from my implants. I love them but I’m afraid they are the problem. I’m bed bound at this point. The plastic surgeon wants $6800 to remove them. I just qualified for Medicaid. Is there any other doctors who recognize this as an actual illness that needs to be addressed? I don’t have the money to remove them but I’m truly suffering.
I’m in the same position as you and wondering the same thing!
Bambi, contact your insurance Medicaid and ask for your case manager explain what is going on and let them know that you need them to remove your implants, because you believe they are making you sick and how to proceed with getting it approved ( you may need to see another doctor, one that will back you up)I went through the same thing, very sick and Medicaid is finally removing mine
Medicaid will remove them at no cost.
Really? How does a person get that done?
That’s not true at all. Insurance will never cover this cause the underlining reason you got them was cosmetic purposes. U less u have breast cancer they will not pay anything and any doctor who claims insurance covers them is a scam. I used to work for blue cross blue shield
Medicare and Medicaid will often cover the costs of breast implant removal.
According to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which is the government program that regulates Medicare services, Medicare authorizes the removal of breast implants for the following reasons:
2. Removal of BREAST IMPLANTs
For a patient who has had an implant(s) placed for reconstructive or cosmetic purposes, Medicare considers treatment of any one or more of the following conditions to be medically necessary:
•Broken or failed implant
•Implant extrusion
•Siliconoma or granuloma
•Interference with diagnosis of breast cancer
•Painful capsular contracture with disfigurement
Source: Cms.gov Medicare Coverage Database
See: Will Medicare Pay to Remove My Breast Implants? by the National Center for Health Research
Additionally, the insurance breast implant removal criteria generally focus on capsular contractures, ruptures, infections, and chronic breast pain. Women in the BII community have at times been able to get insurance coverage for breast implant removal, it usually takes persistence. The National Center for Health Research and Breast Implant Information Organization have been assisting women with the insurance process. There is also Kantor & Kantor law firm in CA who is helping women, they were able to get an explant insurance denial overturned.
Paula and others, I have talked to my Medicare provider and they will cover explant surgery. The problem is the “plastic surgeons” they are greedy and will not work with anyone who wants to go thru insurance. I have talked to several and all have said they give a cash discount (right) credit card, or check. There may be coverage but finding a surgeon is the problem.
Just had my 32 YO implants removed 6/21/19. Looking forward to healing. List of issues is extensive. Cost around $5,800 out of pocket. Procedure is fairly uncomplicated & totally worth it. Take out a loan or credit card charge the fees but get them out!!! Mine were catastrophically ruptured & capsules were calcifying. Conditions/ illnesses DO NOT IMPROVE NOR STABILIZE WITH AGE!!! Get them out! Lots of blogs out there so research & find a surgeon in yr area. Stop procrastinating!
Ruth T, mine are 29 years old and just now investigating. I am having horrible neurological issues and this info has given me serious consideration that my implants are the cause. So after 30 years…so we’re your silicone or saline? Ugh.
I too am having neurological issues and have for several years. Saline implants 1996. When in bed, twitches and jerks wake me up as soon as I fall asleep. Continues all night unless take Klonopin to knock me out. Feel jangly during the day and of course terribly fatigued from no real sleep and hungover from the benzos. Even a few finger twitches when relaxed in a chair. Cognitive / memory fog. Drs are at a loss — testing including EEGs and sleep study are coming up w/ nada. Wondering if this is autoimmune reaction to bi’s. Karen, do you mind describing your neuro issues?
Hi Ann I have the jetks too and my silicone implants are two years old. I don’t know of they’re the causes buy just wondering if you have explnted and if that’d helped? Otherwise I’m currently doing the Medical Medium portocol which has eliminated a number of other symptoms for me, the jetks have lessened though there can be flare ups. Thanks
I had silicone implants done in 2002 and having trouble with one like breathing arm feels numb and worried.
Reading peoples comments i think I been suffering for years.
Had bad back, shoulders and headaches for last five years and last year suffered more like hormones tired and dizzy like I’m drunk.
Now it’s hard and moved and panicking even more I’ve read all these comments.
Ladies, who are thinking about explant, DO NOT HESITATE.. I was suffering for years with all the related symptoms/illnesses and was in denial that the implants were the cause. Also, always considering the money it would cost to have the explant surgery.
When I finally told my husband that I just couldn’t take the pain anymore, he said have them removed as soon as possible. I had them removed two weeks ago, and I already feel better. We paid $$5500.00 for the surgery, very costly but your health is priceless. If any of you are on the fence about doing this, DO NOT WAIT. Your illness will only progress.
It’s so nice to have my own breasts again, and not have a foreign toxic substance eating me alive!
Do you breast look horrible now? I didn’t have a lot of breast tissue to begin with and just wondering iwhat mine will end up looking like?
Bambi, So far I haven’t heard of anyone’s BII covered by insurance. But it’s worth the try to check it out. I will tell you, and I’m sure many women that have explanted will agree, it is worth the money to have your health back. I had 32 year old silicone ruptured implants removed on 8/15/19 with Jae Chun, MD and I am so over joyed i want to tell every woman with implants to get those toxin filled aliens out of your body. My surgery was over twice as much as your quote, because I had mastopexy (internal lift). Please be sure to choose a surgeon that believes BII is real and will removes the capsules completely. This website has all the valuable information and resources to help you. Best of luck and God bless you.
Did you know your implants were ruptured somehow prior to explant? If so, how did you know? Do they all eventually rupture?
I just found out because I was having breathing issues. CT scan of my chest showed left rupture. I’m suffering from what everyone is saying !! I had acute migraine with stroke like symptoms and was hospitalized over night. ALL blood work and test cleared me and I told them I worried about my implants. I was told maybe stress….. 5 months later I find out about the rupture. Surgery is schedule but It was suggested to remove and replace. I don’t know what to do………..
Back in August 2016 I had an implant rupture from implants that had been in since 2002. They were both removed and replaced in October of 2016 3 months after the rupture and I now have mentor Memory gel ones. I have been very ill since this operation. I have been tested for Lyme, Lupus, MS and multiple neurological and autoimmune issues. I have a list what seems a mile long of symptoms. The pain started in my left arm and it felt as if something was chewing at my bones. I suffer from joint pain, memory loss, migraines, vertigo, blurred vision, neck and back pain, pain in both hands and feet, my toes separate themselves at times, bowel issues, urine retention, the list goes on and on…and I have been in and out of doctors since 2016. I was perfectly healthy until all of this. Since then I have had neck surgery and thoracic spine surgery as well. All of my symptoms are still there. I see a Neurologist, Primary doctor, Neurosurgeon, Pain Management, and Urologist. No one can seem to pinpoint what is going on. My new neurologist says I have Complex Regional Pain syndrome. This I truly believe is caused from the gel implants. I do not know where to begin for testing or how to have them removed. I approached the surgeon who did the surgery and he stated it couldn’t be true. I believe I am sick because of am my body is not reacting well to them. Any suggestions?
Just get them out! Ask friends, family for financial help if need be use a credit card as a last resort – look for a qualified surgeon ASAP! You don’t need to go through this. 80% get better once the implant are out. You are doing yourself no favors the longer you have them in. I’m DEFINATELY GETTING MINE OUT!!
Would reoccurring(monthly) HSV2 outbreaks be a symptom of BII??
Genevieve…. everything for me is THE SAME!
It’s uncanny …. I wonder if mentor is aware of how many of us . I can’t wait to have my surgery – researching doctors . Let’s unite . All of our stories are the same .
[email protected]
Hi T!
There is a list of over 250+ BII Facebook Support Groups.
Your voice can make a difference, the FDA has recently opened public comment on upcoming changes to breast implant labeling recommendations.
In October 2019, the FDA released a statement on enhancing breast implant labeling recommendations including: a black box warning, patient-decision checklist, product ingredient information including types and quantities of chemicals and heavy metals, silicone gel-filled breast implant rupture screening recommendations, and updated patient device card. A draft guidance was issued and is open to public comment until December 23, 2019.
Call mentor as they have the year implanted and all details. File a report of all your illnesses right away.
It’s been almost a week since I’ve Explanted and I can attest that majority of my symptoms have disappeared. My main symptoms was eczema (never had this in my entire life), panic attacks, anxiety, pain in my breast, trouble swallowing, and much more but I would say 80% has been completely gone. I have to say that I too was feeling super ill at times and would go to the hospital to get tests done with the results looking, normal. Normal was the opposite of how I felt. Some days I would feel so sick that I couldn’t get out of bed. I would lying and trying to not think about how fatigued I feel. I think many of the women here can agree that taking these toxic bags out is the main step in getting healthy. I know I have a long way to go with detoxing but I honestly feel better. I saw many women also show their eyes looking dry and yellowish then bright white and glistening after and I have to say that happened to me. Not only that but my skin is glowing! Many family members mentioned that day 2 out of surgery! When I read the comments on this site, I wished someone would talk more about the recovery and did it work or help with not feeling like you’re dying every other day and YES! I feel more alive than ever!!! To think about losing so many years to this makes me a bit sad but I’m not looking back anymore. Give your body what it deserves, just pure happiness with what you have. I will never let any advertisement or photos change my mind on what’s best for my life and health.
What would you say the problem swilling was? Like symptoms? Pain?
Swallowing I mean.
My name is jen . i had implants 3 years ago and suddenly one day i woke up and had sever anxity and shaking my heart was pounding . my left arm swelled and i had acne down it. Then brain fog like my head was pluged up this all happend in one day outa the blue. Then a month later my bowel prob started now i have loose foul stools every day . that have a chemical smell. Then my rt eye got blurry and floaters now its both eyes. Sweating at night cant stand heat. And rt side of head smells pungent . my rt side of neck is swollen ear pain and o the rashes . hives and acne on weired places like arms back stomach breast. Cant eat some days because of anxity. My muscle in my arm twitches. Pain in bones. Mucus thick in throat and sinus trouble also feels like mucus film on my eyes . burning skin . tierd no energy feel like i have a serious infection but dont blood work allways comes back good and had mri of head because im dizzy. Keep smelling things like stove gas but no gas leak. My eyes burn . keep getting mucus that wont go away. Neurological issues. Tingling in lips sometimes. Keep getting bv. Yeast . uti. But test are allways neg for anything . just feel like hell everyday i feel so sick like the flu. I want these out but cant afford it. I pray theres help out there for those like me who dont have money to pay.
I just explanted a week ago! My main symptoms was eczema also. I would get a rash on one side of my face that keeps coming back and in between my fingers. Then I started getting rashes under my armpits and chest. Soo happy they’re out. I look forward to breathing deeply again and clear skin.
Does anyone here have these symptoms after silicone lip injections? I’m absolutely terrified after reading this as I’m having almost all of them. Had my lips done 20 years ago. Reading on other sites there is no way to remove silicone from lips and if you try you’ll look terribly botched. But there is very limited information about this. There must be other women, any advise is highly appreciated.
Did anyone else have frequent urination – i feel like i need to go all the time. Not to mention i feel exhausted all of the time. I feel sick most of the time. Headaches are severe and frequent to.
Yes! I felt exhausted all day long and sometimes would not be able to get out of bed. If I did happen to go out, I would want to come back home because I would be that tired. Headache, and frequent urination, feeling dryness in my throat to the point of drinking water all day long without that helping was one of my main issues as well. You are not alone.
Did anyone experience terrible head, face and next sweating before explanting, just dripping wet even on mild days?, excruciating nerve pain in upper back?. I have many other symptoms as well as the extreme fatigue. The back and the sweating make my life a misery and I’m hoping it will stop after my explanting surgery. I’ve had my silicone implants in for over forty years.
Tummy ache for months, dryness in my throat, my bladder feels weird and I was told my uterus is the size of someone who had children….so its inflamed! I am scheduled for explant end of next month. So upset about it but I cant handle this anymore. I hope this solves the problems as I dont have joint pain all my tests are normal.
I feel like I have the flu every day of my life! I have lost my life for four years. My symptoms keep me in bed and they mirror lupus symptoms. My mental and physical symptoms are so extreme I feel like i am dying. Until recently I was losing hope I finally read about BII. Well after years of family and friends calling me lazy and get over it, I have answers. I can not wait to get these 500cc silicone bags out of my body. I admit, I signed all releases to have this surgery, however I was never told about Any physical or mental side effects. I am still bedridden almost every day, but now I have Hope!!!! Thank god!!!
Had my gel silicone over 10 years over few years after had my baby my left side arm back shoulder burning sensation aching pain always my back is tense only left side when i touch side of my breast its painful feels hard but shape same as right side…sometimes feels like breast is heavy uncomfortable…feels aching pain upper rib…not sure wat is this…feels like left side always in pain..dis anyone experience same sympotms?
I have same symptoms. Just had mri and found bilateral ruptures. A
Friend recommended I do some research. Wow. This is scary
I too have or have had all the symptoms and pain. Dow Corning implants 1981,removed in 2005. Both ruptured with a “silicone mess”inside and outside the capsule,the surgeon said . It was a very long surgery, I still have silicone that was left behind ,shows on mammograms and who knows where else. I also have gotten the doctor run around “studies show implants not to cause problems “or “I don’t know anything about that”. I would like to know if anyone could give me advise on how to file the final paperwork with the Dow Corning lawsuit. Thank you.
Hi Diane,
June 3, 2019 is the final deadline to file claims for Disease or Expedited Release in classes 5, 6.1 and 6.2 of the Dow Corning Settlement. See Final Claims Submission Q&A.
1. The Settlement Facility Dow Corning Trust (SFDCT) website is for claimants and they have a “Contact Us” link where you can leave them a message.
Website: http://www.sfdct.com
Phone Number: +1 866-874-6099
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Claimants’ Advisory Committee
Website: http://www.tortcomm.org
Phone number: +1 419-394-0717
Email: [email protected]
3. You can also try to see if a law firm can help you.
Got mine in 2002 and just recently diagnosed with CIDP which is an extremely rare autoimmune disease. My extremities go numb and turn blue. I have NO feeling below mid thigh and get monthly plasma infusions. I am contacting the fda
I received Natrelle Inspira style SRF 520cc saline breast implants in October, 2016 after mastectomy reconstruction. Are they safe? They itch constantly and have ripples. Uncomfortable. Have constant body aches.
I have mentor 350cc smooth, round, moderate profile, saline implants. Among many other symptoms, I too have severely itchy breasts. The skin is so dry and flakey too. The rippling, I was told, is because we don’t have enough tissue covering them. Personally, I feel they aren’t filled enough. I hope you are feeling better. I am going for an explant consultation.
I had my surgery a month ago, I got breast implants surgery because after my two pregnancies my beautiful breast was kind of dried up. 12 days after the surgery I started to be photosensitive, really bad. Any time I step out I get hive, this started 10 days after surgery. Do you think can be related? Too soon for signs?
Has anyone experienced shooting pains in the breast years after implant
Hi Vanessa,
Yes, shooting breast pains is a symptom that can occur with breast implants.
I had breast reduction in 2012. Done in Gatineau Québec by Dr. Tracey Tom’s on. I think she put implant under my arms cause I have many of the symptoms and my underarm were big and swallow after the surgery. She wanted extra money 600$ to do lyposuccion during surgery and said I was not obligated so I refuse and didn’t saw the necessity to do this. But after surgery it was so big . Now After 7 years I have bad symptoms and feel a weight under my arms. Back and neck arm pain, palpitations, difficulty to breath sometimes, crackling sound inside. Tiredness. Please don’t think I am crazy. My doctor do not want to help me with this.
Hi Vanessa, I certainly have shooting pains, . . also deep itchiness under my nipple, heart palpitations, severe insomnia and fatigue, weight gain, dry mouth…..it goes on and on. I am in the process of getting an mri after a bad mammo and a bad ultra sound. My doctor feels i have implant illness. Implants are saline with texture, I understand the shell to be silicone.
Can I ask who your dr. is and did you have to have extensive blood work to find out you have implant illness. I have all the symptoms and I need to know the tests I need to get to prove my implants are leaking.
Hi Kim, I also have a deep itching under my nipple on one side. My heart rate has been consistently high for years now and my doctor seemed somewhat concerned recently. I was wondering if you found out any more about you nipple itching? It is driving me crazy. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Yes, I have. And it just happened to me again a few days ago. I am explanting at 10 am TOMORROW.
Hi Eliza,
Skin rashes are a common symptom with breast implants and tend to go away with explant. Photosensitivity is another symptom that has been documented with breast implants. Hives are generally a type of allergic reaction and women have had them with breast implants. If you develop these shortly after implantation that is likely an indication of a reaction.
In Dr. Arthur Brawer’s research, Chronology of Systemic Disease Development in 300 Symptomatic Recipients of Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants, 58% developed skin rashes and 33% had photosensitivity.
Good morning ladies,
This may be seen as coming from left field but having looked on the WWW for any help, there is nothing out there and having seen this page it caught my attention. Although my issue is not about a breast implant but one of a testicular implant! I had a family planning vasectomy in 1991 that went wrong and after over 10 years of debilitating pain, I was eventually scheduled to have a testicular implant in 2004. It worked, the pain stopped, however, after a few years and for some reason only known to my body, the “cut tubes” reattached themselves to the implant and since then I have had pain again, have a constant blocked nose, sore throat, oral thrush, throat clearing, phelegm, and fatigue.
My question is: do you think that my symptoms replicate or seem similar to BII? I have had an ultra sound scan in Feb 2019 and that shows nothing untoward nor does a full blood count. I now await for an Urologists appointment on the NHS……a few months or more yet. Has any one heard of such a thing or know of a man who has had the same issues or a Dr who doesnt dismiss these implant symptoms?
Thank you for reading and any help if its out there.
I have a saline implant in my left breast from a mastectomy due to breast cancer. I got the saline implant in May 2017. In Sept. of 2018 I started having asthma/breathing issues. Then in December I started having food intolerance issues…lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity…causing diarrhea. For about a month now I have had an itchy rash on my left breast. I also have blurry vision from dry eyes, repeat yeast infections, dry mouth and ringing in my ears.
How to I go about getting an explant?
Who would I go to for this?
Hi Melody, I recognise those symptoms and a few more! Check the list of recommended explant surgeons on this website. Dr Chun andDr Feng are first to cime to mind.
Ihad my explant 5 months ago…left breast mastectomy Mentor saline. Must say a few symptoms vanished immediately, but Im still struggling with chronic fatigue and muscle weakness. Apparently, things can get worse after explant as silicone and other toxins are stirred up in the body!
It sounds like “Implant Illness” to me. I would look into having it removed, along with any scar tissue that may have formed around it. Seek a surgeon on this site, that understands BII, and total capsulectomy! (Assuming that they form around a testicular implant) Just my opinion. May be easier for you to find a surgeon to perform en Bloc explant, because your testicles aren’t attached to major organs. Good luck!
Whats up Charlie my name is Jeremy and I just so happened to stumble across your post. Im currently lying in bed right now recovering from my testicular prosthetic explant surgery that occurred yesterday. Im 45 and had the implant when I was 11 due to an undescended testicle.
It had to be God that lead me to this woman who now is a good friend of mine. Her breast implants almost killed her. Doctors wont listen to you so dont even try to tell them your implant is making you sick. Implants are a huge money maker and they don’t want any negative publicity even though implants kill people.
I believe my implant has cause all the symptoms of breast implant illness. Thats why after meeting her I had it removed. To top it all off and the main reason I had it removed is due to a genetic defect that effects 50 percent of the population. I have a double mutation of MTHFR gene (homozygous). This means my body operates around 20% (80% less than a normal person with no mutation) at removing toxins from my body. Any foreign object (implant) in your body is seen as invasive and triggers your brain to attack and protect you from the object. It builds a capsule of toxic yeast around your implant. If you have the mutation then those toxins build up over time and reek havok on your health. Doctors will quickly misdiagnose and be quick to proscribe you medication and get you out the door. You will be amazed at all the misdiagnoses ranging from one extreme to the next with each doctor you see.
Save your money and get tested for the MTHFR mutation and remove prosthetic capsule and all. I am no Dr. and this is just my personal opinion from my own experience. Feel free to email me if you like. I know what you are going through and it sucks. My gmail [email protected]
I have had connective tissue and other health disorders resulting from implants. I recently had my Allergen silicone gel-filled implants removed and all symptoms have disappeared. I have been through years of medical testing in an effort to determine what was causing the pain and autoimmune disorders. Now I know it was the implants.
Did you do enbloc or capsulectomy or just take the implants out?
Diana, it’s good to know that your symptoms have abated since explantation. May I ask, with the autoimmune disorder, were you ever on steroids and if so how did you wean off those? 10weeks post explantation, I’m still struggling with mobility due to autoimmune illness. Would really appreciate your input here! Thanks, Lubna
I am currently on a steroid tablet Medrol 4 mg every day and some days more due to chronic inflammation. I am sure my specialist will not believe me to relate it to my implants. I am getting the removed dec 5 and not sure how to handle the RA meds and steroids I take daily. Continue after surgery or go cold turkey? I thought they were poisoning me last dec and flew right into horrible pain and could not move my arms. Any suggestions on the medicine day of explanation?
I literally have every symptom on this list after 15 years!! I need to be able to find this post when I get home from vacation.
Does anyone know of a good surgeon in Utah to do an explant surgery? I am starting my journey of looking to get my breast implants removed
Did anyone give you a name of a surgeon? I’d like too find one too
I just had my gallbladder removed after a HIDA scan & symptoms indicated for removal. I’m slim build and “atypical” for gallbladder removal surgery. I’ve had saline implants since 2005 (second set as one from the first ruptured after ten years). I’ve had increasing migraines/headaches over the years, eczema, ringing in the ears, sensitive to odors….the list goes on. I see several of my symptoms match with possibly being from the implants, except for the gallbladder, unless the whole autoimmune response? Any ideas?
Hi Jill. In 2007 I had multiple tests done on my gallbladder too! When I finally made it through the HIDA scan it was determined that I have it removed but because my score was 35 (barely pass barely fail) the surgeon didn’t want remove it as the only “F” of the Five F determining factors that I had was that I was a female. Slender like you, not forty yet… I didn’t push it but always wondered? I started using Essential Oils about a year ago and used one specifically for my thyroid, endocrine system rubbing it over my Thyroid and gallbladder daily. My GP Dr retired in June & previous to him leaving I requested another Ultra Sound just see and my gallbladder is. working perfectly today! I’m so happy to have found your post. Your answer isYES, there is another person with BII and gallbladder problems! Have you explanted yet?
Hey ladies! So I’m currently going through this process right now. I’m 31, 105 lbs and very athletic. I had my breast implants done in June of 2017 and I started having symptoms about 7 months later, but this was also when I got pregnant with my daughter. I’ve been nursing for 15 months now and none of the “normal pregnancy” symptoms have went away. Almost all of the BII symptoms, I have. But in the past week I had excruciating mid-abd pain, sometimes going to RUQ and LUQ. I couldn’t pinpoint a spot but I was in the ER for an entire day. They saw a kidney stone, and said I had gallbladder sludge but the pain was almost as bad as childbirth. I have a very high pain tolerance but I literally was crying the entire time in agony- with no real diagnosis. They said my pain was obviously real, but couldn’t really say what it was. The surgeon came in and said she thought it was my kidney, and that it could be gallbladder but the “sludge” wasn’t enough for removal at this time. I should have had a CT but no other work up was done. Oh and bloodwork on all organs was fine. This also happened when I was 4 months pregnant- hospitalized for gallbladder pain.
I consult with my plastic surgeon on January 7th which is in 2 days. I never take any medication but they “allowed” me 6 norco because of my pain- and it hasn’t touched it. I hope I can make it to the consult and get them out before I need to really get surgery on any of my other organs lol anyone else experience this??!! Thank you!
Hi Ashley: Go see a surgeon asap about gallbladder sludge it can turn to cancer, my good friend has stage 4 cancer from doctors failing to timely diagnose her. I have had my silicone breast implants since July, 1986, many, many years now. I had a baby that was a SURPRISE … after I had my implants, and I successfully breast fed him and had not one problem that you describe. I am really worried that you need to stay on those doctors. Doctors do not give a rip about patients these days, I strongly urge you to follow up with a different doctor at a different clinic not same group on the gallbladder thing. My friend does not have long to live now because the doctors kept saying her gallbladder problem was not “bad enough” and that she had “gurd.” When they finally opened her to remove her gallbladder the cancer had spread all over her internal organs and she was told that she is terminally ill now, yet she kept going to the same old doctor who told her the same old thing, yet she kept being ill, and that doctor did no tests just wrote prescriptions for antacids, acid reflux meds, etc. With testing, my friend’s doctor could have found her cancer before it metastasized, but she is meek, mild mannered, passive and just not pushy. Your body gives warning and you are getting those warnings, heed them and see another doctor. Do not be timid and lose your life, and remember, they get their money whether or not you live or die, they could care less which of those two occasions occurs, it’s just another day at work to them, it is the difference between what could be the rest of your life to you. Please have it re-checked often and make them do scans, studies, imaging, everything possible. Make the doctors show you their test results, lab results, etc. do not simply let them shrug you off, please.
in Utah and have surgery on the 26th. Dr John Hajawii at IMC in Murray is my doctor. He’s on the list of surgeons that do En Bloc capsulectomy in Utah. I hope this helps .
After reading this I’m TERRIFIED!!! I’ve had my implants for almost 20 years and have been having health problems probably the last 8 years or so. I never knew that this was even possible without a rupture/ leakage. I also didn’t know that implants had to be replaced. I have EVERY symptom on that list, including the “feeling like I’m dying” symptom. I’ve been having serious infections for the last few years that have made me visit the Emergency room quite a few times the last 3-4 years/ Major bowel and stomache problems but just last week went to the E.R thinking I was having a heart attack (Left side chest pains for 5 days and then shooting pains going down my left arm/ it wasn’t anything serious, they said probably a pulled muscle…. RX Naproxen nor Flexeril even touched the pain)….. I NEVER associated all of the hell I’ve been going through with my implants but sitting here at my wits end wondering “what is wrong with me” I decided to look up infections from breast implants and I’m mortified!!! Apparently I NEED these removed. This is scary. My suggestion: DON’T get implants. If you MUST, get a lift or wear a padded/ push up bra, it’s not worth it. It’s going to cost me more to have them and ME fixed than it did to get them, my health has gone to hell, I’ve aged A LOT in the last 10 years. I’m going to have to start saving money for this because I don’t have insurance. What I’m currently experiencing is A LOT of pain…. My left arm has no strength and is in constant pain, it radiates to my left chest and shoulderblade as well. After reading this I think I need to go back to the E.R., give them this article for my symptoms and see if I can’t at least get some antibiotics or whatever I need until I can save up tbe money for a removal/reconstruct….
I just had my silicone implants of almost 30 years removed on February 21, 2019. When the surgeon opened me up the silocone poured out of me! As did a lot of blood and other fluids that were preventing me from being able to breath properly. I literally thought I was dying. I have experienced every symptom there is and had no idea what was happening to me. I never even thought it could be my implants until at the end of January, 2019 my right breast grew to twice the size of my left breast and it felt like an elephant on my chest and I struggled to breath and ended up in emergency room where I was told for the first time in my life about implants rupturing and all the lawsuits that have resulted from all the serious health problems women have had as a result — all of which I have experienced. If you go to Loma Linda hospital’s emergency room they will have to help you and remove them. Call me and I will tell you exactly what to do. Your life depends on it!! I almost die and if I had waited any longer I may have. My phone number is (530)921-7151. I just had the drainage tubes removed last Thursday and am home recovering. I have gone back to law school but had to take a leave of absense for rest of this semester to heal … physically, emotionally, and mentally. I have never been so sick and scared my entire life and I want to be able to help as many people as possible get their implants removed. I also intend to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer and my surgeon if I can find him. His name was Dr. Sparkles (spelling) from New Port Beach. If any one has heard of him, or know of his whereabouts, please let me know. May God help you get the help you need ASAP to get your implants removed. And may he help all of us begin to reclaim our health. God’s sweetest blessings to all who read this. If I can help any of you please call me!!
Hello. I just was reading your post. There are statue of limitations to file lawsuit against the doctor you had put the implants in. Over the years of you being ill all visits to doctors whether PC or specialist because of your symptoms and testing that they may have performed you need to get copies of to help with the lawsuit against the manufacturer. A lot of lawsuits like this without proper medical documentation that you have suffered from the symptoms and or BII many attorneys will not give you a favorable outcome of recovering financially and may not take your case. I am just giving some advise to hopefully help you a long the way and to help with your overall recovery.
I got my breast implants in August of 2017. They look great and I don’t have any problems with the breasts themselves but I feel like ever since I had them put in I’ve had fatigue problems. Always tired no energy. That was a symptom I was able to deal with but more things started popping up.stomach issues, headaches, Chronic yeast infections, dry skin on my face and acne(im 30 years old and have never had bad acne in my entire life until now), I started getting weird swooshing and ringing sounds in my ear over the fall and then after chronic ear aches but no infections found when I go to try doctor. My vision has gone from perfect to all of the sudden blurry and I need glasses now because I’m nearsighted, in the last few weeks I’ve been to the emergency room for a horrible bought of vertigo and migraine like symptoms including light sensitivity and seeing light auras in my vision, all my tests came back normal( ct scan and blood tests) the doctor though maybe an inner ear infection but it was inconclusive and it keeps coming back. I never had migraines and now all of the sudden I’m getting them weekly. My anxiety is through the roof and I’ve started getting panic attacks, cold sweats and hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vivid nightmares, mood swings, low libido. The list goes on. I’m now starting to think that it’s definitely my implants. I was an otherwise healthy person before the surgery. What else could cause my body to decline so quickly in only a year and a half?! I don’t know what to do. I am afraid to explant because my husband worked so hard to pay for them because I wanted them so bad to boost my confidence after having my children. I don’t want to look deformed either :(. It’s so scary. I was worried about this before I even got them and talked myself out of worrying about it thinking it would never happen to me.
Mandy I had all this and it only got worst with increased chronic anxiety, depression, hair loss, extreme fatigue, memory loss, cognitive dysfunction. The signs you have, were my early signs of what was to come. I explanted 22 March 2019, 2 days ago. Chronic anxiety is no longer present, as well depression, I feel so good emotionally, just to recover and detox now.
May I ask some questions?
Did you go back to your plastic surgeon or how who did you see to get this process started?
I too, have a lot of the symptoms listed and not sure where to start.
Thank you and wishing you a speedy recovery and good healthy.
I too have a lot of the symptoms listed about and don’t know where to start.
This is a great guide – https://www.breastimplantillness.com/explant-surgeons/
Good luck!
This is a great guide – https://www.breastimplantillness.com/explant-surgeons/
Hi Mandy. I just came across your post about possible bii symptoms. I am around your age, got my implants done June 2017 and my list of symptoms are very similar to yours! I am just beginning looking into possibly explanting but I would love to chat a little more about what you’re going thru now or if you’re planning on explanting?
I’ve definitely had the memory loss the mood swings and the anxiety. Has anyone had acne all the sudden and grinding their teeth?
Yes!! I am 43 and am getting acne that lasts forever and I have constant jaw pain. I have also had persistent cystic bumps on other parts of my body that are painful and filled with fluid, had to go on Doxycycline to keep them under control!
Yes! Both so bad my face and ears hurt from clenching my teeth day and night and I can’t stop! I have almost all the BII symptoms from 27 years total of implants (two sets). Had my explant 5 days ago- can’t wait to begin the healing process!
I have been having several of these symptoms. But I don’t know if it’s related to BII. I was wondering if anyone has been having facial/head tremors,pin tingling in face and neck at times, restless arms and legs, odd oblong nodules going horizontal in abdominal/flank areas(tender to touch at times),long and short term memory loss of alot of things,ankles and feet swelling, forgetting of words as your speaking?
Hi Peggy,
I’ve just started learning about BII. I have most of all the symptoms. Including facial/head tremors, pin tingling on my head, face, and neck that comes and goes. Along with restless arms and legs. I have been having loss of memory and forgetting words as I’m speaking. I have been going to my GA and neurologist. They have been running so many test and everything is coming out negative. So frustrating.
I’ve had the pins and tingling in side of face and in head and also in upper back /shoulder blade. Neurological is common in BII. Have had mine 22 yrs. have textured saline. Explanting Oct 9
I have been having body tremors, bubbling calf’s that are apparently a form of restless leg syndrome- have neurological issues that are just like a stroke. I am starting to
Think this is all from my 29 year old implants.
Hi ladies,
I’m so incredibly sorry for all of you who’ve gone through so much pain physically, emotionally, and mentally from your breast implants.
It’s wasn’t until 6 months ago that my good friend suggested that everything I’ve been going through could be from my implants. It was like a light went on after reading up on it.
Today I finalized my explant date May 22 , 2019. I have no words to describe the relief I already feel as for almost 3 years I’ve felt like I’ve been going crazy. Always sick and tired with crazy nightmares every single night.
The insomnia and nightmares, fatigue, brain fog, and sharp shooting pain in both breasts and hair loss have been my biggest noticeable symptoms. The unexplainable jump in iron from having severe iron deficiency to having 20 times too much in 3 months was shocking to the doctor, but clueless as to what it was. The past year, my hair has been thinning pretty bad. I thought it was from stress.
I’m feeling so bummed about it, but I’m also so hopeful! Does your hair come back once you remove the implants?
I’m so excited! I’m going to see Dr. Aaron Brown ! The day couldn’t come any sooner…
Thank you everyone for sharing <3
Sorry you had been so sick, im wondering how your feeling now that they are out?
Have had mentor saline overs for 20 years. Heavy fatigue right after getting them, which never fully resolved. Surprised that the digestive issues I have are a common symptom. Most concerning however is my lung condition. I have never smoked, but my lungs have become my weak point. I wheeze and they ache. I fear silcone or silica particles have compromised my lungs. Currently have aching throughout body and deep fatigue. Seeing a Dr about explant in 4 weeks. I hope it’s not too late. What was I thinking? These things have been a huge source of discomfort. The hours days and weeks spent massaging haven’t helped. I know for a fact the left breast was troublesome since the initial procedure. Either bacterial or some other compromise. It is hard and thick. My doctor denied it. Haven’t been to a Dr for years. Can’t wait to get them out. I’m a quiet person, and even though they were pretty, got tired of people assuming I was an ex stripper or showgirl. I actually hid them way more than expected. On a personal level, the implants just made my blue viens stand out. Not cool. So, yes I’ve had all the issues mentioned above, trying not to focus on them, and power through. But it’s getting worse. I do feel robbed of my energy for years and wonder how things might have been without the fatigue, fibromyalgia pain, lung problems and extreme digestive issues. I should have known better. I shouldn’t have believed they were safe, and not disabling to women.
Hi Carrigan!
I’ve had silicone implants since 2011. About a year after I got the surgery, I started having lung issues. I had a lot of trouble breathing, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Then I became very sensitive to smells, chemical smells in particular. I have gotten to the point that I cannot be in a new car, in a house with new carpet, or around any type of perfume without getting an excruciating headache. What is sad is that I look perfect. After nursing, I needed to get the surgery for my confidence. I am worried about my mental state after having the implants removed. My surgery is next month with Dr. Chun. I am not sure if I’m making the right decision. So stressed out!
Hi there! I have severe sensitivities to smells and chemicals as well. I cannot tolerate candles, perfume or anything of that nature and have lung issues. Are you in Orange County? Good luck with you explant!
Hey I was wondering how you know if you are suffering from bread implant illness? I got my put in 2 years ago and I have recently had all these health issues I feel like I’m falling apart-
I suffer from chronic fatigue, shortness of breath( have Ashma though) mood swings, weight gain, stomach/ gut issues, weak immune system, hair loss, dry skin, muscle aches, exteme back and neck pain and now I’ve been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.. I also recently have been having bad pain in my stomach from a ruptured cyst so I’m not sure if my symptoms are just a result of my hormone issues. I also recently discovered I have adhd that was never treated and a lot of the fatigue and brain fog/ mood swings and depression could also stem from that but I just don’t know. I would hate to take my boobs out if they arent the reason I feel like this because I love the look but if they are causing all these issues then it’s not worth it for me to keep them in. Any advice on how to tell what is causing what or what I should do would be greatly appreciated!
I have the same symptoms as you!! ADHD, lung symptoms, fatigue, anxiety/ depression, weight gain, brain fog! I never needed meds for ADHD nor breathing issues! Now I am having weird left chest/cardiac ? Feelings… I hate to think this is the issue but these have gotten worse over the last year and I got them done in Aug 2017
I was tested prior to my scheduled surgery , my doctor offered the test so I could decide if I wanted the implant or not based on my test results . I have one of the gentetic mutations and it’s the one that will cause this . Reading all I can I understand that 23&me offers this test . Also your family doctor should be able to perform the testing . Be firm on exactly what test you want done as my family doctor only offered me baseline blood work .
I have been.experiencing the same issues. Hang in there ladies. I will be getting my explant surgery within a month. Will post again when I get them removed. Yes I agree do not put these foreign objects in your body. Not worth losing good health.
Thank you for posting all this informaton. My mom was pregnant with me and didn’t realize that her breasts were leaking silicon ( back in 84). She also breastfed me. Five years ago I became ill with tons a of reapitory infections, paranoid infeceions, sinus infections and weird skin things( pytritis rosea). I am finally diagnoses with hypothyroidism, low adrenal, tons of food allergies, leaky gut and eczema. I am working with a dietitian to fix my gut and integrated health Dr to deal with the thyroid. Could my moms leaky silicon be a cause of all my problems!? I know she tried a lawsuit but it feel through? All this has cost me a ton if money!!!
Any feedback would be amazing!!
Hi, reading these comments really has opened my eyes, I had a breast reduction May 2017. Let me go back, I had Saline implants in 1994, 23 years later I decided to replace and do a reduction. Thinking I’d like to be a C cup instead of a DDD plus. Within 6 months I started having serious joint pain, I am losing my hair. My muscles feel horribly tender, my joints are swollen, my skin is super dry, I’m exhausted all the time. I figure if my body keeps acting out, I will probably have to have the pancake flat silicone implants removed. Never had any issues with the saline implants, just knew I had become to top heavy. I wear a size 7 so I wasn’t heavy, just huge breasts that hurt my back. Back pain is gone, but I am truly unhappy with what I believe to be side effects of the new silicone.
Hi I had my implants 27years ago and have been experiencing nearly all of the symptoms on this list . Can anyone recommend a surgeon in the UK close to Manchester who knows all about this horrible illness and can safely remove my implants
Thank you
Hi Sadie,
Dr. David Floyd and Dr. Guy Sterne have come highly recommended by women for explant.
I’m so shock too realize, what I been going through and experience for a long time now. Is too do with my breast implants! After reading all your testimonies I find out im not the only one having these symptoms you are all experiencing, but i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Was not aware my implants could be the cause of my pain and suffering all these years! Doctor’s not knowing this can be a factor of having breast implants! So I’m shocked and need too bring this up with my Doctor. Is there anyone had there insurance pay for the removal of there implants? Please any advise would help!
Perhaps they should look at the “internal natural chemicals”, as in the recipe for the hormonal stew that stress produces. Is this a factor in the break down of the implants causing these symptoms? We as women have been maxed out in the stress department! I’m convinced this is how I came to have 3(-) BrCa in the first place…
Every one with these issues has looked at that first to no avail. I think it’s very telling that all of us have the same symptoms that started or got worse after implants. And many, sometimes all, of the symptoms disappear after the implants are removed.
How do breast implants cause leaky gut? Wouldn’t leaky gut be caused more directly by wrong foods eaten that damage the digestive tract as I have read?
Hi Janet,
Breast implants create a foreign body immune/inflammatory response, cause immune deficits, and leach toxins into the body (silicone, heavy metals, chemicals). The gut is negatively affected by the inflammation, weakened immune system, and increased toxicity.
The gut has also been called the body’s “second brain” and is closely connected with the immune system, hormones, mood, and detoxification.
1. About 70% of the immune system resides in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), the largest immune organ in the body. A weakened immune system allows opportunistic pathogens to take a foothold in the gut and other areas. The body is then left vulnerable to pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and other invaders that it would normally be able to defend against. These coinfections can exacerbate gut health. Many women develop recurrent candida. This is a fungus (yeast) that normally lives in the gastrointestinal tract, helping with digestion and nutrient absorption, and other areas without causing any problems. Candida is an opportunistic pathogen, when the immune system is compromised it is no longer regulated, it will overproduce and may enter the bloodstream. Heavy metals that leach from the implants also contribute to systemic candida. Antifungal treatment will only act as a bandaid until the immune system can be rebuilt to be healthy and functioning, which can only be done once the stressors (implants) are removed. The weakened immune system may also trigger dormant viruses to reactivate, such as Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster, HHV-6, etc. Parasites also may grow in the gut due to bad gut health and even past the gut as they inhabit the body because there is little immune opposition to them.
2. The gut’s intestinal walls absorb toxins and contribute to inflammation. Silicone is an immune adjuvant and contains similar chemicals to pesticides (silicone was first invented and tested by Dow Chemical as a pesticide). Dow documents released during the 1990’s breast implant class action revealed many toxic effects of silicone including how it can migrate and present in the gastrointestinal tract (Document #88). Heavy metals also leach out. These are all caustic to the gut lining.
Overall, the delicate balance of the gut microbiome becomes adversely effected – the gut becomes unbalanced by a weakened immune system, toxins, and inflammation and therefore pathogens like parasites and candida grow, sensitivities increase, and autoimmune responses develop. Gastrointestinal and digestive problems such as leaky gut, gut dysbiois, irritable bowel syndrome, bowel inflammation (colitis), allergies/food intolerances, parasites, fungus (candida) and more develop.
Healing the gut is an important part of recovery. First step is to remove the implants as they are toxic stressors to the body. Next is right diet and gut healing protocols to restore the microbiome and balance. Repopulate the gut and increase the good gut bacteria with probiotics, prebiotics, and probiotic foods. Increase immune support. Bone broth and collagen help heal and seal the gut. Reducing sugar helps reduce inflammation and to starve fungi. Avoid non-organic meats, antibiotics, GMO foods, pesticides, processed foods, and food intolerances/inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, caffeine, sugar, alcohol). Lots of healthy fats and organic foods. Some women find digestive enzymes, Betaine/HCL, and apple cider vinegar helpful to increase stomach acid (low stomach acid is another common symptom), aid digestion, and assist in nutrient absorption. Others may need to tackle fungal infections and parasites. Reducing inflammation and healing the gut will in turn increase detox performance – the body detoxes naturally when toxic triggers are removed, it is fed properly and the gut is working.
Hello, would a ruptured silicone gel implant cause a skin ulcer that will not heal if it has been ruptured long enough? (Also a large lump under the sore).
The implant has been pushed up almost to my collar bone because of this lump. So as you can imagine there is pain with all of this. Any input is appreciated so I know where to go from here. Thank you!
Oh and the implants are 5 years old in April placed under the muscle.
I hope you have been to your doctor for the ulcer and displaced implant. Pleas update if you see this message.
Best wishes.
i am on my second set of implants I know I know I was stupid twice and i”m paying the price now im very sick with silicone .i was wondering when i pass if they wanted to do s study on my body and what silicone does to it or my son who was born and breast fed what affects it has on him
Hi, I’ve had saline breast implants for about 8 years now. I identify with many of these symptoms but also have alternate explanations for them (ie: I’m up on ambien), I’m in grad school and work full time, that’d tire anyone else out.
my implants are nearly 30 yearss old. i had them put in in columbia from one of the best medical centers in medallion. i have seen a breast surgeon and she says they are both ruptured and need to be removed. i have nearly every side affect you listed. i have chronic pain, fibromaylia, arthiis throughout my entire body, depression, brain fog. the list can go on and on. i am afraid to remove them because of how it will look afterwards. in this past febuary, i was diagnosed with bi polar and early onset dementia. can these 2 diagnosis be caused by my implants.i do not have the money to put in new implants. but i am also tie of feeling like this. how will it look after.
Man I I know exactly how you feel, though it’s only been a couple years for me-I initially noticed the rapid weight gain. I was thin my entire life Then boom – I gained 20 lbs in 1 yr. Then, after two years I’ve noticed the brain fogginess and kept attributing it to other factors. Also, chronic fatigue which I’ve never had has become an issue. All of these issues including a few others, have only started since implants.
I have always been 100 lbs 5’3 by year 3 of my saline implants started gaining weight rapidly. Combined with daily panic attacks emergency room visits thinking I was having a stroke or a heart attack fatigue, I am finally getting them removed Friday
I just posted my experience about 20 minutes ago and like you, I had mine for 30 years too. Both of which ruptured. On February 21st I just had the explant surgery at Loma Linda Hospital. I had the same fears as you do but the pain became debilitating and I began struggling to breath and realuzed my life literrally depended on it. I only have Medicare (because I only have one kidney) and Medical and it was covered 100% because MRI showed the right one was ruptured. However, when they opened my up BOTH of them had completely ruptured and the silicone poured out of me!! As did a bunch of blood from my chest cavity that was making it very hard for me to breath. Prior to surgery they thought I was having a heart attack based on my symptoms but I was not. HOWEVER, they said that the EKG indicated that I had had a silent heart attach 3 years ago!! I was blown away!! I also know now that it had to be because my implants had ruptured and the silicone had been spreading throughtout my body which could have killed me if I did not get them out when I did.
Needless to say I am grieving terribly because of having to have a double masectomy because of all the damage from the silcone. Due to the extent of the damage I can not have reconstructive surgery for at least a year!! I am devastated but grateful to be alive!! I will NEVER let them put implants back in, but there are healthy alternatives for all of us who are facing this same nightmare. 1. Fat trasfer reconstruction — which is where they take fat from other places in your body to reshape and build your breast. 2. DIEP breast flap reconstruction — this is where they take layers of fat from your stomach and rebuild your breast. These are the only two options I will consider once my body has healed enough to where I can have reconstructive surgery. Which we can force our insurance companies to have to pay because of a law that makes it mandatory for them to do so when they have ruptured!!
In 5 weeks when I go back for my 3rd follow up since my explant surgery they will give me a persciption for a prostetic bra which my insurance will also have to pay for. Needless to say, losing both of my breast has been an extremely emotional experience but I am grateful to God that I am alive!! And I am grateful that my body can begin to heal. And in God’s time, I will be able to have reconstructive surgery through natural means instead of silicone implants that are designed to make us extremely sick and to even kill us!! If I had it to do all over again, knowing what I know tiday, I would never have had the silicone implants put in me!! Had I been told the truth bout all the serious side affects I would NEVER have had the put in. But my surgeon NEVER told me anything!! Just that I would be sore for 2-3 weeks afterwards. He also told me they would last a lufetime. NEVER once was I told they could rupture or make me sick.
I have been working on my law degree for the last 2 years but have had to take this semester off when I landed in the emergency room because I couldn’t breath and almost died. If I can help anyone find out how to get them removed immediately and at no cost to you please do not hesitate to contact me at (530) 921-7151. I will be praying for all of us!!
Mine are Saline and I’m only assuming that they are not ruptured as I would think they would be deflated? I am 5′ 6″ and weigh 124# so a fairly small build. When I went in for Augmentation in Nov 2002, (17years ago) I said that I only wanted to be a D cup, however when things settled into place and I went to buy my first underwire bra I was measured as 32DDDDD or 32H! They hurt when I touch them certain places and I constantly have Neck, Shoulder and Upper Back Pain. Will insurance cover that? And if so, How? I also have nearly every other symptom on the BII list but as “we” are not a medical diagnosis yet I know that won’t cover me…
Thank you
I hope your well.
I need help please!! I am from the U.K and I can’t find any English info about this disease, and my doctor is completley clueless. I am a 19 year old girl, and was previously very healthy physically, but I have always struggled with Mental Health. I had my boobs enlarged September 2017, and it has improved my confidence so much, I am so in love with them and they made me feel so much better in myself. I was so pleased with my desicion.
At the time, the insicion got infected and I was given antibiotics and apparently I recovered and that was that. Could this have caused further damage than they made out?
All year, I felt a slight sense of faintness, lack of energy and motivation and my mental health got out of control with a sense of detachment from reality. I thought the physical symptoms were due to my increased stressed and anxiety, allthought i didn’t know why it had got so bad and I felt powerless.
However, in the last few months my physical symptoms got out of control. I have constant chest pain, that makes me feel like I can’t breath. My vision feels so bad, I actually have to screw my face to read my computer screen at work. Constant nausea and seemingly intolerant to any food. I used to be able to eat what I wanted, when I wanted. Not only that but weird unexplained symptoms, that have made my doctors view me as a massive hypochondriac, such as itchy ears, headaches, a constant feeling of hunger but no appetite, joint pain, weird headaches.
I have changed my diet, and started to feel a bit more like myself. However, I am still a shadow of the person I once was.
I don’t know if all these symptoms are due to my poor mental health, some lifestyle choices I made like drinking and smoking and a generally poor diet or my B.A?
I also came up as having produced an antibody to Lyme’s disease Borrelia, but as it was only 1, I didn’t qualify for a diagnoses of actually having the disease. I have had every other test under the sun and every test shows I am a normal, healthy 19 year old.
Please someone help me. I have absolutley no money nor time to even consider another surgery. My anxiety is already out of control even thinking about this. My parents didn’t even know I had the surgery and the thought of going back to my horrible chest before actually sickens me
I feel so alone, someone please help. Should I wait a few months and continue with health eating etc and see what happens? Is it possible to build up your immune system / detoxify without having them taken out?
Thanks so much.
Hi Milly-
You can take Glutathione (500 mg) and Vitamin C (3000 mg) every day to help detox your body. Chlorella also binds to heavy metals to help you detox. You need to relax too. Your body can’t heal if you’re anxious. Also a hot sauna for a half hour every other day! Detoxing takes time… be confident in yourself and you’ll make the right choice. Do yoga to relax too. Deep breaths!
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If you haven’t already, check out the growing groups on Facebook for Breast Implant Illness. A very well known one is https://www.facebook.com/groups/Healingbreastimplantillness/. Please let us know how you are doing.
Best wishes.
Well this is all just terrifying.
10 years ago I had a double mastectomy, reconstruction with silicone implants, chemo and radiation. All went well and I’m thankful to have survived stage three breast cancer. New problems started afterward but I attributed them to the prescribed hormone blockers. After nearly two years of trial and error we finally found a blocker that didn’t cause many of the symptoms that can also be attributed to BBI but through all this I gained 70 pounds, inexplicably. I’ve chalked up the chronic muscular pain, shortness of breath, digestive issues and many of the other symptoms that I have had since the surgery to being old (53) out of shape and overweight but after reading all this comments I’m rethinking this whole experience.
My question is this, has anyone had this removal procedure done with no resulting relief?
First of all, It sounds very odd, but what else do I say but, congratulations and thank goodness you survived cancer. That must’ve been a truly horrible thing to go through. I mean seriously, I would’ve thought I was feeling horrible from everything my body had been through if I were you. So really, I am glad you are doing well.
Second, I am with you. I too would like to know how many people have had explantation and did not feel better vs. how many do feel better. I mean, let’s face it, implants aren’t cheap. For me, it’s been a while now and I should probably be looking at getting them redone anyway, so the surgery itself wouldn’t be a waste of time. But if I choose not to implant another set at that time and I don’t feel any better, I will REALLY regret my decision. I mean really, if I’m going to feel miserable, I might as well look good.
As soon as I got my implants in 2007 I started to experience a DRAMATIC increase in my migraines. I attributed it to my new job and jerk of a boss. I started taking Topamax. When I started experiencing the brain fog and difficulty with word retrieval and memory loss, I attributed that to the Topamax. Everything had a reason, and that reason was never the breast implants. I never gave them a second thought although that is when everything started. Now, 11 years later, I have low to no sex drive, EXTREME fatigue, to where I almost non-functional, which is not me at all. I used to exercise every single day. Now I can barely get out of bed in the morning, literally. It’s no joke. My joints, muscles, and bones ache. I get cramps in my legs that are so bad, I’ve had to pull my car over because I am unable to drive, and I am unable to relieve to cramps. I am cold constantly, I bruise VERY easily, have heart palpitations all the time. My hands are so cold that I can use them as an ice pack for my headache!! I have TERRIBLE mood swings. I thought I was bi-polar which lead me to find Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and that lead me to find BII. My latest symptoms are edema underneath my eyes and now I can’t taste anything sweet! Because carbohydrates break down into simple sugars, most food does not even taste good/right to me anymore. When I discovered that I may be dealing with Hashimoto’s, I made an appointment with an Endocrinologist and my husband was VERY supportive. Now that I am thinking it may be BII, he is not so supportive anymore. To make a long story shore, wait, what, oh it’s too late for that, lol, I too would like to know, has anyone gone through explant and still felt the same, if not worse? Thanks. Thanks for your question Melodie. Good luck in your continued recovery.
Are yours silicone?
I have the EXACT same symptoms as you do. Heart palpitations have gotten so much worse. Full work up on my heart and it’s perfectly healthy. Hmmmm. Ive had saline implants since 2003. I love the look, don’t want to take them out. But I would rather regain my health. But….if it didn’t work, I would be devastated I removed them. I’m only a C cup so I would be left with nothing. I too would like to know if anyone has explanted and NOT gotten better.
Melodie – I have BII but my sister who had breast cancer and chemo / radiation treatments has the exact same symptoms as I do. It is the poisonings of the body that causes all the problems so you can have your implants removed and still suffer from the chemo/radiation in the exact same way.
I have been sick with many of these symptoms such as anxiety, depression, leaky gut, now rapid hair loss, most recently. I noticed that one of my breast seemed deflated, almost overnight .
I live in California, does anyone know if Medi-Cal will cover Explant removal surgery?
Hi Cindy,
Medi-Cal has covered some explants, the key word to use with Medi-Cal and insurances is “pain.”
See Sample Letter of Medical Necessity from the National Center for Health Research.
You should go see Dr. Jae Chun in Newport. He specializes in Explant with total En Bloc. If you are on Facebook, look up his facebook page called Dr.Jae Chun – Patient Explant and Support. It is a page where everyone compares notes and talks about their experiences
Yes, Medi-Cal does cover the removal of implants…had mine out Jan 18th 2019. Within 2 weeks I felt like a whole new person (or at least much closer to who I was before silicone implants in 2013)
I’m with kaiser through Medi-Cal…it took 2 years of trying to get anyone to take me seriously enough and ultimately the plastic surgeon put capsular contracture as the reason for removal-even though they weren’t-so it would be approved. If you mention any symptoms, they’ll blow you off. Just stick with saying you’re in a ton of pain. Good luck to all.
By the way, no implants put back in…looks terrible 🙁 but I feel as strong as an ox and am no longer so fatigued.
I have saline implants for nearly twenty years and am experiencing breast soreness and tingling in my left breast.
Great information
I have silicone breast implants for almost 10 years now, my left implant has ruptured and I’m having sever pain in my left breast, so I googled ruptured silicone implants and stumbled on silicone posiong. I’ve had thyroid issues, heart palpitations, numbness in my toes and fingers,’sever anxiet and depression, bruising, muscle soreness, sever fatigued to the point I wasn’t able to take care of my children, basically the past years I feel like I’m slowly dying. I’m waiting on my doctors appointment soon to see about removing the implants so hopefully I can start to heal and feel alive again.
Hi Jenny, I have saline implant
Implant for 12 years now. My peculiar illness started 2 months ago in severe form. One day I woke up with painful swelling of all joints(big & small), fever, sore throat-like,exhaustion, muscle cramps, hives all over my body & night seats. I had been having all of these symptoms for more than a 2 months now. I’ ve been to several doctors ( primary physician, rheumatologist, orthopedic & Dermatologist). All of my blood works, body CAT SCAN, MRI of knees, allergies, autoimmune disease are negative. Until now, there has been no particular diagnoses seen.
Dec. 19, 2018, I will have my breast implant removed coz I strongly think that my symptoms are related to breast implant toxicity.
Hi Judith. Did you have them removed? Did your symptoms get better ?
Did your symptoms get better? I have silicone and have all these symptoms.
I just had Mentor high profile silicon implants put in 02/11/018. I have Ben feeling very sad and lethargic with pain in my left breast, extra moody and extreme heightened sensitivity. I am sill in the healing process I know and I hope this all passes however when I mentioned my sadness to my follow up nurse she said it was in my head. I was not aware of any of what I have read above prior to having this done nor was I told by my surgeon he did not touch base on this kinds of things even a tad.
I had mine replaced in November of 2017 and I have sever headaches, my hair is thin, and I have insomnia to where I have to take an anxiety pill to sleep. I thought Pot would do it but I wake right up, toss n turn all night long and these things are just in the way.
I don’t feel well, I’ve lost the energy to even want to work out, and I know it’s because of my implants.
Dang it.
Has anyone tried to have their insurance help pay for the removal?
Takr them out! Ive had my under the muscle, cohesive gel implants for 2 years, im having them xplanted in the cpming few weeks.
I have 95% of the symptoms on this website and feel very moody, emotional etc its the heavy metals effecting our brain and all the other shit in the shell.
Look up the ingredients just in the shell its 3 paragraphs long with crazy nerotoxins!!!
Hi Hollie,
Do you know does it hurt more or is the risk of bleeding increased if they are under the muscle? Also how much time was recovery. I work as a RN on a busy hospital unit and only get week off increments. I was hoping to get a medical necessity leave if possible. I have always had symptoms (many of the symptoms listed on this site) but they have recently worsened and I do not feel right. I have had blood work and multiple test that have all came out clear. The past 2 weeks I am having brain fog so bad with migraines and nose bleeds and I’m having to lay down-it’s the only thing that helps. I can’t get in for another 3 weeks and I’m thinking of going to a different MD if not to urgent care. I feel like they would not take BII seriously at urgent care. I have had mine for 20 yrs lol. I’m defiantly going to research the chemicals after reading your post-Can’t wait to get these things out!!
I’m a transplant patient. Let me just say after reading several of your comments, ladies, I’m sure I’ve made the right decision in having made an appointment with the plastic surgeon who did my augmentation many years ago. I had many health issues over the years, with many diagnoses, including RA, three lumbar surgeries, parathyroid removal and partial thyroid removal. All my health problems have been years post my breast augmentation. I’m on many medications including immunosuppressants, and pain medication. Most of the symptoms you’ve mentioned in your comments, I, too, am experiencing;. feeling bad all over, exhausted, low grade temp, muscle aches and cramps, SOB, gastrointestinal problems, memory fog, anxiety, my feet and toes are always cold, hypertension, and I’m so irratible! I took a hard frontal fall on to concrete about six weeks ago. I was able to walk after I had help getting up; so, I felt I had no broken bones, My overall feeling was Pain, my knee joints, shoulders, clavical, hips, the palms of my hands were bruised, my left breast was bruised and several scratches. Ive been to my physicians, and have many labs taken, my cardiac physician, and chest X-rays done since the fall. All have come back normal which I’m glad about that; but, I still feel like crap, unable to do much and need to rest or just lay around. I made my decision to see the plastic surgeon yesterday and discuss all my health problems and the removal of the implants. I can’t continue on like this. My appoint is this coming Monday. Reading your comments have given me hope❣️ Thank you.
I had my silicone implants removed, but my doctor left the capsules in, saying it will be a better cosmetic outcome. I had many illness symptoms which brought me to request the removal, so now after reading your website, I am concerned. Do you think I can heal with the capsules still in place? Honestly, after just one week, I’m already feeling a bit better, but the one side that was encapsulated is swollen & tender & acting angry. Will this eventually resolve thru my strict diet & gentle detox? Or should I take a wait & see approach before going to another surgeon who is willing to remove the capsule? I’d rather not have surgery AGAIN! I have had several different implant replacements over 40 years, because I never knew any better, until I read your site! And every single time, the same side encapsulated immediately. It always felt tingly & itchy, but I just put up with it because the docs said there is no problem. I recently had a CTI scan which also showed calcification on that side. Any opinions you can share with me will MOST appreciated….. Can I heal without going back under the knife?
No the capsules have to come out too!!!!
I had saline implants in 2005. I was dx with Br Ca in 2012. Right mastectomy in 2012 followed by chemo & rad. I developed Lymphedema in right arm. Since 2014 my health has slowly declined. I’ve been to numerous doctors & all tests are negative. Finally, I thought about my left implant. OMG! I’m having nearly all symptoms! Now to the point of Lymphedema symptoms worse on implant side than Mastectomy side! My left breast is swollen to full 2 cup sizes. I’ve also gained considerable amt of weight & nothing I do helps to loose. So I have appt with plastic surgeon to discuss implant removal ASAP. Nearly every system in my body is currently affected. If implant removal helps to resolve issues & improve my health…. I will post again.
Hi there, I had double mastectomy in 2009 and my hair has been falling out for 3 years. So upsetting. So happy to find other women to share info. with. ~ Julie
I’d like to follow your journey since I, too, had saline implants years ago. I have only just begun my research on the topic. Are there any good FB groups you would suggest? Thank you!
I had so many of these symptoms, they all vanished after having my implants removed!!! Thankfully.
Hi Sue,
It’s great to hear your symptoms disappeared! What type of implants did you have and for how long did you have them? I want mine out after reading this because it explains the last 12 years of my life! My replacement set is almost 22 years old….. I have had 60% of these symptoms happen slowly over time.
who did your explant?
I have been investigating explant surgeons for a couple of months now. Ive had symptoms for years starting with insomnia,really extreme intolerances to heat, and heart palpitaions that led to an ER visit. Ive had 2 cardiology work ups, including a month long halter monitor which was really fun. All negative results even though I wake every single morning with adrenaline surges and moderate to severe heart palpitations, and spikes in BP. I went on a tyramine free diet, a gluten free diet, a dairy, egg, and redmeat free diet. I just stopped reporting the symptoms when that doc told me what I needed was an antidepressant. Im not depressed. I probably should be, but gratefully I have an amazing life. I just would like to sleep and eat and live without so many issues. I live a very clean and “green” lifestyle, completely organic and as chemical free as possible. We removed all toxic cleaners and soaps and shampoos and creams and everything in the cosmetic category and cleaning category and on the grocery list out of the house, and out side. We are organci veggie gardeners. We are regular followers of the organic lifestyle and EWG. I was diagnosed 10 years ago with Hashimotos a year after after my second set of implants replaced my first set of silicone implants that were in place for 21 years. I was told one of the silicone implants ruptured upon removal. I am constantly doing bloodwork at my endocrinologists office due to weird measurements of various endocrine values, especially the adrenals and thyroid. My thyroid antibodies are above 1200 when the normal threshold is 60. Ive had abdominal scans due to lots of digestive issues, MRI;s of my adrenals, ruling out a tumor, 24 hour urine tests, screeening for
Cushings disease, GEEZ its just ridiculous, not to mention expensive! Its just one thing after another. Two days ago my R saline implant ruptured so now Im scheduled for a consultation for an explant surgery. Thank God I put 2 &2 together. I developed gluten intolerance immediately after Hashimotos diagnosis, and several other food sensitivities or intolerances have appeared. It was my 33 year old daughter that discovered she has the MTHFR gene and so now Im pretty sure I was the one that passed it to her. That could explain why my symptoms are pretty extreme in number and frequency. Im so looking forward to putting this BS behind me, recovering well from my explant surgery, and living a much healthier life. The FDA and lots of greedy docs out there have a lot of “splaining to do” NO one told the truth years ago and many still arent telling about the dangers. The root of all evil is always and forver will be money. If a buck can be made from something controversial and especially cosmetic, then do your own research. Those that hope to become wealthy, will never tell the truth.
Hi, I am new at this. I just finished reading your story. I don’t wven know where to start and I don’t know what to do. I am 39 years old and I’ve had my implants since 2010. I’ve been healthy since the past 3 years when I had my daughter I’ve been having stomach issues and now memory fog. Can’t seem to remember things when I have to study or focus. I’ve had that fofucaing problem when I was in my teens but now that I’m an adult I would think I would have more patience in studying. Short story I was just told that I have food allergies and I have other allergies I’m dealing with like dermitis for the past year and is so depressing and frustrating that o can’t eat comfortable becaue I bloat like auper round. My question is to you since you got yours removed, did your food allergies go away?
I’ve been researching explant for about a year now. I’m on my 2nd set of implants and this set has ruptured. I’ve read many articles saying that the implant chemicals leak out but doesn’t our capsule protect us from the the poisons going into our bodies? Can you please point me to some info about this specifically? Thank you!
The capsule protects some but it contains a concentrated amount of poison so that can leech into your system essentially. If you get sick enough, you won’t care if you are flat chested. Trust me, all your health issues will quickly (and some slowly) disappear when you get them out. You can wear a padded bra and get a breast lift to help them not look so flat. Just make sure you get a surgeon from the list on this website that knows what they are doing for a total capsulectomy.
I’m fortunate to have a very good surgeon and when I told him about my symptoms and that I wanted an explant with full en bloc removal he immediately told me he would perform the surgery and my options for later on to have better-looking breasts. I already have my dates I’ll be having surgery soon.
I’ll now look into the detoxifying process just so I have everything planned out.
Who is your surgeon?
I live abroad in Gibraltar and am desperately looking for a reliable surgeon to carry out my ex plant.
Hi girls
I’ve been having health problems ever since I put my implants in and I only having them for 8 months! I’m 24 and getting pretty desperate as to what to do. I have a lot of different symptoms and just don’t know who to see that can get me back to what I used to be.
First thing that happen when after getting implants i got allergies to the tape from day one they were itchy and my skin was red and bruised (not swelling bruised but allergy bruised) second is my skin became incredibly dry and started peeling off constantly all over my body except for my face, at first I thought that was because of the extremely cold weather since it was -9 degrees Celsius. Then I developed a really bad allergy to the scar cream I was using that caused me to have to use topical steroids to calm the allergies down, even after quitting the scar cream I had allergies for quite a while. Next is I noticed my hair got a little brittle ( no alarm there I thought it was stress). I then developed a bunch of other allergies in a way I was constantly having allergic reactions I go get tested for allergies and I was allergic to things I have been eating my whole life like bacon, chocolate and peanuts! I’ve eaten all of these my whole life! I’m in my twenties I’d have notice if I was allergic to these things but all of a sudden I couldn’t eat chocolate anymore cause I’d get bad allergies. I then developed SEVERE ANXIETY that cause me to walk with a pocket knife all times of the day even to sleep! That went on for about 3 months. I wasn’t sleeping and that was making me feel really bad (but I wasn’t sick). One day I just got heart palpitations all of a sudden out of nowhere.
Go to the dr get checked and nothing. Was sent back home. Fast forward to a month later (during which I felt palpitations everyday) I go back to the Dr. This time a cardiologist and got diagnosed with a heart murmur level 1, immediately got my thyroid checked, my heart checked, and blood work done to see reumathoid factor. All come back ok! Nothing was wrong but I still had the murmur and the palpitations Dr decided not to medicate me. I get sick and lose a lot of weight ( 10 lbs) in a month.
As the murmur is minor I got no medication for that but now it’s almost like every week I get a new symptom. I started getting night sweats really light ones (my clothes wouldn’t get soaked I’d just have some sweat between my boobs when I wake up and notice my clothes were “fresh”). I then started having vision problems first I was seeing black stops flying and this weird feeling that eyes would catch the light, I started having muscle spasms. Now I’m having headaches but they are difuse. My vision is getting worse, I’m pretty young so I used to have laser sharp vision now I’m struggling to see things from a short distance like 2 meters away.
I have swollen lymph nodes on my neck and had a neck pain that was on and off for the first 3 months of my symptoms start point. My hair is now falling out profusely! I can’t brush it anymore, I just don’t brush it. One time I washed my hair and I cried on the shower because of how much hair fell off. My eye lashes are falling off a lot too, I get 4-5 folen lashes everyday!!! My nails are brittle.
I noticed my left breast is still tight to this day. It seems and feels weird compared to right one.
I don’t know what to do. Nobody knows I had the surgery so it is a secret only my close family knows. I’ve been trying to join to the Nicole BII group in Facebook but they didn’t accept me until now I guess it’s cause I’m using a fake Facebook account (cause I want to remain anonymous). So I don’t know where to get support or find more about BII from other ladies experiences. If anyone was having the same symptoms that I am and which are my options after explant for having normal looking breasts. My implants are quite small (250) but still I want to know good explant surgeons and good options that are not dangerous for my body. Somebody help me please.
If you get sick enough, you won’t care if you are flat chested. Trust me, all your health issues will quickly (and some slowly) disappear when you get them out. You can wear a padded bra and get a breast lift to help them not look so flat. Just make sure you get a surgeon from the list on this website that knows what they are doing for a total capsulectomy. Check this website out some more abbr you will find the answers to all your questions.
OMG… I can so relate to your story. I’m 54 I’ve got my implants 13 years ago. I have silicone gel implants made by McGhan who was bought out by Allergan..
If you still haven’t had your sugrery do some research on the company that made your implants.
I called the company that made mine. They told me they would replace mine at no cost to me.however I would have to pay for the doctor.They had a Huge law suit against them.
I fell I shouldn’t have to pay for anything..They have cost me so much of myself, not to mention what it has done to my family. Almost got divorced after 35 years of marriage.
Thank God my daughter came across a article about Breast Implant Toxicity!
Never in my wildest dreams did I think all of my illnesses could be from my implants.
I too started feeling bad right away, I lost my job cause I felt like I was losing my mind..could constraint or stay focused on anything..
I have migraines, brain fog, cronic fatigue, bone and joint pain also lesions on on my spine, ( I have to go to pain specialist;)
My shoulders locked, numbness & tingling in my hands and feet.
Erratic heart rate, palutattions
,night sweats, chills, hot and cold
metallic taste, vision problems.
I too see black dots, nausea, throw up, Anxiety and depression.
Been hospitalized for
I don’t know why I felt the urge to share, but I hope you find comfort in knowing your not the only one.. I hope you get well soon and get your life back..
Make sure to do some research on the company that made your implants.
Good luck
Hi Lana
Researching into to the company? I was researching the heavy metals that are on the silicone implants.
I was reading how some of the symptoms like numbness, tingling and muscle spasms and twitches are caused by heavy metal poisoning, this gentleman from a fibromyalgia told me that is how he found out he had mercury poisoning from his dental work.
Thank you for the support
Hi Lana
Are you able to share contact info on this lawsuit? I have implants as well from the same company. I’m just starting my research and want these implants sooner than later. Thank you for whatever info you can provide. Appreciate the help.
I need a lawer I had saline implants put in February 19th 2016 June the 27th of 2017 I had to have them removed they’ve come out of the socket it was sagging they look for size bigger I had to pay $9,000 to another doctor to do reconstructive surgery do you know anyone that takes a medical lawsuit I have been sick as a dog I have breathing problems now I’m weak I need help can someone please help me with an attorney the other doctor gave me my breast implants back they clean them and sterilize them one is almost flat which was the right side the left side is still full do you know what I can do about this I have paid a total of 13000 and $900 someone please I need an attorney a lawyer I know I have a lawsuit
Reading these postings are terrifying. I had implants done 13 years ago and experiencing some of the same symptoms noted on this website. My biggest concern is my breathing. I have SOB that I sincerely believe is due to my implants may be violating my thoracic cavity. My regular primary care physician does not appear invested in getting to the bottom of this. If anyone lives in the Bay Area and have a MD or attorney to further explore my concern, please let me know. Thank you all for your honesty and vulnerability.
Tina, Fyi I know you are out a lot of money but remember most all attorneys now charge 40% of what they collect and usually charge you for all fees that are incurred . Unless he can get a large amount for pain and suffering most attorneys will not take the case. In law school they teach “don’t let morals get in the way of ethics” meaning most attorneys have little or no morals or ethics and I am talking either side of a law suit. It cost too much to go against the large companies.
Since March I have had swollen lymph nodes on both my arm pits .My implants are 5 -1/ 2.years . I got them to reconstruct after s partial mastectomy in 1999? which was benign. My Mamogram in the spring was good . But I told my doctor I needed a ultrasound. I made them check out the underarm area . They told me the nodes are enlarged. LONG ! My doctor sent me to a Breast specialist. He said I don’t have cancer . But I know something is wrong . I just had blood tests this morning for CMP, CEA ,CBC,CA125. And a really long name I could read it. Dxlemetenohpy ? (sp) I really think it might the implants! They are the ridged ones. I don’t want that rare blood cancer . I don’t know where to go! I thought about calling the doctor who put them in. But I don’t think he will believe me. Also I hope the removal would be covered by insurance BCBC
Ugh help !
I hate to break it to you, but doctors aren’t going to recognize this as a legitimate illness and insurance is not going to cover it. Do whatever you have to do to pay for it because it’s worth it. Start a go fund me (put all pride aside), take our a loan, get care credit….something. These things are poison.
Do you know a round about cost for explant?
Just stumbled upon this site, I had implants (silicone) about 11 years ago, I am now 44 and the right one has ruptured and become contracted and swollen and painful. I am (or was actually) a triathlete with several ironman and and ultraman race under my belt and in Feb 2016 I was in a race that I was actually pulled from the water because of going hypothermic, since then my health has gone downhill. I actually thought I was going nuts because nobody could find anything wrong with me. I have had heart tests done (the cardiologist actually laughed while I was on the treadmill test) and asked why I was even there, chest tightness, shortness of breath, night sweats, can’t sleep, anxiety, just to name a few. I am having them replaced next week, but now I am so torn as to what to do. I was just like most of the women commenting here, completely flat chested and just embarrassed at myself. Any thoughts?
If you get sick enough, you won’t care if you are flat chested. Trust me, ask your health issues will quickly (and some slowly) disappear when you get them out. You can wear a padded bra and get a breast lift to help them not look so flat. Just make sure you get a surgeon from the list on this website that knows what they are doing for a total capsulectomy.
I’m grateful I found this site. I had my first surgery in Sept of 1998. I had textured saline under the muscle. Before the surgery I was approx. 97 lbs. I actually was able to breast feed in 2000 when my son was born. I asked the surgeon if it would be a problem and because it was beneath the muscle he was fine with it. I trusted him. In 2004 my boyfriend told me he would get a faint plastic taste from my nipples. (I apologize for tmi but this is not a joke to me). In 2006 I was doing yoga and when I returned home and went to take a shower I noticed my nipple was stuck to my sports bra. And I looked and it was like a greenish brown colored discharge dried to the bra. I thought well may it was from something I ate or spilled on myself. Well two days later, a larger spot and it had a strange plastic odor. I spoke to my surgeon and he said it was definitely not associated with my implants. The fluid being expelled from my nipple was tested and didn’t have infection in it but no real explanation. I had an MRI in my brain because they thought the discharge may be brain cancer. Nothing. In Nov 2012 I had explanation and re-implanted because my breasts constantly hurt and my nipples felt like fire constantly. After the surgery, I immediately got ill. I had the worst case of thrush and couldn’t eat or drink anything. My implants look awful. I asked to see the removed implants and the doctor told me they disintegrated in surgery so there was nothing to show. I have many of the listed symptoms. I keep gaining weight. Fatigue with no motivation, suicidal thoughts, depression, mood swings, my breasts are numb and when they are touched I cringe. I cannot tolerate anyone touching my nipples. I have burning down the insides of my arms and my ribs ache constantly. I can’t stand to wear a normal bra and am stuck with wearing cotton Calvin Klein bra letters that have zero support. I want my life back!!!
Take them out for your children’s sake!
I’ve had saline implants twice. First time was for 11yrs. And second time has been for 3yrs now. I’m 45. Thankfully I have not had any symptoms with both implants. I recently heard of this illness and am now aware and concerned. Not sure if I should get them removed even if I have no symptoms. Because maybe I won’t get any at all? But now that I’m aware, if i I get any kind of sickness or symptom I will think it’s due to implant illness which may not always be the case. I don’t want to scare myself after knowing this. But I’m glad I’m at least now aware.
They say it’s not if but when you will have a problem or problems with implants. If I had no symptoms or no problems with the implants, I would wait (it’s hard not too until you experience a problem) however symptoms could be subtle at first and you may not associate any symptoms with your implants. I first got implants when I was 21 and had them replaced when I was 36 (both saline). I just turned 50 and one of my implants is half way deflated due to leaking (at first it was a slow leak – there was rippling) and then all of a sudden (pretty much overnight), my left breast looked deflated. I cannot afford to have them removed and it has been almost two years. I keep feeling more and more tired and sick. Looking back to when symptoms first started goes way back to my first pair of implants (which may or may not have been caused by the implants). It’s hard to tell but before my implants, I was always healthy, skin and hair were good, I had a ton of energy but for some reason, after my implants, I started breaking out (I was in my early 20’s) and I have never stopped breaking out. I would get really sick (walking pneumonia, viral pneumonia, strep throat, UTI infections, etc.) I never really thought it could have been associated to my implants until recently. I have small implants (cup size B)….I just wanted my breasts to look normal and I do hate the thought of removing them for the fear of what my breasts will look like after removal – they will be uneven and most likely deformed looking without a lift (when I had them replaced 15 years ago, I had them replaced because one implant was leaking and caused an infection which was eating a hole thru the skin and most of my breast tissue in that breast had to be removed) and with a lift, it will look like I had a double mastectomy as they will have to remove most of the breast tissue on the other side to make them even at least. Hopefully you don’t have any problems with them but keep an eye out for subtle symptoms that are new and might seem odd.
Hi Michelle, When you say “rippling”, what exactly do you mean? I’ve recently been feeling my left one a lot more than usual. When I move my arm a certain way or bend over, or even when I have a towel wrapped around me, I can feel it ripple and kind of hear it. Been trying to find someone else who has had that issue but yours is the only one I’ve seen that might explain it. Mine are saline and I’ve had them for 9 years. Never had any problems with the implants themselves, thankfully, but I’m terrified to have them removed and terrified to keep them. I’m so sorry you’ve had such a hard time with them!
Hello. I got my first set of implants July 2007 (I was 31 years young). Before getting them, I was very healthy and only went to the Dr when I had Bronchitis (since I quit smoking I have never had it again). 7 months after getting implants I started getting migraines; I had barely even had any headaches before then. They got so bad and frequent that my Dr prescribed an epipen that I was using on myself almost every week. A few months after that, I started having female issues. My Gyn recommended I have a hysterectomy because between her, my PCP and my GI Dr, none of them could find any cause to my issues. Roughly every 3 months, a new symptoms would start. One of my implants ruptured in Dec 2015 and I had them both replaced in January 2016. Between 2016 and 2017, I have seen many more Doctors for newer issues that started and still no one can figure out what is wrong. I have even had numerous surgeries recommended by my Drs to “hopefully” fix my issue, in which has not worked. January of this year I became Vegan in hopes to start feeling better. I have lost 38 lbs and have a little more energy, however I do not feel like I did 11 years ago. A couple weeks ago, I was on Instagram and someone shared a YouTube story about Breast Implant Illness, I had never heard of this before. The more research I have done, the more I am convinced I have this. I went to my surgeon and although with a fight… I am happy to say that I will be starting my Explant process this week. Within 3 months everything should be completely removed. I am looking forward to being “me” again. There is hope ladies, there is hope!
What kind of female issues where you having? I’m curious bc I have as well-
Hi, I got implants in January of this year. I was supposed to get a lift and implants but the doctor didn’t do the lift (no real reason and i was very upset). So I went back in April and had the lift done. I have not had a period since. I went to my gyno and had an ultrasound and blood work and everything was normal including hormones and thyroid. But still no period. I wonder if the implants are causing this? I know the stress of the surgery can do it but I wouldn’t think it would make you miss it for this long. I feel like such an idiot. I knew the risks of illness before I had the sherry and my functional medicine doctor even warned me not to get the implants. But after seeing so many friends Have no issues I thought it wouldn’t happen to me. After already having 2 surgeries this year and spending over 10k I really hate to have an explant. My breasts now have scars all over them from the lift and I’m terrified of how horrible they will look but i also don’t want to get sicker. I’ve been having heart palpitations, insomnia, night sweats, anxiety/panic attacks too. And I’m only 8 months into this. I feel like if I kee them I will not be able to shake this feeling of guilt and panic either way. I feel like I made myself get sick by worrying it would happen. I’m just so mad at myself all around. Does anyone who has had an explant have any hope to offer about how they feel and how their breasts look now?
Thank you for this important and life saving information!
I found this website after reading a post on Facebook. I had saline implants in April 2011. I was 38 years old. My Chest looked like a 12 year old boy. After gaining some weight and realizing that I was going to be perpetually flat chested I decided on implants. By December of 2012 I was having issues. I had lost 20 pounds over a few months and was under 100 pounds. It scared the crap out of me. I went to a endocrinologist and was diagnosed with hyperthyroid. By April 2016 I was beginning to have joint pain. I began going to a rheumatologist who says I don’t have the rheumatoid factor but I have the symptoms. I can no longer make a fist with my left hand and I have a hard time gripping things due to pain. Over the last year I have started having trouble with short term memory. I forget words, I constantly forget what I was doing, I forget where I filed things. It’s a challenge to constantly make myself remember things. This whole thing is scary for me. I was completely flat before I got these, I can’t imagine how horrible I will look if they are removed. I was so embarrassed by my body before that my daughter and ex-husband are the only ones who ever saw me naked. None of my friends,not even my mother.
Hi Stacey. I know what you mean about being flat chested, I was the same way but not only that my chest bones are uneven (one of the main reasons why I had implants in the first place) so on one side of my chest by my sternum by rib bones are higher so the best way to explain it is it looks like I have a third boob because of the hump. I can only imagine what I will look like after explant. So scared yet so anxious to get my energy back and my life. Regardless of the outcome (I say that now though), heck my mom even said I looked like a man. :/ Hopefully they are a little bigger because I have gained weight not much but plenty. I don’t know how to feel about it really, scared of what others will say that have seen me with boobs and then to see me flat chested. My fiance says he loves me regardless. We just need to gain love for ourselves and from there I believe we can live happily and with our heads held high. It’s all in our heads really but what I truly believe is if we ask God to show us how to love ourselves the way we are or just experience true love which only comes from Him we will be just fine. Take care of you Stacey.
I’m so thankful I stumbled across this site. So much information on the websites are so confusing and overwhelming, it’s hard to comprehend sometimes. At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with a tuberous breast and was referred to a plastic surgeon for a silicone implant. My mother agreed to this. This was placed behind the breast muscle on the right side and on the left side I had a reduction done to suite the other side in sizing. I had this implant for over 28 years. Overtime this developed into capsular contracture with a gel bleed associated. I’m 42, experienced most of the symptoms a typical implant candidate would experience with an implant of that age. Everytime a doctors visit for symptoms relating to an illness i felt unwell with always got told there is nothing wrong with me. Made me feel like a mad woman. The impalnt was removed 5 months ago and it feels like my symptoms have gotten worse or my body just taking a while to recover from all the toxicity it experienced. I have lost a few kg’s since unintentionally and have had a very low appetite and desire to do anything. Knowing now what I know puts me in a difficult position to decide on another implant or a flap reconstruction that costs so much money. I wouldn’t want to wear a prosthesis for the rest of my life. Any thoughts?
I have had silicone implants for about 7 years. I have always had horrible allergies since a child and was diagnosed with celiac before I got the implants. I also have polycyatic kidneys( but do not have symptoms yet that I know of) I had my daughter nine months ago and ever since I’ve had Horrible health issues. Extreme fatigue constantly sick, chronic sinusitis, A constant muscle aching back pain ( but I’m also a hairstylist that works on my feet all day ) so I’m curious if having a child could bring on any of these implant illness symptoms or it’s just a coincidence and it’s not that at all. Obviously reading this I realize implants are not good for anybody but I would hate to go through all of that if it’s not causing my issues. Plus I literally have no natural breast tissue. I wonder after taking out implants if you could have fat transferred from other parts of your body into your breast At least for temporary fix
I have ALL the symptoms that my breast implants could be causing. I have had mine for 32 years. They have definitely become encapsulated, as was shown by an MRI. I had an issue with benzodiazepines, which I believe are causing a lot of my neurological symptoms, but now I am beginning to wonder. I don’t like the thought of not having them, but it sounds like it would be well worth it to ha e them removed. Any opinions?
I got silicone breast impants in July 2014 in Sydney, Australia. About 16 months later I started experiencing feeling ‘not normal’. I developed anxitey, tension headaches, dizziness, sinititus, short-term memory loss, poor cognitive function (Getting words muddled up), leaky gut, sore neck. Ive been to so many different doctors over the past 3 years and have had blood tests, brain MRI’s and they have all come back clear. My Neurologist believed stress and axiety was making me feel this way. I was under stress the time that I started expericing these symptoms however this year I have dedicated myself to feeling better and started monthly accupuncture, meditation and other stress relieving practises. While they have certinately helped, my symptoms still exist and I still dont feel normal. I almost felt there was no choice but to quit my job as I couldnt see any way through it. I have booked in a annual implant check up with http://saferbreastimplants.org/ to discuss if my symptoms may be due to BII.
I really love my implants and have never experienced pain or discomfort and I am definitely willing to get an explant if it means my symptoms will go away however I dont want to do that if im not certain the impants are causing these issues.
Im only 23 so unsure what to do..
I am having the SAME exact issues. I would love to talk to you about it.
I am so scared. I am only 29 years old and have basically every symptom and also others that aren’t even listed. I got implanted when I was only 19 and began experiencing symptoms after about 2 years. I had to get a total hysterectomy about a week and a half ago. I spoke to a surgeon about explanation, but am so worried that my body is too weak to handle another major surgery. My gut has taken the biggest beating out of everything by far. I sincerely feel that no one in the world has worse gut issues than I do. There is not one single food that I can tolerate anymore. I am about 10 pounds underweight (and am already naturally petite) due to loss of appetite and malabsorption due to leaky gut and gut dysbiosis. I now have a cyst on my kidney that popped up after my hysterectomy, and am worried that it will start to affect my kidney function. I have been bedridden and unemployed for a year now, after years and years of exhausting myself by pretending to be ok. I would have been living on the street and probably dead already if it weren’t for the help of my amazing boyfriend. I am laying in bed as I write this, and I truly cannot believe how ill I am, especially at such a young age. I wanted to be getting married and having kids, but instead I am fighting for my life. I’ve had doctor after doctor call me crazy or a hypochondriac. I was about ready to give up. By some miracle, I randomly made the connection that my health has been declining ever since getting implants and started doing the research. I pray to God that I can make it through the surgery. If I don’t, then I guess it’s just my time to go because this is no life anyway. I am so sorry to everyone out there who is suffering. It is criminal that we weren’t warned about this by our surgeons. I wouldn’t wish this level of suffering on my worst enemy or the devil himself. Terrible. Just terrible.
Praying for you💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏
Hi, my name is Trina. I had silicone implant 5 years ago and IUD mirena for birth control in 2013. I have been suffering from muscle aching and insomia and extremity tingling. Recently on June 2nd 2018 I was laying down and I felt palpitations, increased heart beat blood pressure went up to 173/113 when i get ro the hospital. I went to my pc the next day and they refer me to cardiologist for my heart. I am planning on getting my IUD out asap. I could feel my thyroid is inflamed. I am waiting for my blood work to come back. Do you recommend i should remove the implant as well since a lot of my symptoms are on the list?
Hi Trina,
Yes, explant is recommended. Both the Mirena IUD and breast implants are sources of silicone toxicity in the body. Silicone is an endocrine disruptor and can disrupt the endocrine system.
For those in Canada, is there financial assistance or insurance coverage for explanting like in the US? I have Blue Cross.
Hi I am Olivia,
I am 52 years young but I feel like I am 90. I Have my silicone implants for 28 years. My symptoms seem to be progressing rapidly . I am having burning pains in my arms and legs, great difficulty walking. My chest burns and sometimes it goes up my neck. I basically have pain everywhere, but my arms and legs are the worst. Last nite I slept in a recliner as my chest burned when I tried to lay down. The skin on my arms has red and flesh colored bumps it looks wrinkled. It’s also very hard to breath.
I had my first consultation today with plastic surgeon. Although he was very knowledgeable about the explant procedure he denied my implants would cause any harm. I told him what I know. I could see implant samples on his desk. He tried his hardest to convince me removal would not cure me. He reminded me of a shifty used car salesman.
The doctor told me I would need to get a mammogram. Since I suspect my implant is already leaking is there something else I could do?
Thank you for this website and support I am most grateful.
Hi, Olivia, I am also experiencing breathing problems that appears to be worsening day by day. Please let me know if you made any changes that were helpful. Thank you,
Hello my name is Kathy i am in Florida, i had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction, i am concerned after reading all of theses reports on saline implants. , my reconstruction was in 2014. and to be honest i have been feeling strange , my implants have been tighten up, to the point i am so uncomfortable, and i noticed a burning sensation on the right side it would come and go at times, and when i tighten up it affects my breathing, my concern is should i have them removed or i am thinking its nothing,,,,,,,,CONFUSED
I have just found you site. I had my implants removed and replaced in Feb 2018. After I was told I had a capsule rupture in December 2017. The his would only remove and not replace them. I did not want to have two operations because I had such a bad chest and had been coughing for over 2 years felt ill all the time and everything was such an effort. When my surgeon removed them he was very surprised to find that my right implant had not only ruptured outside the capsule but had also turned to liquided silicon. The operation took 4.5 hours as he had to clean it all out. We talked about the fact that I no longer cough. He feels that the liquid silicone was migrating into my lungs. My symptoms were chronic fatigue, chronic cough, joint pains, migraine, IBS, low mood, brain fog and shortness of breath.
I feel so much better in my self and the fact that I have not had a cough from 3 days after by removal is just so amazing.
My g.p had been telling me my symptoms were stress and my cough was chronic bronchitis. PLEASE LADIES LISTEN TO YOUR BODY’S AND GET THEM CHECKED.
Hi can you please tell me if your fatigue and other symptoms have gone away or not, since you changed them not Explant them 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Jane I feel just exactly as you describe. I have my saline implant put in in 1990. I have had chronic health problems since about 2002. Last year I even had a kidney removed but they could not explain why it wasn’t working. I have endless pain in my legs, arms and hips. I feel like I am living in a fatigue driven brain fog. Sometimes my heart races for no reason. My thyroid has been acting up and I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have put on an alarming amount of weight even though I eat very little. The list goes on and on. Do you or anybody else on this forum know of a good doctor in the lower mainland of British Columbia? I think it’s time I had these out.
Ive just come across your website after my husband reading an article in the paper about BII. This has lead me to do some research and I am absoloutely blown away by this. I had breast cancer 10 years ago and had silicone implants put in after a double mastectomy. 6 months ago I started getting allot of pain in one of them and they had changed shape. After a lengthy wait on my plastic surgeons waitlist, I finally got seen to be told that they both don’t look right and one is definately confirmed with an internal rupture. (Reptured in the internal of the implant, apparently not externally). Ive been told they need to be replaced, but after reading this and doing some research I’d rather have them completely removed and not put back in. I suffer from extreme tiredness and constantly take iron tablets which never make any difference. My emotions are all over the place and mood swings soo bad. My relationship with my oldest son has been horrible as my temper and patience is so bad some days. We just constantly are banging our heads together. Ive currently got really bad backpain like Ive never had before and actually have an appointment with my specialist in a couple of weeks to get it checked out. 2 years ago I went to the doctors for my extreme tiredness and mood swings, they tried to put me on antidepressants. Ive detoxed before without much of a huge difference to how I feel. Now I feel soo pleased to read this to know there may be a reason and this doesnt have to be a way of life, but at the same time soo shocked that it allowed to happen and not be recognized by the medical profession.
Sounds like you’re having the same issues I am having. I don’t know what Im doing next, I think I’m having my implants removed after 20 yrs. I have felt so awful for years. I just chalked it up to hormones or maybe I was just being moody with my daughters! It makes me aggravated with Doctors, do they really care? Mine acted like I was crazy that the symptoms could be from my implants. I hope you feel better and that things work out for you.
I have had implants for approximately 20 years, and quite a few of the symptoms you listed, I am and have been dealing with. Would you suggest I take them out due to the health issues? I need help!! I am just finding this out!! Thank you for your time and help with this. Wendy
Hi Wendy,
Yes, explant to remove the foreign bodies (breast implants) which act as triggers of inflammation and toxicity. Symptoms can be compared to signals the body sends to let you know something is not right. They build up with time until toxicity is removed from your body and environment. You can read more on symptoms from saline implants here and here.
Hi, I found this site thankfully, from an article 7 april 2018 about a british singer hannah spearitt who had explants.. so grateful she wrote about her health problems which I identify with as well as lots of posts on this forum. I live in the UK & still reading about women suffering in the U.S. I dont know how to ask my Doctor to take me seriously & just get these “bags of chemicals” out which were put in 7 years after having had cancer. The whole list of negative stuff that can be experienced, I have. I am so exhausted & in pain its going to be a real effort to get this sorted with my doctor as Im currently being treated for a range of other disorders such as fybro, allergies, intolerances, recurring infections & serious joint problems, all of which started about 6 years ago, I just wanted to say this site has given me hope & that other women have almost identical symptoms & poor quality of life as myself makes me feel that I am not going into mental decline. THANK YOU to everyone who shares, it really does open doors to other possibilities, I somehow have to get my Doctor to look at this site
I have had saline implants for 11 years. I didn’t have symptoms until 6 or 7 years ago, but now diagnosed with fibro, lupus, hypothyroidism, hair loss, and recently started having seizures. Which is unheard of for adults unless you’ve had head trauma. I’m thinking of getting mine out now since seizures started. are seizures a symptom of breast implant illness? I’m in Indiana looking for help!
Hi Shelley,
Seizures have been reported as a symptom by some women in the breast implant illness groups. See here for a news article where one of the ladies had seizures and other symptoms that stopped after explant.
She states, “I can tell you the seizures stopped. The blackouts stopped, the migraines stopped, the nausea stopped… it’s incredible.”
She explanted with Dr. Victor Urzola in Costa Rica. He is important in the community as an explant expert and breast implant illness believer/researcher.
In Indiana, Dr. Brian Lee is a good explant surgeon who believes in breast implant illness. Additionally, he understands nutriton and detox for recovery from chronic illness.
Hi Shelley,
I don’t know if you’ll read this since your post was a while ago, but I’m curious to find out how you’re doing? I have a similar story and have suddenly started having seizures out of the blue. I am wondering if my implants are connected to my health issues. Any advice you can give would be great. Thanks!
Help will they explant my silicone implants, i have had them 42yr they are ruptured leaking so painful deformed and.lumpy but i am bipolar on meds and 66
Hi Pam,
There are ladies who have explanted with 40+ year old breast implants. En bloc removal is highly recommended for ruptured implants to contain the silicone, see here and here for examples.
You got to remove this stat. Full capsulectomy /enbloc with capsule and tissue removal. I am 66 yrs old and explanted 5 months ago.
i am 67 and need my implants removed. does health insurance pay for it? can you tell a difference health wise. and did they reconstruct loose skin cut it off?
Hello I just meet a women same age as you 67 yrs old she had her 40 yr old implants removed and she is so happy and feels good. I’m 52 yrs old and I’m scheduled for explant in August. can’t wait to remove these toxic bags!!!!
Hi Rosina,
Your comment sent on March 31st 2018 has been received. Three attempts have been made to reach you in regard to your enquiry but twice the emails were sent back with an error message. Do you have another email address to be reached at? Or you can contact the site at [email protected].
So happy for you, Are you noticing a big difference in how you feel? I have had mine in since 1988. I was 24 yrs old. I feel sick all the time, I hope I can have mine removed. Did you just have them taken out and no other kind of replacement? Sorry, I just don’t know what they do if you have them removed with your extra skin( if it’s been stretched) I just had a 30A cup to a 36B cup so it’s not too big of a change. But It is a difference. Thanks for any advice. Great news for you!
I’m 69 years old and need mine out I’m feeling poorly but nervous at my age … how was your recuperation .who did u use please reply
I have 14yr old implants and have the majority of symptoms. Does anyone have reommendation for an affordable explant surgeon?
Hi Donna,
Please see the Explant Surgeons list for recommendations by women in the community. It is categorized by country and state, many surgeons in the U.S. have prices listed next to their names. For your reference, here is also a list of Questions to Ask Explant Surgeons.
I had many complications during my mastectomy,which almost killed me,so for past2 years ive thought my chest pain was from that after effect, but reading this gave me chills…everything ive been feeling past 2 years is on this list…its so bad ive stopped working because i was calling out more then i was able to go in… i just want these implants out hopefully can find a plastic surgeon who can help me, i would rather have no breast and feel great then these mutilated botched breast an feel this bad
I am so glad I found this site, I have many of the symptoms especially recurring bacterial infection in vaginal, I had a mastectomy 5 years ago (DCIS) . With reconstruction , IMPLANT, I will be contacting my MD. ASAP.
Recurring bacterial vaginal infection is my main symptom. I have taken antibiotics for it multiple times and it goes away for a little and in a matter of weeks it is back. Getting my implants out in 2 weeks! Can’t wait!
I had implants for 30 years, dow corning for 10 and textured gummy bears for 20. Had ALL the symptoms. I had them removed via Total En Bloc Capsulectomy 1 year ago. The operation was tough on me as I was so VERY ILL but I am staring to get better. I would say my symptoms are about 50% improved overall. I guess it will take me 2 or 3 years to recover as I had them so long and was so very ill. So glad I got rid of them and hope its not too late for me to start enjoying life again. Love to all you lovely ladies x
I have about 75% of these symptoms. I have been to doctor after doctor for the 10 years I have had these. I am double homozygous MTHF positive. I have IBS, been diagnosed with Polymitosis, food sensitivities, and when I work out I smell a chemical smell like ammonia. I also developed CI, whichs is an inflammation desease of the bladder. All my joints hurt so bad, and my knee are shot. I have trouble finding words I want to say, and can’t see at night… I don’t feel alone after reading this. I am only 38 and shouldn’t feel like I am 100 years old. Every single day is a struggle.. I am having them removed ASAP. After showing this to my husband he was stunned to see all my issues listed under implant sickness.
Well I stumbled upon this site, and find myself in tears. I have been terribly ill for the past 1.5 years. I had my breast implants changed to smaller ones a few years ago. I started getting abscesses on my face, and one led to sepsis. I was hospitalized for a month, but I could not recover. I kept telling doctors that something is wrong. I was actually committed to a mental hospital because I was taken to the ER via ambulance, and I was given a massive amount of some drug on the way. I “woke up” three days later in the mental hospital. Luckily I was visited by a lawyer who helped me get out of there after five days total.
I have some strange things in my nose that I can’t determine what they are. They are white, stretchy things that I can remove. It does no good, because they just reappear in a day. Crazy clear gel comes out of my nose in shocking amounts. It will burn my nostrils if left in contact with them for long. Has anyone ever heard of anything like that?
The most obvious symptom are these round bumps on my face that will not heal. A lymphnode under my jaw was really large for months (no insurance because of illness). I woke up to a feeling of intense itching along my jaw. Well, when I actually got up and looked in the mirror, I was stunned. It looked like I had a 4×3″ chemical burn right above that swollen gland. It’s been about three weeks since then, and my gland is normal size now. Those bumps get like a plastic scab almost instantly. If I put a bandaid on one the skin will be wet, and just come off exactly in the shape of the bandaid pad.
But what really convinces me that it’s the implants is the septic pulmonary embolisms I had during sepsis that required surgery, and the breast pain, and itching, on that same side.
I could list a gazillion symptoms that are like so many others. Has anyone had those bumps that take weeks to heal, and leave a strange scar with lines in it? My face is a scarred mess now,I went through menopause at 42, and I chocked up the hair loss, and odd look of my skin, fatigue, brain fog, etc to that.
I think God works through YouTube. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s how I found this. I wasn’t even looking for illness related videos. A video just played on autoplay that led me down this path. That’s happened so many times lately that I want to thank God for helping me.
Hi Janine,
Silicone in the form of gel bleed from intact implants or from ruptures can migrate outside the implants and capsules (scar tissue surrounding the implants), into local axillary lymph nodes where they can then spread via the lymphatic system throughout the body and accumulate in various tissues. See article on silicone dispersion and scroll to page 2 for the list of body parts silicone was discovered to be deposited in after an autopsy of a woman with ruptured silicone breast implants. In another woman, migrated silicone from ruptured implants has even been later found in the sinus cavity.
Silicone is a potent adjuvant (immune stimulant) and a form of chemical toxicity, therefore burning pains, allergic type itching, and various skin issues are symptoms. Silicone exposure has the ability to modulate immune, hormonal, endocrinological, and neurotransmitter functions. See Scientific Articles for many resources on the effects of silicone. Silicone disrupts the thyroid and hormones, women have experienced hormonal imbalances and early menopause and some have had their periods restart after explant. Further, silicone and its heavy metal and chemical constituents have caused a wide variety of respiratory problems with women with silicone and saline breast implants. Ultimately, the body’s manifestation of symptoms is the best indication of a reaction. Timely explant with full capsule removal is key to recovery.
Omg. I just stumbled across this info posted by a friend on Facebook and immediately went to this site. I am also in tears. I have almost 75% of these symptoms and have spent 10 years going to assorted doctors trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. I have had my thyroid taken out, my gallbladder out, diagnosed with autoimmune, arthritis, crazy new allergies, chronic colds and tons more. none of these problems began until four months after getting breast augmentation. I am in complete shock.
Thank you EVERYONE for your collective comments and explanations. I first had saline implants in 1997. One of them ruptured in 2009. I had a new set of implants, again Saline, but have experienced so many problems I didn’t realize or affecting me. I was in my twenties when I got my first set of implants and I chalked up anything I felt miserable about to the fact that I was getting older or that I was in the military. I had no knowledge of breast implant sickness and thought I was safe because they were Saline. When I look at the list of symptoms and contrast that with my Physicians diagnosis of fibromyalgia, arthritis, joint, back, neck, knee pain due to my military service, auto accidents and lifestyle choices I can’t help but Wonder if positions are just flailing with diagnosing women was implant sickness. Fortunately I have access to VA hospital and they are willing to take my implants out for free. But I’m mostly interested in is hearing testimony about the recovery after explantation. I’d like statistics pertaining to the time frame in which the body starts healing and symptoms to start to diminish. If anybody has information about recovery post explantation, I would be greatly appreciative for input.
Hi Denise,
Fibromyalgia, arthritis/joint aches, back and neck pains are classic symptoms, among others, of breast implant illness.
Any plastic surgeon will remove your implants but the proper explant procedures you are looking for are either en bloc or total capsulectomy, where all capsule tissue is removed. Capsules are the scar tissue your body forms around the implants to protect you and these can harbor pathogens (biofilm/bacteria and fungus), foreign material (saline implants are encased in silicone shells, these leach out silicone particles, heavy metals, chemicals), and inflammatory lymphocytes that can continue to stimulate systemic immune and autoimmune responses. Additionally, with saline implants some surgeons may try to convince you to puncture and allow them to drain into your body, do not let them do this as this will increase risk of contamination. Please ensure you find a surgeon that is skilled and committed to full capsule and implant (without saline drainage) removal, as this is what correlates to the highest recovery.
Recovery from breast implants is different for everyone, some recover within a few months and for others it can take two to three years. Shortly after explant some symptoms such as shortness of breath and back/neck pains generally subside and for other symptoms, especially those endocrine and immune related, it can take some months. Breast implants put the body into high stress and adrenal fatigue is a common condition that arises and can take awhile to calibrate back to normal. Breast implants create immune suppression and various infections thrive. Bacterial, viral, parasitical, and fungal co-infections occur and particularly the fungal ones may need to be addressed. Gastrointestinal and digestive issues, food intolerances, and allergies finally have a chance to improve and resolve after explant but they require a proper diet. Healing and supporting the gut plays an important role in recovery, it is where 70% of the immune system lies and the gut microbiome takes part in detoxification. Some women deal with heavy metal toxicity and this takes time to reduce. Genetic mutations such as MTHFR can slow down detoxification. As you can see, there are many layers to uncover in achieving full heath recovery. Removing breast implants is the first step towards improving your health by removing the source of foreign interference that disrupts the body and most symptoms will lift with time, but afterwards one must work with proper diet, reinforcing the gut, and detoxification to clear the remaining layers of damage. The heal is real – the removal of implants lifts inflammation and toxicity. Be patient with your healing process, understand that it is not linear, there will be ups and downs but symptoms are likely to significantly improve. Trust your instincts and listen intuitively to your body.
Other Resources:
Saline Breast Implants and Mold
Mentor Saline Breast Implants (scroll down to MAUDE Adverse Reaction Reports where you can read other women’s reports of symptoms)
I am back to square one after seeing a U of M plastic surgeon who told me, because mine are saline, he would take out my implants, but not the capsule, because he goes by “evidence-based data from the FDA only! He said that I could have them out “if I could find a surgeon who was willing to do this.” He didn’t even examine me, but told me that there”s a “big to-do” about this, but they are perfectly safe.
They have been in for 14 years, and I’ve debeloped countless autoimmune dillnesses, and have spent thousands, lived in pain, I’ve been extremely sick like I’ve had the worst flu all this time, and keep trouble-shooting! I’ve had 3 operations so far in the last 8 months, and quality of my life has diminished to a point I don’t even smile anymore. I have to wait again for a surgeon near me who will take these things out!! No one is around northern Detroit except my daughter’s ex-fiance’s New wife! I do have a consultation with her, but my daughter won’t take me to the surgery. I’m crying.
hello Kathryn , I am new here and just read your post….I am so sorry for your BII
I to suffered and had my 13 yr old Saline implants removed in Aug 2017 . ( In Bolic ) by a is a Doctor in Florida ( Dr Rankin ) in Jupiter Florida
he is the BEST at this, people travel from a far to see him, he is also better priced than all the others and worth a long trip.
I hope you give him a call , Prayers & best wishes to you
feel free to write me with any questions
Thank you so much! Ironically, I explanted en-bloc, and I’m so relieved, but in pain. I had developed a severe case of capsular contraction, and she had to cut the bottoms of my breasts to get it all out. I noticed a sagging on one side the day before, but since doctors told me they were fine, I hadn’t thought of that. Thank God, I got in with the woman I mentioned, because I had an excruciating mid-back pain for 4 months, my hair started to fall out, I had a metallic taste, and various other symptoms. It was time! Thank you so much for your post to me! How are you feeling now?
Will Medicare cover implant removal?? My implants are forty years old and I have been suffering with fibromyalgia for almost that long. I would like to have the implants removed but I’m not sure where to begin. Thanks
Hi Carol,
Medicare often will cover the cost of implant removal. The problem with Medicare is that they do not preapprove any procedures. Your local Medicare or Medicaid office is likely to have a list of in-network plastic surgeons that accept their coverage. You can schedule consults with them, ask questions and ensure they will remove the implants with full capsule removal (via en bloc or total capsulectomy). You can also try to contact the Explant Financial Assistance Program.
My implants are gel and have seen a neurologist and rhumatologist so far for current symptoms with spinal tap sceduled with neurologist and blood results normal after doing more tests with rheumatologist who then recommended I see a dermatologist. Symptoms include severe joint pain, hair loss, rash on face, red burning ears, breathing difficulty, stroke like episodes, itchy, rash on scalp, memory loss, extreme fatigue, irregular periods, gut pain, reynauds syndrome, the list goes on and on.. anyway, I am 30 and docs are telling me Im too young for a lot of the problems ive been recently coming in for and I swore I was finally going to have an answer when i was referred to a rhumatologist after getting pictures to documemt my symptoms and having a positive ana result and severeal areas of inflammation in brain after MRI but was so dissapointed when I recieved letter saying further testing says im fine and there is no need to come back. My thought was “what? Then how do we explain this? It doesnt take the pain away from these sudden and severe symptoms??”. My question/comment is that after reading about breast implant illness, i thought I might have found the answer exept i feel discouraged after reading peoples comments explaining their symptoms but they are 5,6,10,20 years into the day they got their implants and my symptoms started within a couple weeks after surgery and are severe now and ive only had them for 6 months….. could they be related to the implants this early after surgery?
Hi Ranae,
Yes, some people develop symptoms right away and for others it takes longer. If you did not experience any of these plethora of symptoms before implants and shorty after you are, then that is likely an indication of your body’s reaction to silicone toxicity and to the foreign bodies (implants). Some manufacturer documents state that within a 120 day gel bleed study there was migration of microscopic amounts of silicone and platinum from the implants, meaning that within 4 months of having the implants these particles can diffuse into you. We believe that is only the tip of the iceberg and there are more heavy metals and chemicals (which are listed as implant ingredients in the FDA documents) that are being released over time and are not being disclosed, but that has yet to be officially proven. There is a silicone hypersensitivity panel that tests sensitivity to silicone and other chemicals that you can read more under tests and here.
Hon did you find out what was wrong Renae? I’m so curious.
Can you email me your results. I have similar symptoms and curious if this is the cause too. Same situation with drs
Please email me :
[email protected]
Hi, my name is Jo Ann and I’m also suffering with all the same symptoms as you plus many more.
My silicone implants are about 11yrs old and starting having symptoms about 2 1/2 yrs ago and now they are so bad! I also suffer from peripheral neuropathy and brain fog, confusion and can’t make up my mind a lot. My brain just doesn’t function right and it’s a daily struggle. I also have real bad pain in my right Breast and in my ribs and the pain radiates in my back and neck all on the right side of my body. I also bleed and bruise easy too. I have been to so many doctors and have had so many scans and blood work and no answers at all what is wrong with me. I even had all the tests for liver disease because most all the symptoms are the same as BII. So Monday i go talk to a plastic surgeon about explanation. I’m still not sure if I will have saline put back in or not. It’s scary and I’m so tired of being sick and feeling as I’m dying. I hope you get what you need to get done and feel better too. Btw, where do you live? I’m on the central coast of Oregon. Take care! JK
Hi Jo Ann,
Silicone and saline breast implants both cause symptoms, replacement is not recommended.
In the scientific article, “Systemic inflammatory disease resolution following cosmetic silicone breast implant removal” a lady replaced her implants and continued to have symptoms, it was not until removal that there was dissolution and recovery. This is commonly seen in the community, as the body can not heal until all foreign interference has been removed.
“She decided to have replacement, rather than removal, of her silicone breast implants privately, but her symptoms persisted postoperatively with a new erythema multiforme-like rash despite treatment with methotrexate and moderate dose prednisolone. Following further consultation with a National Health Service breast surgeon, her silicone implants were removed. Within 10 weeks of surgery, all immunomodulatory treatment was discontinued with complete symptom and inflammatory response resolution. This case illustrates that implant silicone can induce clinically significant systemic inflammatory disease and implant removal is essential for disease resolution.”
I dont know if this helps but I had implants done may 2017 (very healthy person prior) and ever since july 2017 to current I have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease, Raynauds Disease, Costrocondritis, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and just feeling like crap. Just started reading about this breast illness and have no idea what to do??
Thank you so much!! I thought I was so alone. I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Hashimotos.
For years, I’ve been in incredible pain and have been told it is anxiety.
I am now going to a specialist to see if I have glacoma as well.
I am calling to extract my breast implants as soon as possible!
The latest peer-reviewed manuscript on silicone gel-filled breast implants was published on September 5, 2017. To access it, google “International Annals of Medicine” – this is an open access journal and the PDF can be downloaded without cost. The title of the article is “Mechanisms of Breast Implant Toxicity: Will the Real Ringmaster Please Stand Up.”
Hi, my name is Trish,
I have been diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease & leave for Germany in less than 4 weeks to have hyperthermia treatment. However I also have saline implants that have encapsulated & can tick yes to almost every symptom listed. I’m now at a loss as to what I should do? Flights have been booked? The only symptoms I don’t have are dryness everywhere & hair loss. The treatment in Germany is very expensive & my brother Is lending me the money to go. Is this an American or Australian website? I now don’t. know wether I should put the Germany trip on hold & go & have my implants removed. I saw a recent report on the News regarding saline implants with a rough exterior covering. Not sure if they are silicone, but it’s been discovered that the rough pouch is a causative factor in a very rare breast cancer. So I was going to have them removed when I got back from Germany anyway? Any advice would be welcome. I’m still convinced I have Lyme disease as I had been bitten by many ticks in 2005. I had no symptoms until after having a fall in 2007. I tore the medial ligament & medial meniscus in my right knee, displaced my right hip & exacerbated an old neck injury. After months of treatment with an Osteopath I was getting more & more odd symptoms. My Osteopath said he didn’t want to keep treating me as something else was going on & he recommended a Doctor to me. Anyway after many tests not covered by Medicare or my private health fund she diagnosed fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue & IBS. Treatment over the last ten years has been just bandaid as it isn’t making me better but becoming a lot worse.!I have now developed leaky gut & arthritis in my hands, knees & have some lower vertebral disc and nerve compression which is causing excruciating pain in lower back & sciatica in both legs front & back. I did have steroid injections in my back under act scan which helped the left leg, but the lower back & right sciatica are very much untouched by the steroid injections.
Hi Trish,
Lyme sufferers experience worsening in symptoms and do not respond well to treatment prior to explant because breast implants serve as interference to the immune system.
1. Breast implants elicit a foreign body reaction. The foreign body reaction is the host response to implanted biomaterials and involves a complex cascade of immune modulators. This includes the recruitment and release of a lot of inflammatory mediators, just as in lyme. This inflammatory reaction to the implants can prevent a person with lyme disease from getting better, because the immune system is also fighting the foreign objects.
2. Lyme is one of the many infections – along with candida, dormant viruses reactivating, H. pylori, etc. – that can thrive in us because breast implants cause immune deficits which allow opportunistic pathogens a favorable environment to grow compared to a healthy immune system where they would be regulated.
3. Overtime both saline and silicone breast implants release toxins. Saline implants are encased in silicone shells and release microscopic amounts of heavy metals and low molecular weight silicones (such as toxic D4). These add to the toxic overload in the body and can play a role in disrupting the liver, endocrine system, etc.
4. Biofilm (bacteria) is known to commonly form a protective slimy film that coats the surfaces of implanted biomaterials. Biofilm is another source of chronic infection and it is known to cause capsular contracture. You can not get rid of lyme while having biofilm from the implants in the body. Lyme can hide in biofilm and the biofilm is another source of disturbance that is distracting the immune system.
5. Many saline implants have faulty valves that allow body fluid/tissue in and allow colonization of fungal microorganisms around the valve and inside the implant. These microorganisms are toxic to us and known as biotoxins. The labels on the saline solution (pyrogen-free Sodium Chloride U.S.P. Solution for Injection) to fill the saline implants recommend storage at 25°C (77°F) and includes a discard date of about 18 months. With these implants the saline is stored in the body at 37°C (98.6°F) for many years. This makes the perfect breeding conditions for fungi and other microbes to grow.
6. Breast implants have been found to cause ALCL, with a majority of cases being with textured surface saline and silicone breast implants. Some researchers have theorized that biofilm contributes to lymphoma and others have thought the rough, textured surface and chemicals aggravate the immune system. Both theories rely on the presence of persistent inflammation, which means chronic activation of immune cells and particulary the T lymphocytes, which are the immune cells involved with ALCL. The rates of breast implant associated ALCL are as high as 1:1,000 to 1:10,000 in Australia and 1:30,000 in the U.S. More specifically, Allergan textured breast implants have an incidence rate of 1:4,000, from studies in the U.S. and Australia.
Altogether these various dynamics come together and create the perfect storm for toxic interference in the body – interfering with the immune system, the gut (70% of the immune system lies in the gut), the endocrine system, etc. Therefore part of the treatment is to get rid of all toxins competing for the group of immune cells so that the body can then focus on the lyme. The lyme can not be put in remission until the breast implants have been removed and the immune system has had a chance to heal. Treatment before explant will only act as a temporary bandaid until the implants (stressors) can be removed. Some treatments prior to explant can actually hurt you because your body is in a state of chronic inflammation from the breast implants and therefore likely has a slower metabolism and impaired detoxification. For example, treatments involving heat (sauna, jacuzzi, sun tanning) can actually worsen symptoms (prior to explant) by increasing circulation of toxins, which are difficult for the body to detoxify when there is inflammation and a toxic overload. Detoxification and other treatments are money better spent to do after explant, when the body is in a better state to handle them and to see improvement. That is when the other layers of chronic illness can finally be treated, such as infections, damage to the gut, heavy metals, etc. Reducing toxic interference in all forms is the basis for healing.
Dr. Feng is an expert explant surgeon who has explanted a good number of ladies with lyme and therefore has seen the progression of illness before and after, and she has recommended immediate explant for lyme ladies. There is a YouTube video clip by Dr. Feng titled, “Is There A Connection Between Lyme Disease and Breast Implant Illness?” you can watch and also you can find the transcript in the comments. One of her public figure patients, Yolanda Hadid, was not responding to years of lyme treatment until her ruptured breast implants and capsules were fully removed. That was in 2015 and now nearly two years later she has been doing incredibly better and has been responding to treatment – she went from living on bed rest and ER visits to being able to move to New York and start her life again.
Trish, I would recommend you do the reverse of your plan. And take the implants out first
When are the medical professionals (not sure they are) going to realize the torture we women are enduring? Is this a way for population control?
The better question is when are women going to stop doing this to themselves?
I guarantee if there was a penis augmentation surgery, there’d be a constant line out the door no matter the potential health consequences. So please, don’t even go there John.
I agree with you Lisa .
Unfortunately society caters to men’s desires. Puts pressure on woman to do these kinds of things
I wonder the same thing. I worked with a nurse that died from implants. I have a cousin that got implants five years ago. I pleaded with her not to get them. She had fibromyalgia and various other issues prior and may or may not have caused an increase in symptoms. She had them taken out earlier this year. She has certainly struggled. I’m not sure if she would have struggled anyway. Now she is sitting in jail after shooting her boyfriend last month. She will be going to prison if she isn’t able to prove this is related to implant illness. She may go anyway. I welcome any input.
I’m almost certain I have breast implant illness. I have had implants for over 40 years. I am 70 years old.
As I sit here at the breast clinic the Physician tells me that all breast implant illness has been disproven. My Hoshimotos, IBS, insomnia, muscle twitches , anxiety , brain fog well, it must all in my head . No Doctor in a hospital is going to give you the answers you are looking for , they are not paid to think or believe freely even when they know better, too much money to be made to try to make you believe it’s not the implant .
I am so glad I found this, it explains so much of what I’ve been dealing with. I had a bilateral mastectomy with implants done in 1978, had those changed every ten years. I have been feeling worse and worse cense 1987. All the Drs I’ve seen have one explanation after another. I can truethfully say that I have all except two of the symtems you’ve listed. I now have an explant surgery set for May first and hope to finally get to feeling better. I scheduled my removal to releave the pain of contracture, but now, I have even higher hopes.
Thank you
Kristi, I too have been having many issues. I have chronic loss of taste and smell for 20 years and have recently started acupuncture. Not sure what to do, no money to have them out.
Hi Elizabeth,
Any treatment before explant will only act as a temporary bandaid until the implants (stressors) can be removed. Some financial options:
1. Contact the Explant Financial Assistance Program.
2. If you have capsular contracture and health insurance, try to file a claim with your insurance to see if they will cover it.
Hi everyone! I’m so disappointed I wasnt aware of how common BII was. I wish I saw this site sooner! I am 25 and recently got the gummy bear implants. it’s been 6 months post op and my hair has been falling out like crazy! Has anyone else had this problem? I’m so early on in from the procedure I’m not sure if blood work will reveal much. I’m at a loss of what to do. I’m not sure if I can take so much time off work again so soon.
Kristi– do you mind me asking if you had a flap surgery after the explant? I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction of silicone gel implants and absolutely need to explant due to many symptoms listed here and now excruciating pain on the left that has mimicked a heart attack. I do NOT want to replace with saline…and am facing the only alternative: a flap procedure. I can’t even fathom a long complicated surgery and resulting recuperation…but it’s what has to be done. Thanks for your input…and I hope you’re feeling GREAT!!!
I feel like I have the flu every day of my life! I have lost my life for four years. My symptoms keep me in bed and they mirror lupus symptoms. My mental and physical symptoms are so extreme I feel like i am dying. Until recently I was losing hope I finally read about BII. Well after years of family and friends calling me lazy and get over it, I have answers. I can not wait to get these 500cc silicone bags out of my body. I admit, I signed all releases to have this surgery, however I was never told about Any physical or mental side effects. I am still bedridden almost every day, but now I have Hope!!!! Thank god!!!