Heavy Metals and Chemicals
Scroll below for a list of the heavy metals used in the manufacturing process for each of the current FDA approved breast implants: Allergan (saline & silicone), Mentor (saline & silicone), Ideal (saline), Sientra (silicone). These lists are derived directly from each manufacturer and specific implant’s FDA Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data (SSED), links are included. You can show the list of heavy metals for your specific implant to whomever is doing your analysis so each metal can be tested for. Scroll further for analyses of the chemicals in the PIP and Dow silicone breast implants.
Effects of Heavy Metal Exposure:
Heavy metals are neurotoxic. The brain and central nervous system are particularly vulnerable. Negative health effects include: they get deposited in fatty tissues and bones, displace minerals and disrupt metabolic functions, support the development of fungal, bacterial, and viral infections (particularly fungal), upset digestion, alter endocrine and gland activity, and damage organs such as the liver and kidneys.
Most importantly, heavy metals disrupt metabolic functions in two ways:
1. They compete for the same receptors as our vital minerals, therefore they displace and hinder their physiological roles (ex. lead, fluoride, and aluminum displace calcium – they get stored and weaken the bones).
2. They accumulate and disrupt functions in vital organs such as the brain, bone, liver, kidney, heart, etc.
Toxic metals can cause damage by interfering, blocking, replacing, depleting, and poisoning many aspects of the body. There are hundreds of metabolic processes in the body where enzymes use either minerals or essential metals as cofactors to do their job and what heavy metals do is that by having similar configurations (molecular mimicry) they displace the good metals and minerals, and in doing so the enzymes do not work. Therefore whatever metabolic process you are doing – whether energy production, sugar metabolism, getting rid of toxins, etc. – the heavy metals can interfere with it. Additionally they create many imbalances with our healthy metals, elements and minerals: low calcium, low magnesium, low lithium, low iodine, low zinc, high copper, and more.
1. Heavy Metals in Silicone Breast Implants
Allergan Natrelle Silicone: Allergan Natrelle 410 Anatomical Silicone:
Separately, are also listed the heavy metal catalysts as: Tin & Platinum
Sources – FDA SSED:
- Allergan Natrelle Silicone (pg. 6)
- Allergan Natrelle 410 Anatomical (pgs. 9-10)
Mentor MemoryGel Silicone: Mentor MemoryShape Silicone:
Sources – FDA SSED:
- Mentor MemoryGel Silicone (pg. 8)
- Mentor MemoryShape Silicone (pgs. 12-13)
Sientra Silicone:
Source – FDA SSED:
- Sientra Silicone (pgs. 6-7)
2. Heavy Metals in Saline Breast Implants
Allergan Natrelle Saline:
Source – FDA SSED:
- Allergan Natrelle Saline (pg. 6))
Source – FDA SSED:
- Mentor Saline (pg. 6-7)
Ideal Saline:
Source – FDA SSED:
- Ideal Saline (pg. 8)
– Other Breast Implant Chemicals –
PIP Implant Ingredient Analysis by Dr. Giangiacomo Beretta:
Organosilicic compounds
Cyclotetrasiloxane, hexamethyl Trisiloxane, octamethyl Cyclotetrasiloxane, octamethyl Silanol, trimethyl
Tetrasiloxane, decamethyl Cyclopentasiloxane, decamethyl Pentasiloxane, dodecamethyl Siloxane 1, Siloxane 2
Cyclotrisiloxane, hexamethyl Cyclohexasiloxane, dodecamethyl Cycloheptasiloxane, tetradecamethyl Heptasiloxane, hexadecamethyl Hexasiloxane, hexadecamethyl Heptasiloxane, hexadecamethyl
4-Methyl octane
3-Ethyl hexane
1-Nonadecene Ethylbenzene
2-Ethyl hexanol
Organic acid
Acetic acid
2-Methyl hexanoic acid
Pivalic acid
Butanoic acid
Crotonic acid
2-Ethyl Hexanoic Acid
“Conversely, the total amount of the major polycylodimethyl- siloxane species (D4–D7 series), released at T = 37 ◦ C by the PIP gel and elastomeric shells, was around 3x higher than that released by the approved implant, highlighting the higher potential of PIP silicone to release these species by simple passive diffusion mediated by their evaporation at physiological temperature.”
Analytical investigations on elastomeric shells of new Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) breast and from sixteen cases of surgical explantation (2014). Link.
PIP implant analyses from the gov.uk Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA):
- Research and Analyses (10 Docs)
- Toxicology Testing
- Analysis of Organic Extracts
- Results of the UK PIP Testing
- Chemical analysis: comparative analysis of silicone implant samples
- Analyses showed no significant differences between the PIP samples and the medical grade materials, except for significantly higher levels of extractable siloxanes and lower levels of platinum in the PIP implants.
- Chemical analysis summary
PIP Implant Ingredient Analysis by the UK MHRA:
1,3-dimethylbenzene (o/m/p-xylene)
2-methoxybenzoic acid methyl ester
2,3 -heptanone
Ethyl 2-methyl butyrate
Various siloxanes
Titanium, Nickel, Copper, Cobalt, Barium, Gallium, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron
Platinum, Aluminum, Lead, Caesium, Selenium,
Silicone Breast Implant Ingredients (Dow):
- Methyl Ethyl Ketone (neurotoxin)
- Cyclohexanone (neurotoxin)
- Isopropyl Alcohol
- Denatured Alcohol
- Acetone (neurotoxin)
- Urethane
- Polyvinyl Chloride (neurotoxin)
- Amine
- Toluene (neurotoxin/carcinogen)
- Dichloromethane (carcinogen)
- Chloromethane
- Ethyl Acetate (neurotoxin)
- Silicone
- Sodium Fluoride
- Lead-based solder
- Formaldehyde
- Talcum Powder
- Oakite (cleaning solvent)
- Methyl 2-cyanoacryltes
- Ethylene Oxide (carcinogen)
- Xylene (neurotoxin)
- Hexon
- 2-Hexanone
- Thixon-OSN-2
- Stearic Acid
- Zinc Oxide
- Naptha (rubber solvent)
- Phenol (neurotoxin)
- Benzene (carcinogen/neurotoxin)
- Lacquer Thinner
- Epoxy Resin
- Epoxy Hardener 10 and 11
- Printing Ink
- Metal Cleaning Acid
- Color Pigments as release agents
- Heavy metals such as aluminum, tin, lead, and platinum
- Silica
Click here for detailed information on each chemical.
J’ai envoyé un courriel à FDA, pour savoir si il y avait des métaux lourds dans les implants et quel sorte de métaux lourds. Pas moyen de leur faire dire quoique ce soit. Ils m’ont envoyé des liens de certains site pour que je fasse moi meme les recherches. Il y avait rien dans ca. J’ai reformule ma demande, mais encore rien a trouver. Finalement je leurs ait demandé simplement: Je veux juste savoir si il y a des métaux lourds dans les implants mammaires et lesquels svp. Pas de réponse. Encore une quatrième fois demande. On ne m’a jamais répondu. Ils savent mais ne font rien. Hier dans un reportage de ” enquête ” ils ont découvert des produits chimique dangereux causant le cancer, dans les cosmetiques par exemple chez sephora, les produits marcelle etc…. les femmes sont exploiter, abuser , ça c’est presque du feminicide.
Triste, desolant ….il faut que nous parlions haut et fort. !!!!,
I’ve written and shared my story about my ruptured McGhann silicone implants, from 1994 ish til now. I still have them in me. And I feel I must be in my last phase before I die from the many phases of poisoning from the ruptured silicone implants. A complete pre meditated ongoing lie that was told to me when I 1st consulted with a doctor about breast enlargement. My heart and mind knows with certainty that has I’d been told of the possibility of rupture could happen I would have never subjected myself with the horrible pain and destruction of my life. So what I’m asking is what do you think is the last symptoms I will have before I’m passed on. Doctors that I’ve gone to don’t even acknowledge that my implants have anything to do with my health problems. I’ve run out of years to give. Wasted. I have silicone coming through my eyes, skin, and have lumps across my forehead. And when I breathe my lungs sound like a crying kitten. The compression on my spine from the silicone that has adhered to my lumbar part of my spine has be so twisted this. But they keep putting it down on my medical papers. All of my life I was 5’7″.I can hardly stand up anymore. The pain and exhaustion are too much to stand. I’ve lost 6 inches of height in 7 years. Doctors say I have scoliosis. I was not born like this. Anyway I just wondered what I should expect in my time left. Thank you from my heart. God Bless all of you beautiful Innocent Angels.
You didn’t come this far to let the implants take you out! Fight for your life. I have had them, too, since July of 2001. I have health issues: Chemical Sensitivities, forgetfulness, fatigue, and aching joints; my hair comes out by the handful. I have dark circles under my eyes, so I wear makeup so no one knows I don’t feel good. I have an adult son with special needs. Every day that I get up (not easily), I look at him and try to keep going until I can afford to get them removed. I am sending you hugs and what you to know that 1) You are not crazy, and 2) To try your best to get to the finish line.
I got my first saline implants in 1994. Ruptured immediately. it was a McGhann implant. The doctor refilled the one ruptured. It did it again. No one ever mentioned that they could rupture. So I got an attorney and I was granted an explant and re-implant from the best doctor in Las Vegas. He was my hero (so I thought). When he wheeled me out of surgery, I asked him for the ruptured ones for my lawsuit. He asked me what brand did I have. I told him and he said “I work with McGhann Corp. and I just put McGhann back in you. But this time I used Silicone, and I Doubled the size !” I was shocked. He never even discussed this before putting silicone in me. I would have never said yes. So soon after the surgery,that burning,stinging,pain started again from another rupture. My “hero” told me I was imagining it. He said I was having hormonal changes. This was in 1998. My marriage ended. My health began it’s collapse.And my Pain And Worry have taken over my life since. I couldn’t afford to have them explanted. I still have them. I read other women’s stories. And one story she said that she took Prednisone everyday. To help her to be able to have strength to get up out of bed. So I’ve self medicated with them for 20 years. along my journey of dealing with the worst physical misery any woman could ever have. At one point my legs from the knee down started really swelling and hurting. I realized it was the silicone trying to find a way out of my body. But it can’t dispurse thru my skin. My legs were beet red,hot,swollen and began “wrapping”. That’s the last step before gangrene. And having to have them cut off. All I could think about was all of this mess I was in. Suddenly I had a reoccurring thought of how I needed to keep the silicone from hardening and cutting off circulation. To keep it softening and able to move around was with ultraviolet light. (cause laying in the sun made me real sick) I had always before loved to lay in sun ,swim, normal summer things. I couldn’t do anymore. So I decided to try tanning beds. My swollen ,”weeping” legs had turned black from the knee down already. I had nothing to lose. So I started tanning at tanning salon. I started noticing less pain less wetness, the waxy surface of my skin was going away. The blackness didn’t completely go away but the tanning helped blending it so I could wear socks with my shorts in summer. It’s not a cure by any means but so many years of having all the heavy metals and” silicone toxic cocktail”,invading every organ in my body. I have been at least able to still be alive. Cause if the silicone hardens it will kill you. Last year I had to stop the tanning beds. Couldn’t afford it. And for a year had to do what I could just to survive. Within that year I suddenly developed a severe compression on my spine, the MRI showed my spine curved massively, diagnosis “Severe levescoliosis of the lumbar” and My blood count was so low drs.told me to go to E.R. room for blood transfusions. I was 2 whole bags low. I could hardly stand up,hunched over,and out of breath. I read that Polyvinyl, 1 of the chemicals in silicone implants depleats the red blood cell platelets. Among many other terrible things. And the other chemicals created lymphocytes that hardened and settled on my spine. Compressing it so bad I can hardly stand up. My legs had turned back black and my toes got all crooked. After the transfusion it all came back to mind. I hadn’t gone to the tanning bed in over a year. So as before it had hardened and all I know to do now is keep it soft by ultraviolet lights from tanning bed. My toes have straightened back almost to normal the blackness of my legs have almost gone away. But I do know it can only move into another area. Like my lungs, my brain, any place with a fold or space to rest. I’ve got no money to get them out. Still primary care doctors don’t even recognize any correlation of illnesses with silicone poisoning. I’ve contacted Allergan implants co. About their ad on Google about getting money for anyone who are victims of McGhann implants. They talked around in circles and told me a bunch of crap.So now I’m 66 years old. And still have no answers from primary care doctors about where my blood went to that I had to get blood from E.R. I gave them all the info on silicone ruptured and illnesses. And they had me get MRI showing my rupture. But they look at me like I’m crazy when I mentioned the “heavy metals” that are causing my illnesses. So now somehow Medicare and Medicaid have denied my health ins.coverage. I guess it does no good to try to talk to doctor’s about anything that’s not on their list on their clipboard of everyday illness. I’ve read everything about implant ruptures. I’m not a genius by the books. But I’m an expert on self diagnosis and common sense. I wish someone, doctor that put my implants in would’ve told me there were risks of rupture. I swear I Would Have Never had it done. Thanks for listening . I’m the oldest and longest rupture victim in the world. And they’re still in me. !! Don’t do it. And why are doctors still allowed to do this to us . Greed!! And no respect for women’s life. Sad but True.🌹🙏✌️
I’m glad I came across this site. I was going to go into debt to get implants put in. I am less than an A cup and my whole life I have felt so flat. I was looking forward to having larger breasts for my confidence. Oh well! I guess I’m destined to always have itty bittys, but better that than potentially getting my body toxic.
ONE method of detoxing heavy metals and chemical toxins is with the CHIREN™ device, biophoton light therapy.. The remedies neutralize the charge of theses toxins. The resonance to the body is not there and can leave the system. The remedies are “inverted frequencies on waves of light” .. its all energy.
Such heavy metals like copper, platinum, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Lead, Selenium, silver, tin.. these all can be neutralized to the body through biophoton light remedies.. SO non-invasive.. ALSO it brings light into the scar tissues which so many women have issues with.. Feeling comes back to some where the scars are.
Any info on Silimed Saline implants? Mine were placed in 2003 during a trial period.
I have silimed implants I have critical hyperthyroidism and metal in my brain as seen in my MRI
Thankfully, sites like this exist. Does anyone know the “real”reason or cause for our burning and sensitive?; breast and throughout body. I struggled with this before explant and now after this continues he could get impossible to find comfortable clothing and get back to life. This is as bad as joint and nerve pain ( actually worse …! )
I struggle with the same kind of burning before and after explant.. Have you figured anything out about this yet? Doctors have ran all kinds of test and nothing as of yet
Question——-Taking supplements to lose weight targeting BPAs and EDCs to break down plastics in the body, how could they interfere with silicone breast implants?
Supplements PROVEN, LEPTO CONNECT, LEPTOTOX, BIOTOX GOLD? Ingredients google-able .
Are there any nontoxic implants around? This scares me as I really wanted implants
Don’t do it! I have saline & I have been sick for 6 years. I’m finally getting them out in sept!
Please Layla Hamilton I also beg you NOT TO DO IT!!! It has completely ruined my life and thousands of other women. If you go to a surgeon, they’ll tell you something completely different and assure you that they’re safe. PLEASE listen to others who have suffered before you and offer warnings that will save your life!
Recently had a mycotoxin urine test at Great Plains lab in U.S.
Cintrinin came back almost 1,500. Could there be a connection? Had Dow implants. Upon removal, I was informed that one was ruptured.
Thank you
Hi Eve,
Dr. Andrew Campbell is a Texas mold expert who previously testified in silicone breast implant cases. See here and here for him talking about mycotoxins and breast implant illness.
Happened to run across a connection btw implants & chronic health issues in a podcast. Thank you for this site and the research! Explains so much. The info helps women get their lives back.
Implanted 1985. explant: 1998.
Chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint and now bone pain, intense all over pain that flares up, allergies, mold sensitivity, etc.
Have Chronic Lyme that has not improved. Just tested for mycotoxins. Some were high. Curious about the connection.
My mother also had silicone implants. I am wondering if her health issues were connected.
Hi Eve,
Watch Dr. Lu-Jean Feng, “Is There A Connection Between Lyme Disease and Breast Implant Illness?” You can also scroll down the comments for the transcript.
Hello from England!
I have had PIP, Allergan and was then diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and had a double mastectomy, hysterectomy and ovaries removed at 43. I then had Mentor implants as part of my reconstruction 5 years ago and have been sick ever since, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia to name just a few. I explanted in July and had a diep abdominal fat graft reconstruction.
Your site is the most comprehensive and thorough I have found, thank you for all the work that has gone into this.
I’m awaiting results for the mthfr gene as I am now very sick and believe it is related to detox issue, mould, fungi and heavy metal. My question is what are your thoughts on Ozone auto blood transfusions for BII women? I’m seeing a doctor this week to discuss this but I doubt he has treated many BII women and I am anxious not to make things worse. I’ve stopped all supplements and detox and instead am taking zeolite clay and charcoal three times a day and mould free green coffee enemas.
Many thanks
Just wandering how you are doing and did you do a lift fat transfer ? Thank you . I have a rupture trying to
Figure out what to
Would love info on Eurosilicone! Thank you!
get in touch with me i had eurosillicone, in cape town done,…
I have eurosilicon implants done 2007 a month ago found lumps armpit to . Now giant t cell lymphadenopathy and 4 growths in armpit lymphnodes also silicon in lymphnodes. Surgery was done in new zealabd but i luve australia now. April 16 seeing specialist clinic for further tests and facing definately a explantation
I have eurosilicon implants done 2007 a month ago found lumps armpit to . Now giant t cell lymphadenopathy and 4 growths in armpit lymphnodes also silicon in lymphnodes. Surgery was done in new zealabd but i luve australia now. April 16 seeing specialist clinic for further tests and facing definately a explantation
Would love info on McGhan textured saline from 1992-1997. I have toxic level of Thalium and other heavy metals. Explanted 4 months ago….
Anything know already about the contents of McGhan silicone-filled breast implants? Would be much appreciated!
Mcghann is now allegan and the fda announced worldwide recall of textured bio cell saline implants on 7 24 2019. Good luck and bright blessings.
Wondering if any implants have carba mix in them or the shell? I’ve had contact dermatitis for almost as long as I’ve had implants, and I’m allergic to that chemical. It’s found in almost all rubbers.
Hi, did you ever figure out the answer to this? I’m in the same boat. I’ve had dermatitis on my hands and occasionally on my face, and I’m allergic to nickel and carbamix. Never had an issue before implants, but it’s been chronic since I had them done 13 years ago.
Hello Renee, you found the cause? Did you expant them? please lmk, I’m about to do it, next month, Got my surgery back in February this year, I think I have all the symptoms of BII
My first set was silicone, my second saline smooth.
Should I do embloc or total capsulectomy ?
Do you have an ingredient list for McGhan smooth saline?
I also want ingredient list for mcghan implants!
McGhann s ingredients are the same 37 deadly toxic cocktail that Dow implants have in them. “Toxic Cocktail” is the name that was used on the Silicone Survivor’s website. Also that’s where I read about a woman with a rupture that swore that Prednisone taken daily strengthens your internal organs ,etc. and will give you the strength to get out of bed. And think straight. Also read that 45%of women with silicone ruptured, die from lung cancer;,50% die from brain cancer; and 5%die from suicide. That’s what greed in The coillition of doctors that never told any of us upfront that this was what we had to look forward to. Just think about how all of the babies born with this toxic mess in mother’s milk. And the sicknesses and other terrible deformities that happen. And they still don’t want to talk about it. I’m sorry to sound so harsh but it’s 100%true everything I’ve said. I have read and studied about my rupture for my whole adult life. No one that I told about what was happening to me, ever believed me. Like I was making it up. 🌹✌️🙏
Just got this information. I am not financially ready for explant yet but I can at least detox while preparing. So glad to have answers to this 5 year hell
Hopefully this will help women who have gotten implants
got silicone/saline implants for my 19th anniversary in 1984. I started to became ill after 6 months. I do not remember which came first, but my breast started to get hard and I started getting a migraine headache unless iI took a 30 to 45 nap. I was lucky because I worked along with my secretary in my office at the house. I am not going to bore you with the pain and fatigue it was there. After explanation I really got very ill and I got angry. I had no life except bed and pain. I thought my life was finished.
I went to a specialist and he was not cheap. He gave me a diet to follow which was only chicken and fish, no preservatives, no soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, yellow cheese, sugar , cook my own food like a grandmother cooks and a really good multivitamin.. This helped somewhat and the pain eased. When my husband took me out after months and I had a beautiful beef fillet, I could not walk away from the table. I needed a wheel chair. I crawled up the stairs that night.
This is around 1998.
I remembered a name of a doctor that one of the ladies had mentioned. She had said she went to him so she could keep her implants. I made an appointment and he would not do anything until I did a hair test. I had heavy metals, lots of heavy metals. IV therapy of EDTA and vitamin C was the most amazing thing that I had ever done. The EDTA latches onto the heavy metals (it does not remove mercury)and removes them. You need to drink lots of water to help the body and the EDTA to detox. It only took about 3 IV’s to notice a difference. After about 10 I no longer was exhausted and it was so wonderful because I actually got my life back. I did lose that business but I went on into another field.
I sincerely hope this helps you.
The doctors and experts kept saying silicone will not hurt you. I finally agree, it is not the silicone that hurts you, it is the heavy metals that hurt you. Heavy metals do not belong in the human body.
Look at chelation with EDTA..DO A HAIR TEST for HEAVY METALS. to see what you have and how much you have. You will need about a tablespoon of new hair growth that has not been colored. It needs to be taken close to the skin. . You must do a slow drip… it takes about 4 hours. Do not do it fast. When you start, you might want to do 1/2 a drip if your hair test shows a high level.
I hope this helps.
Thank you for sharing your story and the helpful info.
Thank you so much. That is a lot of good information. I’ve been Doing magnet therapy ( bioenergetics) .. today my therapist told me there was something going on in my breast area releasing a lot of heavy metals… We created a new pathway for my body to excrete the toxins and I literally feel amazing. It has been a process figuring out why the depression, brain fog, exhaustion etc. All of the symptoms of breast implant illness. And I can’t speak to the whole answer but so far the bio energetics with the magnets seems to be dealing with this issue for me. I have had to do a lot of grounding and earthing But finally today we were ready to move on to my emotional issues and when she was muscle testing The toxins/heavy metals from my implants showed itself. I encourage folks to take a look at this modality of healing. It is seeming that I am not going to have to get them taken out but we rerouted the toxins and gave them an out I guess you could say. I’m still learning about this however when my therapy is complete I am going to get certified because this is changing my life. Thank you all and God bless you all
Could you tell me more info on magnet therepy
I have never asked this question about magnet therepy that Angelina is talking about. Could you tell me more info on magnet therepy
Thank you for so much information!! Explanting in 3 days and anxious!
Just explanted today. 40 year old ruptured Dow Corning. Will definitely be doing a test for heavy metals, and probable chelation treatment. I’ll even research Hyperbaric Treatment
Congratulations on your explant!!
Hi Teri, i have 42 year old Dow silicone implants abd am suffering horrible diarrhea for 2 years. Been treated with everthing to no avail. Have loss of hair chronic fatigue and am constantly dehydrated. Am going to have implants removed. Did your explant help your health problems? Hope so. Please let me hear from you regarding your improvement.
Identallergy.com can do a hair sample for you. There are a few test to choose from . I did the intolerance digestive heavy metals and fungus..you can get this on groupon for cheaper than the website. This is really the only test that has proved to me what is going on in my body because of my implants. It came back showing I had 3 types of fungus- many food intolerances..low vitamin levels… issues with many many heavy metals… I highly suggest this to everyone if your looking for deeper answers since it’s hard to get these from regular labs and Drs. I’m now talking with the Dr I’m going to explant with…
Hi Tamba, based on your statement I order the Identallergy kit. I did the 750 food, environmental, metals, everyday chemicals, stress and hormone factors. I hope it will prove enough to my doctors. I’ve been to 5 since Jan. And each besides my o.b. thinks I’m fine I’m just “stressing” . I’ve had multiple tests done basic blood stuff and everything comes back fine, but doesn’t explain all my symptoms. I know its because of my gummybear textured implants that my surgeon said to my husband and I ” I hope you didn’t read anything on the internet because these are very safe ..5/2016″…now if only I could find a way for my insurance or something to pay to get them out! Thank you for posting. Fingers crossed!
Have you gotten your results yet???
Yes. I am medium levels to everything listed on this sight! There are one 2 metals I was tested for that are not listed.
Yes! My results showed I am at medium level for all heavy metals listed in my breast implants, With additional metals listed.
Hi Angela, what were the additional heavy metals?
I had my implants (Mentor Smooth saline) put in in 2008. I have had almost all of the BII symptoms throughout the past 10 years but Recently I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I had the silicone 19 panel done a couple weeks ago and found out I have a severe hypersensitivity to Benzene… is there any website or place I can go to find out if benzene is a substance in my implants. Thank you
Same implant, same story! My RA is killing me! I’m going on 11 years with them. I know this sounds horrible, but I almost want lymphoma just so the insurance believes and pays for explant. I’m ready to do it myself. I’m miserable
Hi, I had Inamed saline implants put in under muscle 12 years. I have felt sick for about 5 -6 years. Fatigued, muscle and joint aches, eyes dry, etc. I have Blue /Cross Blue Sheild 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 Insurance. I don’t have money like I did years ago. I just don’t have the funds to get them out. Do you have any suggestions . I am 57 yrs. old. I have a daughter who is only 15. I am so afraid I will have to live the rest of my life feeling like this. I need strength to be in my daughter’s life. My sister helps a lot with her. I’m just so depressed that I might live like this until I die. Please help me.
I had my Inamed saline breast implants put in. I too have muscle ache and joint pain. Also high anxiety. I’m sorry for your pain. I was told that my insurance would help pay to get them removed but it’s been a long time and coverage has changed. All of these companies should have to pay for all of our breast implant removala and our detox as far as I’m concerned!
Had my saline implants removed two years ago because they gave me health problems. Recently I have had 2 mri and each time I have a bad allergic reaction the next day and have to go on steroids. Can the mri machine be pulling the metals to the surface. First was with contrast and second was without contrast. Doctors are puzzled. The reaction makes my skin feel like leather and I feel this horrible burning pain. Thanks
Hi Sunny,
MRI contrast agents, such as gadolinium, can cause various adverse effects that vary in severity. Gadolinium is a toxic heavy metal that is retained in the body. Check out:
1. Symptoms of Gadolinium Toxicity (burning pains, thickening or hardening of the skin, and more)
2. Survey of Chronic Effects of Retained Gadolinium from Contrast MRIS (jump to page 4)
3. Treatment Possibilities for Gadolinium Toxicity
4. MRI Gadolinium Toxicity Illnesses FB Support Group
There are a wave of gadolinium toxicity lawsuits now too, including Chuck Norris’s wife who allegedly felt she was poisoned by it. See here and here for more information.
It’s the contrast! There’s a black box warning from FDA on that dye…please research this
Can I have a porcelain crown placed in mouth after removal of toxic breast implants. That seems to be my only choice. Also Dr. Did total capsulectomy but said could not remove all of scar tissue due to hurting the ribs and lungs
Mais c’est horrible ma chère Cathie. Difficile à croire que les médecins ignore une tel évidence. Peut on leur faire confiance ces “*##” c’est abominable. Svp y a t’il un médecin qui a le plus petit fil de compassion! Faites quelque chose.
I had mentor breast implants put in Sept 2016. Rt breast bruised badly and I went back to the dr office several times and the nurse said I was a worry wart and everything was fine. I developed capsular contractor very early but they didn’t agree tht I had until my 6 month check up. They were placed over the muscle. Also I have not felt myself since the surgery and have gotten weaker, lost libido, dry eyes, mouth and vagina, tingling in my hands & feet, sore joints, hair thinning, splitting fingernails, difficulty sleeping, poor concentration & depression.
Recently had blood work done and it showed nothing so my dr suggested having the gene DNA test done. It came back tht I am homozygous for the T allele of the C677T polymorphism in the MTHFR gene with reduced folic acid metabolism, significantly decreased serum folate levels and significantly increased homocysteine levels.
It was recommended tht I take Deplin.
I starting questioning what had changed in the last year and started looking up possible heavy metals in Breast implants. I feel tht the implants have cause this onset of unwellness?
Do you have suggestions on what I should do next?
Thank you,
Very interesting about DNA test. I have taken a hair sample test from ident allergy. Com. I have has lots of problems so I did the intolerance test with digestion for fungus etc. It all came back that verifys everything going on with my implants
I have just explanted Mentor Saline implants and investigating my heavy metal toxins. I have a gene mutation that suggests a problem with benzene but I am not seeing benzene on the toxin list. Is there another name for benzene or am I just missing it? I also have high iron levels in my blood test, can this be attributed to the implants (I had them for 15 years).
I saw benzene on the list above.
Do Mentor Memory Gel Silicone implants have Lithium???Can Lithium be a by-product or is it used in the manufacturing process? My lithium levels were off the charts (hair analysis).
Hi Rachel,
The FDA SSED for Mentor Memory Gel Silicone breast implants does not list lithium.
However – Dr. Pierre Blais, chemist and biocompatibility expert who has been analyzing breast implants for 30+ years, says the breast implant manufacturers often change their ingredients. They will substitute one ingredient or heavy metal for another. He says that this can be based on supply, preference, adjusting the consistency of the product as they are making it, etc.
Have you checked your water? High lithium can be from your water source.
Such helpful information. Had breast augmentation (ideal) feb,2017 and having complications. 10 days post op started fever, body chills, nausea, high blood pressure, and headaches. I have now had these symptoms for 18wks. I have had every test done in the book besides testing for heavy metals. Everything has come back normal. No inf. Removal is scheduled for July 2017.
How are you feeling now? I’m scheduled for explant Nov. 15, 2017. I just had blood drawn today for a heavy metals test. I will know in 2-5 days. I would love to hear more about your recovery. I hope you are doing well. ❣️
Blood is not a good test for metals unless you are recently acutely poisoned. Metals live in tissue. You are better off with a Hair Follicle test or a 24 hr Urine heavy metals & Essential Elements test from Doctors Data Labs. The Elements part of the test is important because deranged minerals are typical with metal poisoning. You can get these tests w/o a doctor. Go to http://www.directlabs.com. Taking some oral DMSA or DMPS prior to the urine test will move the metals so you can see them. I had 11 heavy metals and still working on the mercury but many others have come out.
What treatment did you receive? Can you share?
following this!
Please be very careful with provoked DMPS urine test, a lot of people have major inside effects and negative effect on their health as DMPS often chelates more toxic metals than a body can detox and they could be re-depositef in the vital organs….check out the http://www.dmpsbackfire.com for stories from the people who had bad reaction. A more gentle chelation protocol is described by A. Cutler and great book to read is “Mercury Poisoning” by David Hammond that focuses on mercury specifically (since it’s most toxic to the body) but covers other heavy metals. The hair test is a great starting point, directlabs.com provide reliablr hair testing for heavy metals that you can order yourself without a physician. Andrew Cutler book on how to interpret hair test result would help you to understand how to interpret it.
Will hair dye affect results of hair follicle testing?
can anyone please share which heavy metals detox protocol you used?
I took the Doctor’s Data heavy metals test unprovoked and it came back slightly elevated for Barium, Thallium and Cesium.
I then took it again with 500 mg DMPS and 1,000 mg DMSA oral chelators. The results came back high in lead, antimony and thallium (mid yellow range) and OFF THE CHARTS IN MERCURY (140 when it should be <1.3)
my doctor is suggesting a low oral dose of DMSA and DMPS in a few weeks after i stabilize. i have felt considerably worse since the test. i feel like the DMPS and DMSA caused a lot of heavy metals to recirculate in my system (my dr doesn’t think it would still be bothering me 3 weeks after the test) bc i have more burning, prickling sensations, numbness, nausea, some shortness of breath and fatigue. basically all of my symptoms from pre explant (5 months ago) have worsened again.
i’m more willing to try the chelators DMSA and ALA over DMPS (i’ve read a number of articles that scare me).
i had been starting to see improvements with most symptoms especially the fatigue and now it’s all come rushing back and I’m really struggling. Any advice is welcome!
thank you!
Hey ladies, through my intensive rabbit holes of researching I have found that many times when your test results come back as normal it is because the spectrum that they consider in the normal range is way too wide. I would recommend seeing a Functional or an Integrative medicine doctor. Their spectrum of scale is much narrower and they get down to the nitty-gritty. These types of doctors search for the root cause of your ailments, diseases, and conditions. Since we already know that our root cause is the TOXIC titties it will be a lot easier and more cost-effective because they will know more about what specific test you should take and try and heal your body in a healthier fashion first and absolute last resort would be more along the lines of the”regular doctor” style of trying to fix you alongside with their advice
Hi what a fantastic reference .. wow extensive .. is there anyway to add the pre-moritorium silicone implant metals after Dow .. Thank you so much and thank you for proving such great data .. Lots of love xx <3
Hi Zuzanna,
The heavy metals for PIP have just been added. I’m not sure if the pre-moratorium silicone implant metals were ever revealed outside the sealed court findings. One could attempt a FOI request. We will see what we can find, but also please let us know if you come by them.
Je viens de découvrir que les implants ont des métaux lourds.!! Je suis horrifié de cette info!! Il faut que santé Canada interdise ces implants tous poison ! Envoyez des lettres , chialez, ne lachez pas!!tout à fait normal que nous soyons si malade!! Voilà la raison!! Mesdames faite vous entendre, que plus personne ne mette ces choses dans leur corps! Honte à santé Canada, qui devrait être appeler maladecanada. .
good info..